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About hookem19

  • Birthday 11/13/1987

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Thanks fishn bear. I think i actually found a boat through this website. it's an aluminum boat and i think i'm going to buy it on friday. I'm so excited. well thanks again. Hookem
  2. Thanks fellas i'm talking to forum member Flechero right now and hopefully he can help me get my first bass boat. I just get giddy thinking about it. HOOKEM
  3. 1. Get a Boat 2. Find confidence in Cranks 3. Find confidence in Jigs 4. Find some new places to fish
  4. 6lb - LM hopefully one day i will be able to compete with the likes of this crowd...but in the meantime i'm honing my skills Hookem
  5. So here's my dilemma... I am dead set on getting a small cheap boat to fish out of for the spring and summer, but i leave for college next fall and the boat will just sit. I mentioned this to my dad and he asked if it's possible to instead of buying a boat for say 1000$ is it legitimate to ask to rent it for 6-7 months or so? have you ever heard of anyone allowing their boat to be rented? Hookem
  6. thanks for the link...mine will be here in 2-3 weeks, a late christmas present
  7. haha sorry guys i forgot how cold it is up north... i don't think i've ever seen a frozen lake before. well thanks a lot i really appreciate the feedback. MattFly i remember talking to you a while back about the austin area. been fishing around here in a while? how'd you fare? well just to rub beautiful texas weather into you northerner's faces... it's 63 degrees outside and the sun is shining brightly. it's going to be a good day, especially if i get some fishing in.
  8. So i am just curious, i know that everyone says that they can't wait til the spring to catch fish, do fish just not bite during the winter? so if i was to go fishing during the winter would fish just be less apt to bite? do the fish seek shallower water or deeper water in the cold? in what stage are the fish in right now in terms of spawning? will someone just kind of clue me in please... thank you ahead of time Hookem
  9. i fish only docks because there are a bunch of docks that i can walk to and i don't own a boat, but i usually catch most on a watermelon senko. my friends had seen this same bass over and over again and could not catch it because they were not using senkos. i saw the bass one day and casted near him and he destroyed my senko. put up a hell of a fight. i take that back it was a watermelon seed yum dinger. but either way it is a fish catching bait, but it might not be that fun to fish the senkos/dingers, i also use jigs to locate the fish and once i locate the fish i then cast a senko/dinger in the same area and catch two or more fish that way. HP
  10. fluke how much did you spend on yours HPenn
  11. yeah i've seen the john boat section but i just need to find a cheap john boat under 400, a guy i know got one two weeks ago for 100 that was trailer included so i need to find a rock bottom deal like that one... but mudpuppy if you find out about that boat let me know... HP
  12. you might be putting the hook too low in the senkos... i had the same problem because i was hooking my worms near the end and too many fish were swallowing it so i just moved up about 1/4 of an inch and haven't had one swallow the hook since... HP
  13. yeah i've been looking for one for about a month now and the cheapest one i've found is 800, and that's without the motor... so i'll just keep looking HP
  14. Raul for us less knowledgable fisherman would you please explain yourself further as in what those various circumstances could mean... HP
  15. i've been looking for a john boat but my knowledge is limited, i don't know how much is too much and what is too little... if anyone knows of someone with a john boat willing to sell, i'm interested... HP
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