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Everything posted by MartinTheFisherman

  1. Hey BR! Its been a while! Yesterday when I was in Dick's Sporting Goods there where tons of sales on alot of things! The best 3 being Big Bite Baits buy 5 or more and get each one for only $1! And Rage Tails for $4.50! And lastly there was a 3 For $10 on ALL Live Target or Storm Arashi Lures!! There were Bluegill Swimbaits, Mini Alabama Rigs, and for some reason a ton of Live Target Bait Ball Series Baits! Anybody know why there is such a good sale right now? Will this sale be the same next year to see if I should buy some more now? Thanks, Martin Sierra
  2. I love the BPS Stick-O they cast a mile and are cheap!
  3. When are you going to make more videos at that barb less spot? I love your YouTube videos!
  4. When i'm exploring new fishing spots with my dad I normally keep a minimum of six rods. On my bike pond hopping I carry two and when I just want to relax and go walking and fish I just bring one rod.
  5. I looked at a pack that I had and the copyright year was in 2016 and it had 8ct, the ones I bought yesterday had there copyright year in 2017 and they had 12ct... It may be a mystery that may never be solved... I'm going back tomorrow to buy some more, I've always had luck on Yum Dingers with a weighted hook.
  6. Hey BR, I'm at Walmart and the fishing section in empty! I did see some Yum Dingers on sale and I noticed that now they have 12ct instead of the normal 8ct for the 5inch and 4 inch size has 15ct instead of 8ct! For the same price of $2.47! Anybody know why they are including more per package now?
  7. Im thinking of going to a lighter set up to not spoke the carp when I sight fish for them, 10lb braid tied directly to a small size 8 or 6 with corn or bread. If i catch one its going to be a hell of a fight! Thanks for the help everyone!
  8. Hey BR, I have been seeing some MASSIVE carp schooling on the river while I have been fishing for smallmouth. I decided to bring a saltwater spinning setup that has 40lb braid on it, I added a 1/2 oz weight and a swivel, then I tied a 2 foot 30lb braid "leader". I used a small size 8 hook with some fake floating corn attached to the tag line which was wrapped around the hook. I saw a carp and tried to cast near it... it instantly spooked... So how can I "sight fish" for carp??
  9. Is there a chance you could tell me where they are on sale?? ?
  10. The trail is public property. The metal stakes had wires on the ground, I looked around awhile and saw a sign mentioning it was a NH public body of water. Im going to check online and see if it's private property. I'm going to check that dam out, Thanks! I didn't even notice the dam there... I'll check it out on Google Maps! Thanks for the info!
  11. Hey BR, I'm finally going to be able to see my dad and go fishing with him after 3 months. While I was biking on Saturday I came across what seemed to be a farm pond, there's only one place to acess the pond. There isn't any rods leading there only bike trails. I stayed there for a while looking for fish, there were tons of fish!!! I have never seen so many wakes on a pond before!! I saw a couple bluegill on the shores spawning. The pond has 1 to 2 feet of visibility, seems pretty shallow I think that water is between 55 and 65 degrees. The weather is mid 70s tomorrow. It seems to have a sand bottom. What are some good lures to use in this farm pond I found? I'm only going to be fishing from shore. Any info is greatly appreciated! Martin Sierra
  12. I completely forgot to add NH has come great regulation for the spawn. Black Bass - May 15 to June 15 - Catch and release only - Artificial lures and flies only
  13. Nice Find! I once found a whopper popper with 6lb mono line!
  14. Hey BR, I decided to go fishing yesterday at the Nashua River since the weather is still like 45 degrees and the fish aren't spawning yet. I fished from 5 to 8 and, What a day! I caught 1 largie, 1 smallie, 1 perch, 1 crappie, 3 pickerel, 2 pumpkin seed, 20ish bluegills, and my first ever golden shiner! Now I know what they are eating! This was the best multi-species day I have ever had! Here are the pics! How many species have you caught in a day of fishing?
  15. Hey BR its currently 2:35am and I don't know what to do with my life. So what are your favorite lures for after spawn/early summer?
  16. So there is there a chance those fish will spawn again? Or come back to there original bed?
  17. Hey BR, I'm going to start with the best part about today... I finally made myself a bike rod rack. I decided to go bed fishing for the first time since a couple days ago I have seen some fish that where starting to make beds while I was biking. It started off as a great day with me catching a 2 ponder and a 3 pounder! Both off the same bed but they both went back to it right away. I tried to bed fish some other bass but many were still not locked on the beds. After searching for another bed I came across a 3ish and 4ish pound fish, one was on the bed guarding it from the dozens of bluegill and perch. I decided to try out this cheap swimbait that I got from ebay. HE or She HAMMERED that lure! I caught him and saw he had some like 10lb mono coming from his mouth, I tugged on it and huge jig started to come out. I immediately got my pliers and practiced the lure retrieving method through the gills. I kept him in the water reviving while I tried to get the lure out. The lure wouldn't budge. I decided I had to cut the line and just leave the lure there. I let him go and he swam off like a bullet. I waited a while to see if he went back on the bed, nothing. The other fish that was near the bed were nowhere to be found, they had vanished and left there bed. I watched as the bluegill and perch began to eat the eggs. I tried to throw the lure to keep them from eating them. I waited 15 min and the bass never went back to there bed. I honestly blame myself for interfering with the fish, is there any chance the fish will come back?? They were locked on when I first saw them. I later came back when I was returning home cause I had to go. I passed by and the bluegill and perch, and they were still eating the eggs. I want to try and come back and catch the fish if he ever comes back to get the lure out. So I have decided to not fish on bed for the fear of the eggs being eaten.
  18. Wire leader can be tied to swivels? What knot would you recommend?
  19. These aren't the dual locking snaps, I hope it dost make a big difference compared to the dual locking, do you know any leader that are cheap and are rated for 100lbs? I've looked for pike leaders but they are all like $10 bucks each!
  20. I'm should I just cut the swivel off and just have the snap? I just don't want to be retieing constantly. Have you ever broken those snaps before? I'm looking for some really good quality snaps now that I'm going to be throwing $60 swimbaits.
  21. It sure will!! I'll be holding the World Record Largemouth Bass!
  22. THANK YOU SO MUCH @BoatSquirrel For These Amazing Baits!!!!! All the baits in the picture are from @BoatSquirrel
  23. Hey BR, Has anybody tried these swivels yet? I ordered a Size 6 which is rated for 70lbs. The snap swivels are suppperrrr smallll. They seem way to small to be 70lbs,I also am thinking of buying a Size 5 and 4 for Muskie, Striped Bass and for BIG Swimbaits, so has anybody tried these before?
  24. I've caught more smallmouth on the Yo-Zuri Pins Minniow 50mm in "Silver Black," then any other lure. Its a Amazing Bait!
  25. It's really annoying when it happens, I just try to keep a semi tight line whenever I can,
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