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Jayc Garcia

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  • Location

    Fishing in the Austin area
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River

    All the lakes and rivers in the Austin area!

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  • About Me

    Gotta catch’em all!

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  1. Thank you all for the feedback! I checked out bass pro and they now have 1 NRX model in store from G. Loomis and I compared it to the E6X. Both had same med-heavy power and fast action and to be honest I couldn’t feel much of a difference from the two. the NRX was a bit more beefy and no way in hell can I justify paying $500 for a rod. I’ll most likely just stick with the E6X and take it all in so when I do switch rods my hands will know the difference.
  2. Hi, new here to this site and have a question regarding rod sensitivity. I recently bought the “NEW” G. Loomis E6X casting rod and was curious to know if there was any other rods that would be more sensitive at a slightly more/less price point than the $190 I paid. I currently have this rod paired with the new Shimano Curado DC reel and mostly fish bottom with it using the drop shot setup. I use 1/4 - 1/2 oz weight with a drop shot hook, and I catch tons of bass and blue gills on worms here in the rivers. I currently have my eyes on Shimano’s zodias rods but no stores have them here, and the bass pro shop only has G. Loomis E6X rods as their highest high end fishing rods that they carry in stock. So, what do you guys think are there other rods that compare to the new E6X at a better price point or would Shimano’s zodias rod series be the better deal for only $10 more. I’m really looking for a rod that is going to deliver amazing sensivity at a $200 or under price point.
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