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Alex from GA

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Everything posted by Alex from GA

  1. I've built several on the Rainshadow Immortal blanks and they're very sensitive and tough.
  2. Don't armor all your dirt bike seat. Your boat seat will probably be too slippery also.
  3. Years ago I had an electric steer and got used to the slow response then I got a cable steered motor and still use it. Difference between night and day for bass fishing. My other boat has a tiller controlled motor which I tried on the stern, terrible until I put it on the bow. Much better but the cable control allows me to fish all the time with both hands.
  4. A water smoother that eliminates boat wakes and a boat that goes more than 30mph.
  5. I haven't seen his name in a few years. Thanks for the information.
  6. In the mid 50s a buddy and I used to go to the Redondo Harbor to catch bonito. I started with 6 lb line then 4 lb. I could land most of them on the 4 lb then tried 2 lb, all the line was Stren and the reels were Mitchell 300s. The 2 always broke. I have no problem with 4 for bass if it's in clear, no obstructions, water.
  7. Jimbo is one of the top Alabama bass guides on Lanier. BTW there are no spotted bass on Lanier they are all Alabama bass. I don't know if Ryan Coleman is still guiding but before starting Spots Sticker Baits he was the top bass guide on the lake.
  8. Wednesday's skill. Went in the afternoon on an overcast misty day. Threw a worm @ a marker pole and caught 2 Alabama bass, one 2.31 lbs that I invited to dinner. I saw gulls diving so I went there and threw a small white swimbait for the stripers that were there. Not a bite on a striper. I saw marks on the locator and dropped a spoon and caught a big white bass.
  9. The holes outside of the staples are the staple installer holes.
  10. I'm with Tn, get a 7 ah security system backup battery for $20 @ Amazon and go fishing.
  11. Lanier.
  12. Went on the lake this afternoon and actually caught 2 Alabama bass. One was 2.76 lbs. Going to rain the next couple of days so I'll stay in the warm house.
  13. Before the rain I caught fish each time I fished. The lake has come up 2' since the rain.
  14. When I'm in FL rivers I often use an anchor. Not so much in GA lakes.
  15. Can't believe it; I was skunked yesterday too. I went to where the water was not nearly as muddy and not a bite. Water temp was 50-51. Saw lots of bait that I didn't see Monday.
  16. An old boot. Still have it.
  17. Can't find the pictures but @ the ramp a couple of years ago I saw a trailer tied in the trunk of a car, no hitch.
  18. First time in several years. Rained hard and the water was very muddy. Threw a jig to shallow docks and blowdowns. I'll try again this week; the water has cleared up a bunch.
  19. Went to the lake yesterday afternoon and caught three fish. One was on a point, one on a 15' brush pile and the largest on a marker pole in about 5' of water. All were caught on a Texas rigged worm. Water temperature was 48*. 4.53 lb Alabama bass.
  20. When I was lots younger I could start my Merc 1000 6 cylinder with a rope. I did this many times but couldn't start my Merc 85 4 cylinder with a rope. I got a jump box for Christmas which went in the boat today. I didn't need it. I only have 2 graphs on my group 27 starting battery for my Merc 50 so I'll never run out of power.
  21. I'm out of decals but sent for more.
  22. Usually go to the lake my boat's docked at unless I'm fishing for the GA Bass Slam. I'll go to the place where the targeted species are with my kayak and a buddy. We usually launch @ bridges and don't see anyone all day.
  23. '99 Explorer AWD Eddie Bauer V8 and '94 Ford Ranger for the kayak. Explorer has plenty of power and gets 19 to 20 mpg not towing and 16 towing my 16' tin boat loaded to FL and back each year. I drive under 70 mph.
  24. Mick, They're the peel and stick kind that come with Rainforrest blanks. My problem has to be not putting finish on the bare rod before applying the decal.
  25. A pair of electric hand warmers really help me even when it's 50. I'm an old light weight.
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