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Everything posted by Big-Bass

  1. Can you show a picture of what you mean?
  2. Welcome aboard! Many of the companies like Abu, Lew's, BPS, and Pflueger outsource their reel building in both Korea and China. Doyo and Dawon companies come to mind. If you look at their websites, I bet you can pick out which reel was used for the base for any number of brand named reels. http://www.doyofishing.co.kr/main/index
  3. That picture was taken with both shims on, stock, and that's why I asked the question...since the line lays a little more toward the back in the picture. So, should I put that other shim back on since it was already initially spooled with two shims (as seen in the picture) as this is how it came right out of the box? Thank you!
  4. Since the line is laying slightly better than I originally spooled it, should I take the spool off and add the shim back? Could that have just been my error in spooling the line and not really the shims? Are these shims meant to be removed as I can not find any info regarding it from Daiwa and wondered why Daiwa would add them if they weren't a necessity to the reel from the stock/standard point-of-view. Please let me know. I matched this reel with a Fenwick HMG 76ML and wow does it cast well!
  5. I will say that there were some people that loved the EON series. Check out the bass fishing homepage that used to be at another site.org. There used to be a lot of info on there when people did post often. If that doesn't work just google bass fishing home page rods/reels. I never used one but why not try it out and see if you have good luck with it.
  6. Slightly under retail...$92 shipped via Amazon (sold through Reed's Sporting Goods). Ordered an HMG for it today. I was test casting it on my ET Smallmouth rod.
  7. I did take out one shim (one of the two white ones) and walked the line out of the spool then reeled it back in. It did change it a little bit to a more balanced spool lay but I wonder if now that is it done, should I just put that shim back in? Didn't realize it was that easy.
  8. For the price and for the features, it looks like a really nice reel. Daiwa has stepped up their game with this one from all that I have read online and based on features per dollar spent. While many of the Abu reels are nice, they are mostly manufactured in the same factories as BPS, Pflueger, Lew's, etc. There are only a handful on companies that those manufacturers choose from to build their reel platforms. (And I am not criticizing as I do own Abu and Pflueger reels) Daiwa and Shimano use their own factories with their own specs. If you get one, be sure to report back on how it performs. Best wishes on the water and good luck with the reel!
  9. Looking at the manual is does say that the spool as a 5 degree taper from the back to the front. Not sure if that is the reason for the slight change in line lay. If this is normal then that's all good. I did cast it in the yard and boy oh boy does this reel cast well!
  10. Plastic shims? Are they put in there as standard? I have never had to remove anything from any of my other spinning reels to get the line to lay correct. Was this something Daiwa did specifically for these reels?
  11. I just got a Daiwa SS Tournament 1300 that I want to pair with a Fenwick HMG 76ML for tubes and stuff for smallies and I just spooled the reel up with line. However, the line lay seems to slightly congregate conically towards the back of the spool. Is this normal for a reel of this age? (even though its new it debuted in 1987) Did I do something incorrect. In fact, I walked up the street unspooling the reel and then reeling it back to see if that would change and it seems to be the same way. Any advice is helpful. I will try and post a picture. Thank you!
  12. Antares, Conquest, Metanium MGL, Steez TWS. They are the best reels money can buy.
  13. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.daiwa.com%2Fjp%2Ffishing%2Fitem%2Freel%2Fbait_rl%2Ftatula_sv_tw%2Findex.html&edit-text=&act=url&act=url
  14. What ratio MGL are you guys referring to?
  15. I ordered one on backorder on 12/22 and it shipped the other day. If it's a nice reel, then I am in luck. If not, I can always return it. I would rather report back after actually using it instead of brand commenting without actually holding the said model of discussion.
  16. Here are specs: http://fish.shimano.com/content/sac-fish/en/home/products/fishing-reels/spinning/ultegra-17.html
  17. Yes, sorry meant to say Zillion TWS SV. I know the Zillion SV and Tatula CT share a similar platform so I wonder with the Tatula SV release this year (based on the CT) what the price/sales of either model will be.
  18. Do you think the SV103 will be a mainstay in the lineup after 2017 with the introduction of the SV Tatula CT, Fuego CT, etc.? The Tatula TWS SV is the same price as the SV103. Mine should arrive Monday and if it is that good, I may order another. That platform is a classic frame.
  19. I have one on the way as we speak...not sure with all the new models for 2017 if they will be still produced. That's the OG Zillion and original (but aluminum) TD-Z and Fuego frame too.
  20. Enjoy the magazines. It's always nice to sit down and physically read a magazine. It's unfortunate to think that we are so fast paced to want things now, now, yesterday, that we can't even sit down and read an actual printed copy. I fall into the trap of online reading too, but still buy certain fishing/fly fishing magazines for the mere point of forcing my self to sit down and enjoy. When I was a kid, the Bass Pro Catalog for my dad and I to look through was just as exciting as the JCPenney Christmas Wishbook was for me (and my siblings) for the cool, new toys. Haha...remember those!
  21. I have the Brine and the Jose and have a medium sized head. Most large glasses are a little too big on me. Both of those models are great as are the Fantails. Best of luck with the new sunglasses.
  22. Big-Bass


    The new Kill'r B2 models (shallow) are really awesome. Colors are nice classic looking ones. The Tennessee Shad is awesome.
  23. Check out the Avid X in that same 69MLXF. Beautiful rod!
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