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Everything posted by Tfrossi

  1. I just wish they would figure out a way to do it all live throughout the year as one cohesive tour\schedule ,do away with the year long tape delay. It just makes sense and would be better for the sport.
  2. I like the idea of majors as well, maybe the could incorporate the existing cup events (Challenge, summit, world) as majors and continue to use the selects as a way to qualify for the majors. This would create one cohesive tour\league and everything would be done live, eliminating the 6 month tape delay cup events have now. When the Superbowl was on a couple of weeks ago I watched it then, I didn 't record it to watch in October.
  3. Just a few thoughts about some of the BPT coverage i have seen. Kinda surprised they was not any in depth coverage on MLF site about day 1 on Conroe, just a minute long highlight package, you would think.they would do a 20 to 30 minute post game type show analyzing that days action and previewing the next day. Sure most people cant spend 8 hours on a Tuesday watching a live event but most fans would love to catch up by wAtching a 30 minute recap in the evening. I also find the overall format of MLF somewhat confusing. Between the new tour, the selects, summit cup and world championship it sometimes seems like a big hodgepodge of events that are not really connected to one another at all (in reality I guess they are not). To me in order for MLF to get this right they need to clean this up. It's like a football team playing four weeks of their schedule then stopping to play exhibition games that don't really count in a way. Plus one of the exhibitions will be called a world championship while the regular season also produces a champion. mLF needs to create a cohesive product that crowns one true champion each calender year or season.
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