For all of you who have extra time due to the current pandemic, here’s an idea.
Find some old Hardbaits(my garage was messy, I found them everywhere) that are dirty and rusted. If the hooks/snaps are badly rusted, then remove them.
Grab a plastic plate, and put the Hardbaits in the plate and spray them with WD-40. Let them sit for a few minutes, but not too long or else they will smell like WD-40 for a while.
Next grab an old toothbrush, some dish soap, and get to a sink. Rinse the baits, then scrub them with some dish soap and a toothbrush. Rinse the baits once you’re done and dry them off with a towel and let them air dry. If a bait had rust on it before washing, double check to make sure it was all cleaned off. This isn’t an absolutely perfect rust remover process.
Even though you may have to order some new hooks this still can save a lot of money.
This process has worked well for me, but if anyone else has any recommendations for cleaning rusted/dirty Hardbaits feel free to share!
The restored Hardbaits ->