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Everything posted by sschrad

  1. Has anyone tried to pick their Drain The Lake teams yet? I've got my FF team picked OK, but I see that I can't pick DTL.
  2. The "Strolling" that they are referring to is when you cast out your lure and then disengage your spool, move the boat away, sometimes up to 100 yds away with the trolling motor and then reengage the spool and crank it in.
  3. This is the boat and motor regulations for BASS. Minimum length of 16 feet, must be steering wheel (NO tiller handles) and motor HP not to exceed recommended HP rating that is marked on the boat (250 HP max) Also no tunnels or jet drives. C9. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: Maximum horsepower for all outboard motorboats used in official tournament practice and in tournament competition will be 250 horsepower. Horsepower cannot exceed the limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard. When required, each boat must have a U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. The horsepower of the outboard engine must NOT exceed the rating specified on this plate nor the horsepower maximum set by B.A.S.S. Each competitor agrees to submit, by their signature on the official entry form, the boat and outboard motor used in the tournament, to an inspection by factory-trained personnel if there is any reason to suspect the horsepower is in excess of the rating. Normal maintenance of engines is allowed. Changing or altering standard factory parts of a competitor’s engine to increase the horsepower over the factory horsepower rating is forbidden, and will result in disqualification. Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower-rating numbers on the engine is also cause for immediate disqualification from B.A.S.S. tournaments. Posted speed limits and those imposed by B.A.S.S. must be observed and all boats must be operated in a safe manner. Violations of speed limits may result in penalties listed under C1 above. C10. BOAT AND MOTOR: These restrictions apply during official practice and competition. For the safety of all competitors, all boats must be equipped with an approved type of operable ignition kill switch and lanyard. Only one manufacturer’s lanyard may be used and must be attached to the driver’s body any time the combustion engine is operating and in gear. Any time the combustion engine is operating and in gear there must be a driver in the driver's seat in full control of the boat. Fishing boats that are 16 feet or more in length may be used and must be equipped with wheel steering. No other steering device will be permitted. Any raised platforms or decks cannot be higher than the gunnels of the boat. Trolling motor brackets and electronics are not considered “raised platforms”. Platforms mounted to the trolling motor bracket are allowed, but must be no more than 1 inch thick. Standing on the outboard engine or seats while fishing is not allowed. An electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. However, trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. The “Long-Lining” or “Strolling” technique is NOT allowed in either official practice or competition and defined as intentionally using a trolling motor or outboard to mechanically extend a cast. No exceptions. Only gas tanks that are installed by the boat manufacturer are allowed. No portable gas tanks or containers capable of holding gasoline can be placed anywhere on the tournament waters or shoreline for use by any tournament competitor. No “barges” or similar craft will be permitted. Jet drive engines, surface drive engines and tunnel hull boats are not allowed during both official practice and competition. Any boat/hull designs other than standard mass-produced units are only allowed at the discretion of tournament officials.
  4. The fish are probably freshwater drum. There is a ton of them there and they fight like hell!
  5. I've got you beat!! LOL I get one decent tourney and then a horrible one.
  6. Wow, that is an excellent first day!
  7. OK . No, it doesn't get weed choked there, The island off of Cedar Point is Linda Island, there is a little baby bay to to the east of it. Don't know the name but you might be able to get out of wind in there if in the kayak. It's pretty wide open in that area in regards to weather. As before, good luck. If you are just going to shore fish , a ride to Cape Vincent might work. If they still let you (And I don't know) the old coal docks (Off of State route 12E and Lee St area ) has deep water with a breakwater out in front. Lots of smallies caught from shore over the years there.
  8. Just saw this post now, and YES there are some big boats there. Over 800 ft! I am not a kayaker but I would not go across the shipping channel unless you are very experienced. If a big ship goes by that is loaded you will get 4 to 5 foot swells and there is a LOT of traffic out there in the summer. The main shipping channel is on the American side in this area. If you are going to be at Kring Point, you will be on Goose Bay . Early in the year it's a great place for largemouth but in August it will likely be absolutely overgrown with weeds. You will have to punch mats to be able to fish. Go outside of it past Picnic Island towards the channel. You can shore fish off of Picnic if you want to, it's usually clear water with a sloping rock ledge. Like I said, I am not a kayaker, so I don't know how long it will take you , (couple minute ride in a boat) get out to the East side of Malomar or Sand Islands and let the drift take you along, that's Excelsior shoals. Lot's of rock and structure, EVERYTHING lives there! Smallmouth, Largemouth, Walleye, Northerns , Drum , you name it. Good luck on your trip.
  9. Really good %. I like the fact that you are saving people for later. This is definitely a long game. It's actually easier this year than it will be next year. We only have 5 tournaments to burn up 40 anglers. Next year, we will have to burn most of them. Good Luck to all!
  10. Yeah, Hartman had a really tough first day. He's usually good for a top 50 most of the time. I'm partial to him because he is originally from about 5 miles from my house. He is a GOOD fisherman. He won everything around here. I think that the Sabine will be a "low" weight, maybe 50 or 51 lbs. We will see. Good luck to everybody.
  11. Maybe the talon of an osprey or an eagle?
  12. Hey fishballer! Palaniuk Hartman Lowen Mullins Zaldain
  13. Don't worry guys. the 50 cut is at 5.7 lbs as of today. LOTS will happen tomorrow. I hope that I suck less as well. My worst score EVER
  14. BASS Opens made BASSTRAKK available for both Pro's and Co-anglers last year. It's not mandatory to use but it is encouraged.
  15. February 7th -9th
  16. Fish. Because of the confidence that the fisherman might have in the bait because of the color ,they might fish it longer or try slightly different retrieves with the lure. The only thing a bass sees with a Jitterbug or a Frog is the underneath. You are correct! Goes back to the action being the most important. You have answered your own question. BUT, color can matter at times, even the underbelly of topwaters.
  17. Gobie, SM bass and LGM bass. Green Pumpkin will work! Bluegill
  18. I gotcha Sissyfishing. That's your native baitfish where you are. But for MANY years before all these newer colors came out we caught bass on red head and white bodied hard baits (Think Bass=A-Reno, River Runts, Daredevils, Red and White Mepp's spinners) Lot's of them! That is not a natural color . So maybe action is the answer as opposed to color.
  19. Have you ever seen a juvenile bass or any small panfish? Or a gobie? Green Pumpkin is the bomb!
  20. OK, I'll consider that if you are using soft plastics ( As far as tobacco goes, I have no idea if it's true, but will entertain the thought) I know guys that spray their soft baits with Garlic and other scents every 3 or 4 casts and as far as I know , there are none of those aromas in the water. They get Bit.
  21. Let me try to get this right. Are you saying that if someone drinks or smokes in a boat in which you are in no contact with the water, that it affects the fishing? The fish sense that you are smoking or drinking? Is it Mountain Dew, Coke, Water or Beer? Cigarettes or Cigars? Not busting your chops, just trying to figure out if that's what you mean. If it is.... I would vote a resounding No.
  22. Well, there are a lot of opinions floating around up at the river as to what you can and can not do, but the RCMP is definitely saying that you can NOT fish on their side unless you are Canadian. We spent $156 dollars for three non-resident licenses in the first week of June (well into the COVID border restriction ) and they gladly took our money, but didn't mention the fact that the licenses were useless. We were stopped by RCMP and after a THOROUGH check of ID's and licenses were told to return to US waters . Funny thing, the USA doesn't have the same rule, so Canadians can fish our waters but we can't fish theirs, but I guess that they still like our money!
  23. Or you could have put the plug in from the inside of the boat! ??
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