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About cvaicunas69

  • Birthday 06/09/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Central CT
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    CT River

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  • About Me
    Just a guy trying to learn the art of catching brown bass

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  1. Local river I normally fish is fairly rocky, so the ned rig is tough for me. I either live with the constant snags, or fish even smaller jig head, that I have yet to master when hooked into larger fish. Wacky worms and Drops shots require far too much patience for me. If it's finesse, its a marabou hair jig for me. At least I'm moving water with that.
  2. @ol'crickety it certainly was an enjoyable afternoon. I catch anything remotely like @A-Jay someone poor soul may find me shaking by the riverside hours later.
  3. Continuing here as I am rambling today. Well since that was so much fun, try again right? And a couple casts later... Well after this I thought there is no way I can go in now, I have to check out the last couple of spots I had in mind. One that would require me wading across a section of river to a large island, where from there I have access to some deeper pools, flats of smooth shale and grass, and possibly the main river channel. Well I made it across safely, and not without some effort with the water levels higher than when I have previously ventured out. Nothing to large to speak of in the first holes, but I remembered some success on the other side of the island, and couldn't pass up the chance on the way back. Well I immediately hooked into a large smallie, which put up a great fight, and (lesson learned here, as I let him turn his head at my feet as I went to grab his lip) and the small marabou jig popped out. Bummer of course, but the fight and getting visual confirmation that she was indeed all of 3.5 pounds, was worth plenty in my book. Another cast, another decent smallie, which provided a view of what must have been a 20+ inch following in. Couldn't her to bite before I snapped my line fowling around the spool..... But then something I have never experienced happened to me. As I was handling in my bait and all the line that was out, I hooked, and successfully landed another smallie! Honestly helped me stopped kicking myself for letting the largest smallie of the day pop off at my feet. After that I went home satisfied and even landed a few more on the way back across. End rant, thank you anyone who was patient enough to read all of that.
  4. So since this is the taking off point for "my season," when I can safely wade most of the waters of my local river, and yesterday's bite was encouraging, I took off again. Left a bit later in the day this day, at around 11:30 am, but this time of year I feel quite good about missing the early morning bite. I had committed myself to walking quite a bit today (it ended up being about 12 miles of walking after all was said and done), I started at the same location I fished yesterday. A couple takers on the ned rig again, an intentional bait choice as it is firmly on my list of tackle choices to garner a greater mastery of. A couple quick landings of some smaller fish, and the acknowledgement that the lower water levels today likely sent any larger fish moving on, and I was off on my adventure. At the first spot, a deeper pool located at the edge of an eddy created by a bridge pylon, I found several smaller takers, and a 20 inch red horse face sucker (a first for me). However I noticed that they were in quite a mood to chase, as I caught a few while reeling up, so I decided I would tie on one of my favorites, an all black 3/32 marabou jig with a piece of berkely scented power worm on the shank for some additional casting distance. I then moved to the next stop on today's tour, a river wide shelf, which is preceded by a pool, deeper than any water around for some distance. Started off with the same little fish I was seeing all afternoon to that point when suddenly I hooked up, and drag started peeling off of my reel like no other time with this 7'1" st croix md lght, xtra fst finesse setup. After 5 minutes or so I pulled up this first one. As someone who had yet to chase stripers in the river, I think this one hooked me in. Man what a fight. Obviously not a giant, but all of 28inch, and a personal best for me.
  5. Started this Memorial Day off with heading to my local river at around 9am today. Later than I wanted to start, but owning a bird dog requires I provide him with a long morning walk, or chance what his boredom will result in. The water temperature had risen 6 degrees or so with the last few days of warmer weather, so I was eager to find, what I hoped would be some post spawn funk fish who's metabolism's were charged up by the increase. Started off the morning at a location I do no often fish this early in the season, found an interesting looking pool, with a current seam to cast a rapala x-rap into, and with the second cast of the day we were off! And boy did it feel good to watch a smallie launch itself into the air again! The day consisted of consistent action until I decided to head off for a quick lunch around 12, so much so I found I barely had to wade much of the river today. Learned a few lessons today, such as why I normally tie a flouro leader, as the rocks weakened my braid main line enough to snap off a few fish during the outing. Taking pictures is a bit difficult wading waist deep in water, so none there, but the day was not over yet. Charged back out after lunch, and brought my finesse setup with me as I had begun to use a ned rig as the day had progressed and felt that the new jig heads I was using