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Alex from GA

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Everything posted by Alex from GA

  1. I fish private docks everyday and avoid the ones where people are weather they're fishing or not.
  2. When I go to "bassresource.com" a big red F comes up and there's no menu on the top left to get to the forum. To get there I have to go way down the page and click on an article then the menu appears. I rebooted my computer to no avail. Am I alone?
  3. Your adventures always entertain me; keep them coming.
  4. I was there then and fished Castaic and Casitas every couple of months but not for the huge fish that Tom was after. Mostly fished the salt water. I would read the reports, in Western Outdoor News, of the catches and reports that they were using live trout to catch the giants which was illegal. Caught my PB in Castaic around '81 which was 6 lb even which I broke a couple of years ago with a 7+ in GA.
  5. I have several of those and the later high speed, 5:1, ones also. The one you have might not have ball bearing on the spool and it has a very slow, 4.7:1 gear ratio. I've caught thousands of bass with mine.
  6. Thank you. I don't have to drag my canoe or kayak through a jungle just to get to the fishing like you. YOU'RE MY HERO.
  7. A friend told me to always ask "how deep are they". He also taught me how to doodle and said he also taught Iovino.
  8. I'm fishing in the evening now that it's cooler in the mornings and not catching nearly as many as the morning bite. My shoulder won't let me cast much so I'm worm fishing mostly. Lots of bait but it's hard to find any fish in it. Thursday the dock pole bite was the ticket and here's the largest.
  9. Rainshadow Immortal IMMWS68MXF-TC, cork split grip, CRB palm swell reel seat, Mudhole SSR guides. Use with 2000 reel with 12 or 15 lb braid and 8 lb FC leader. Use for finesse worms and 1/16 or 1/8 oz TR.
  10. That Guadalupe Bass is a good looking fish.
  11. I fish a lot like you, rivers and creeks and have built several blanks that interested me and I settled on a Rainshadow Immortal walleye XF blank either 6'2" or the 6'8" medium. IMMWS68MXF-TC or IMMWS62MXF. I have minima or SSR guides and a comfort hump handle on both. Either 6 lb mono or 15 lb braid and a leader. I use a 1/16 or 1/8th oz bullet sinker and a Zoom finesse worm.
  12. I quit wearing one when I got a cell phone then my daughter bought me an Apple Watch that I wear maybe once a week. When I'm fishing there are clocks on each locator.
  13. Chome and blue.
  14. My buddy and I use to fish several times a week but since I've been going to FL in the winter he found another partner and I fish alone 90% of the time in the lake. In rivers I haven't fished alone in years because if I get in trouble I don't have the physical ability to get myself out of it. No big deal to take pictures; I prop the phone on the dash and shoot away when I'm by myself and I don't have to share the good fishing spots.
  15. I think we've both been blessed with our love of the outdoors and adventure. In addition to my fishing addiction I/we spent many many days riding and racing dirtbikes in the deserts and mountains of the western US.
  16. I had to do that in a float tube many years ago on a lake in the High Sierras in CA. It was a long walk back to my car.
  17. When I fished with a Mitchell 308 with 4lb Stren I back reeled for bonita. 2024 reels have a much smoother drag. Nice smallmouth.
  18. I think MN Fisher wins but mine's prettier.
  19. I've hired a guide a couple of times, once in Savannah to catch a redfish and the other in Mexico for bonefish. The Mexican guides were really helpful in seeing fish and telling me where to cast my fly. I brought my own outfits. The Savannah guide provided a casting reel with 65 lb braid for a 2 lb redfish. When I caught a small shark he told me not to touch it when I grabbed it and removed the hook. Like Swamp Girl I'll put the boat in the best position for my guest to catch a fish and recommend exactly where to cast.
  20. You might ask Shoalbandit. He's very knowledgeable about those rivers.
  21. Is there a prize for the smallest bass? In trying for my GA Bass Slam I was Redeye Bass fishing from the bank, because I can't paddle my kayak, and caught my only Redeye. BTW they have to be 8" and this wasn't near that. Swamp Girl is more appropriate than Old Crickety, I like it.
  22. IMO if the fish can see you they don't bite. If you know there are fish, back off and wait until the fish normalize.
  23. If you're going to put the head on the console put it on the transom; if the head is going on the bow put it on the front. No issue with the cable lag or anything else. I hope this is what you're asking.
  24. I've lost several rods in lakes and rivers but the best one I've seen is by my buddy's dad. We were trolling for albacore off of San Diego and had a hook up. While bringing the fish in he laid his rod across the rail while gaffing the fish. I watched an albacore grab his feather and head for the deep very fast.
  25. It wasn't in my leg, the hook broke.
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