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Alex from GA

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Everything posted by Alex from GA

  1. I have a friend in Gainesville that does that. If you want his number give me a PM.
  2. Just think of all the people that didn't get the opportunity to get their string stretched, you did good. The fishing my way is a lot tougher than it's been but I have been going out some and even catching a fish. This is what happens when you leave a salt impregnated worm on a hook for a while, lost a good one today.
  3. I've been using a 200 for about a year and it's been OK. The drag on mine doesn't start as smooth as I'd like.
  4. Bend the barb not all the way down to the shank of the hook, leave enough barb to hold the worm.
  5. I have a bunch of Shimano 5:1 reels that were high speed when I bought them. If I didn't know better now they work for almost everything I throw except frogs.
  6. The problem was we had a truck 5 miles downstream. I was in a borrowed Coosa which was a ***** to paddle.
  7. The wind is not my friend. Once I spent 3 days fishing a river in FL going downstream and the wind blew me back upstream all 3 days. This was in a kayak.
  8. I use a 5'6" spinning rod with 6 lb mono on my kayak in small rivers. One thing I do is pinch my barb 1/2 or more down and sharpen my hook. I also skin hook the worm to make sure it comes out of the worm easily. I use a 1/0 worm hook with a finesse worm. If using a trick worm I use a 2/0 hook. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Good luck/skill.
  9. When I lived in S CA and had a saltwater boat the cost was many times more than now. I'm in GA and have use of 1/2 of my neighbor's dock so towing isn't a cost unless I'm not in FL where I have to tow. 5 gallons of gas a week plus oil is about what I use. For river fishing in a kayak I go all over GA and spend a lot more on gas but it's worth it. In FL I we live within 35 minutes of 5 lakes, 2 rivers and the gulf so, even with fishing 4 times a week it's not bad. I spend more $ in gas going to Drs appointments than fishing; you'll see.
  10. Fishing a point and they row between you and the point. Happened several times to me.
  11. Never fished from a canoe but fish from a kayak, in rivers, always downstream. Otherwise I have a small, 16', tin bassboat that I use all the time. With a bow trolling motor it can be placed anywhere and kept there. Fairly shallow draft to get to places a larger boat can't, can stand up, has comfortable seats, room for tackle and rods and is easy to tow. What ever you choose, a lithium battery will make it better.
  12. 30 miles out in the ocean and lose your prop. Had another with hardware to install it.
  13. You're much more versatile than most of the fishermen I fish with including me.
  14. It's a panga style boat they use in Baja. I have a couple of friends in central FL that have them and they like them. It takes very little HP to push them.
  15. Lake Rousseau isn't too far from Panasoffkee and there are some big fish there also. I winter between the 2 lakes and fish them both several times during the winter.
  16. I've caught many 4+ lb bass plus a 24lb 12oz striper with the same setup. If you're fishing in heavy vegetation/weeds that's a different story.
  17. Thanks for the inspiring story.
  18. With your thumb try and line up the guides, the frame just might be bent.
  19. Friend of mine has an Avid 20XB with a 200 that he really likes.
  20. Another upland species.
  21. I'm also a fan of you. Anyone that can drag/carry a canoe through a swamp in the dark to catch a lousy fish is my hero.
  22. I've kayaked many miles and gone statewide searching for different bass. The Bartram, to me, is the prettiest. I did the Bass Slam from the first year and every year since except for covid. Didn't catch all 10 some of those years but if you catch 5 you have a slam.
  23. I've caught all the GA species and FL species, Florida Bass and Suwanees. Having never fished in AL I haven't caught those or TX or AR.
  24. Alabama, No I didn't go with him. BTW he's the best and the most knowledgeable fisherman I've ever fished with, fresh or salt. Pat, Personally an Alabama bass is the hardest fighting of the bass I've caught and it's several. If I'm fishing I'm always having a good time.
  25. A friend took me to catch a couple of species of black bass for the GA Bass Slam yesterday. I can't kayak so he took me to walk-in spots that weren't too far a walk. The big one is a Shoal Bass and the little one is a Chattahoochee Bass.
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