I have an acquaintance that has recently moved to Wauchula and has invited me down to fish Jan. or Feb. He has a lot of experience bass fishing in my neck of the woods (Northwest Alabama) but, none down there. In fact he does not currently own a boat. I have a 20 foot glass boat I will be taking.
We will likely hire a guide for the first day if we can find one on short notice. Any advice on which lake(s) to concentrate on? I would like to stay within an hour or so drive from Wauchula.
Ah!, I may have got it right this time, maybe
BTW, if you are using the ones with the center pin, which make it easier for me to start and keep it centered, once most of the way in cut the loop and remove center pin to allow room for hook to go into the center of the coil.
OK guys I botched trying to post a link. Everything went red and said hidden. I apologize for my incompetence. The video is one of Ike's video in a series called "Ike in the Shop" it is on you tube. If you are interested send me an email and I will send you a link.
No not this one. As I stated it is one of Ike's videos. I will try to post a link. Thanks anyway.
But, like I stated above, he screws the centering spring all the way flush and then inserts hook point into the spring then out the side as a normal T rig. I am going to put in the link, I hope I am breaking no rules.
I tried but no go , sorry.
There is a video showing an alternate way of pinning on a T rig soft plastic using the spring centering pin. He used an alternate way that showed him screwing the centering pin all the way into the soft plastic where the eye is flush with the bait. Then he pushed the point of the hook through the centering spring in such a way as to secure the bait. Anybody know that video?
I am in a similar situation. I live in NW Alabama and have placed adds looking for a fishing buddy. I had a couple of responses but, they were not really what I was looking for. I like to fish week days and just looking for someone to fish with. I have a boat, a truck to pull with and enough gear for a second person, so far nothing.
Guys, thank you so much for the replies, they are very encouraging. If you want to know the guides' names just private message me. I am using two different guides. Again, thanks!
Y'all may remember my questions earlier concerning LSC. Well it looks like I will not be taking my boat but, rather will just fish a couple days with a guide. My "friend" that was going with me backed out after I agreed to move the trip to the first week of June to accommodate him. The plan was to take my boat and fish the first day with a guide and the rest of the week out of my boat. So much for friends and their promises. So, my question; how do you think the fishing will be that late? Now I know I can't get a definitive answer because it will depend on the weather for the next month. I plan to fish June 4 and 5 with two different guides. After driving 11 hours each way I sure hope the guides can find fish. So what is your best guess going that late in the year?
In the link below at the 2:50 mark I would like to know where to get the jig head shown. The guard wire comes out from the very end of the head of the jig. I can't find that particular jig, any help appreciated.
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