Hello all. I have a question regarding whcih ultrex to buy. I have 2 helix units. A 9 mega si g2n and a 9 di g2n. I would like to pair them with an ultrex but cant decide whether to get one of the new units with the built in mdi, or last generations unit with just the 2d. There are some good deals on last generations models and in a perfect world, i would buy one of those, mount my di transducer on it, and call it good. However, i have been told that there are imaging issues related to a mounted di on an older ultrex. I was told that each time the motor moves, it causes a disturbance and creates a break in the image. Does anyone have experience with a mounted di transducer on last gens ultrex, how well it performs, and whether it is worth upgrading to the current generation ultrex with mdi? Thanks in advance for any help