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Blue Streak

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Everything posted by Blue Streak

  1. Thanks for the reply Todd. I am not sure if this is what I will do or not. I understand that this unit is a dedicated DSI locater and I don't know if I would be satisfied with that. Although for the price I may try it. I keep hearing a lot of negative remarks about DSI technology, seems like there are more people unhappy with them then there are happy campers. Wish I could spend a day just playing with one, maybe I will go to Cabela's and look it over.
  2. I need to replace a unit this year and I am thinking about going with a DSI. Any one have experience with this one? