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About Battles2222

  • Birthday 11/05/1994

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  1. Whopper plopper 110 and a rapala shadow rap shad in the same tree. Thanks!
  2. You seem to be the type of person that lost a lot of lures. now I’ve found them all. Sorry
  3. Found a frog yesterday in a tree I’ve walked past a thousand times and have gotten multiple lures out of this month. Either I’m crazy or someone has been fishing a frog in a half frozen pond recently and got it stuck
  4. Let me catch some bass with it this summer and then it’s yours
  5. Funny you say that. I was reading your reply the other day and was thinking how I have never found a frog. Sure enough today I got a frog out of a tree in thick snow. Great feeling!
  6. Yeah I’ve gotten lucky. The weird thing is that every single plopper I found is missing the center hook, if not both. Not sure if it is a coincidence or if the plopper hooks rust out quick.
  7. I go out of my way to find lures nobody else would try to get. Up in trees, stuck in shallows or even on logs. So worth it. Have found some of my best lures this way!
  8. I do find a ton of soft plastics and bobbers too. I either throw them out or don’t even waste my time trying to get them
  9. Does anyone else like to search for lures in trees and in the shallows at local lakes? Picture is from my cleanup in the past 3 trips searching for lures. First post here. Share the lures and other fishing gear you have found!
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