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Alex from GA

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Everything posted by Alex from GA

  1. A guy offered me a 12' glass over wood with a MK 35 Merc for $100 back in the 70s. I fished so I bought it.
  2. I have a story about a 3rd world country. Years ago we were coming home, So Calif, from a week in Baja and asked a campground owner where we can dump our bags of trash. He took one and threw it over a cliff. We didn't give him the rest. Took it back home and put it in our trash cans. I saved a Great Blue Heron that was tangled in some fishing line and a young sandhill crane with a bunch of rope on it. The parents weren't happy with me handling their baby.
  3. I have a couple of chests of drawers I buy at garages sales.
  4. My introduction to the Mepps spinner was in the early 60s when I was stationed in MT and fished for trout. Probably over 1/2 of the trout I caught were caught on them. Haven't used them for bass just panfish in the past 60 years.
  5. Redfish. They pull really hard and for a long time.
  6. There is lots of inshore wading fishing around if you're interested. Look on GoogleEarth for ponds close to where you're staying for freshwater. A lot of ballplayers like to fish, ask around.
  7. Use the other end of the calipers for an inside measurement, the part that's pointing up. No, that piece is way too small. The sleeve has to go over the broken piece, like Mick says. Caught many fish with this repair.
  8. My pb Alabama is 4-12 but I lipped a 6-2 for my partner years ago, caught on a jerkbait. Mine was caught on a blue and chrome Sammy.
  9. Several rods and reels, Sony cell phone, good cast anchor, sunglasses. BTW there is a service on Lake Lanier where for a donation a diver will come and get whatever you had go over the side. I recently learned this or I would have used them for my favorite worm rod a few years ago.
  10. Small world. Dennis was one of the good guys. My claim to fame was a 148 lb sword I caught near Anacapa with a mackerel and 40 lb line.
  11. Maybe. Do you remember Smitty's worms in Glendale? I worked down the street from him and still have several Castaic specials, 4" black, brown and orange.
  12. Thanks, probably caught on a yoyoed Salas jig in blue and white.
  13. Never had that happen when I was on the water but while rabbit hunting in MT had a whiteout condition happen. From the 50s it turned 20s in a very short time with super wind and blowing snow.
  14. Found the picture of yellowtail caught in Baja many years ago. Yes that's me in the 70s.
  15. Like scaleface I use the diamond file on my Leatherman for all of my hook sharpening in the boat.
  16. That was my morning chuckle, thanks. Yes, it's an addiction.
  17. Thanks for the encouragement.
  18. Although I haven't caught California Yellowtail on 4 lb line I've caught a bunch usually on 20-40 lb line in California and Baja and they are tough. Tried to find a picture but failed.
  19. The only fishing equipment I got was 4 packs of worms from my grandson. We did get a 2010 Madza CX9 from our son when they bought a new one.
  20. I wouldn't use that anchor in rivers. I use an 18" piece of 3/8s" chain and if I need more I'll put two pieces of chain out.
  21. I'm getting prepared to go to central FL for the rest of the winter hopefully to catch a DD. I've been trying for several years and haven't succeeded. Yes the wind was howling here also.
  22. Mail the picture to yourself and use that picture.
  23. Called a buddy who's boat is inop and asked if he wanted to go fishing this afternoon. I got 2 bream bites and he missed 2 bass. Oh well.
  24. I moved out of CA 25 years ago but they had one lake with white bass and if you were going to keep them you had to kill them even if they were in the live well. Rip out the gills would do it. Now if we could keep people from moving fish but I'm afraid it's too late for that.
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