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  1. Thanks guys, I plan on hardware fishing, while I am talking about rods do you have recommendations for line? I’m thinking 8 lb mono?
  2. I’m looking for a starter rod for shore fishing Lake Superior tributes. I will mostly be fishing steelhead and rainbow trout and occasionally salmon. I have been looking at the 8’6” medium steelhead salmon Fenwick eagle rod and also the normal 7’ medium eagle. I don’t know which to choose, I will mostly be fishing with spinners and spoons. My real question is, will the larger rod have the sensitivity for the smaller rainbows and pinks? But I don’t know if the small rod will be able to handle steelhead and salmon. I don’t really have the budget to buy both so which one should I pick? Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for replying!
  3. A jay I read that and it really helped me , thank you. So to clarify, the areas I should look are drop offs, points, flats between drop offs, and humps. This is for all year round too?
  4. So I’m new here and I would really appreciate some help because I just can’t find that much stuff online about smallmouth patterns. I’m looking at getting into smallmouth fishing this spring and I know body’s of water near me but I need help on where to find them. It’s a large resivour and I have some decent electionics. I’ve heard to look for offshore humps in about 15 feet of water for spawning, is that true? Otherwise where do I find them in the spring? Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks
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