were too small for a med power rod, well that and user error I am sure. Stuck a few at the same spot with the ned, and feeling satisfied that I had avenged some earlier errors, got back in the car and drove up river to a location I had discovered a couple years prior, but had failed to journey here last season with the water levels at an appropriate level. On the journey to the sweet spot I found a very eager participant, likely last years brood. In fact the size 8 x-rap was larger than himself. Pushing forward to the steep rocky point that creates a current seam with these water levels, began casting, working the bait quickly to match the energy I had witnessed from the fish all afternoon. Nothing along the current seam, but perhaps further ahead? And indeed that was the sweet spot! All in all an awesome day, definitely a learning experience, in some regards. Thought I might skimp on typing a flouro leader, and learned quickly how non abrasive resistant 6 pound braid is! This season has also rekindled my love of a good jerkbait bite, there is nothing else like it!
  6. Sure did, and as you can probably tell, I almost never throw crankbaits, did not even second guess shorting the name
  7. Got an opportunity to do some jerkbait fishing this afternoon. Shad Rap did well, too afraid to throw the Vision's when bank fishing, too many baits end up snagged in rocks for my liking. The rip stop does well for me later on in spring, the erratic action is well suited for warmer water temps in my opinion.
  8. Yea I saw a few bedding LMB in a canal adjacent to the river I was fishing today, decided on the way out that I would humor myself for a moment and take a few wacks at it. I quickly realized why I never target bedding fish.. I would like to say it is solely born out of an attempt to conserve the resource, but in truth I just find it frustrating.
  9. River finally calmed down enough for me to find my way to some favorite spots. However none of the usual locations seemed to be holding many fish yet, perhaps just a bit too much current and not enough eddy yet. Figured the weather was nice, and spurned on in the search for a little more action, I found a secluded back channel I had yet to seek out at the proper time of year. A little wading in some enjoyable 60 degree water led me to a juicy looking current seam littered with some sunken wood, and away we go. Fish are certainly still waking up, very subtle bite, and less fight than the usual 3 pounder revved up in 70 degree water, but no complaints here. Caught on a 3/32 black marabou jig, something that has become a go to for me until frankly late June, early July. A little by catch early in the morning kept me hunting for more action, she was not much, but a fun fight on a ML setup regardless.
  10. Just went out and waded a bit today. Water is just hitting 60 degrees here in CT. Water levels in the river are still a bit high and moving to launch myself out into a serious locations, but truthfully, the water felt good with the 80 degree temps today.
  11. Yea I occasionally check out Jon B's material, and can confirm he does indeed have FFS. That said I can not even blame them, even if the majority of their content is not a staple for me personally. I can only imagine the stress involved in taking your 'hobby' and then attaching your financial well being to it. Throw in the reality that, in an effort to create things fresh and exciting, new waters are constantly fished. Then it makes perfect sense to me for them to use FFS. Does that impact their standings as fishermen? Personally I am not qualified to judge anyone's proficiency in this sport. In contrast, for years I have followed NDyakanglers channel, love what he puts out. However you can often tell he is just doing it for fun, not stress, no need to travel the globe. But it is also fairly clear he often fishes familiar waters. No judgement here, we all have our honey holes, but he clearly has far less of a reason to utilize FFS.
  12. At this point I'm convinced @A-Jay does the pre fishing for Zona. And consequently catches more, and bigger bass.
  13. As a young kid getting into fishing, all I wanted to do was catch a bass with a spinnerbait. I think around that time Terminator had just come out with their T-1, and they were being marketed everywhere. The baits certainly caught my attention, but never did catch me a bass. Not till nearly 20 years later. Confidence can be key with a bait or style, and mine has never come to include these. I know they work, but at this point I have had one successful afternoon of fishing with them. Still have the box of baits I begged my parents to buy.
  14. I have to say I have been following your posts, first on Facebook, and recently here, as my fascination with the Q has grown over this last year or so. I have only made one boat trip so far, with a couple initial shore visits sprinkled in, but the sight of a 5+ lb smallie has me hooked. Not to mention the pristine environment one gets to enjoy. I have been studying up on some contour maps, and your posts have provided invaluable insight into next season's fishing goal, learn a thing or two about this fantastic place.
  15. New to these parts... Just wanted to remark on the quality this entire page as been. Got back into fishing 4 years ago, and seeing as I live not 5 minutes from some prime river smallie habit, predictably became a river rat. I am now realizing how entertaining gin clear highland reservoirs, and yet challenging they can be. I'll be re reading much of this numerous occasions over the off season in preparation for April. A-Jay clearly knows a thing or two regarding smallies, and funny enough I had already been following his youtube page.
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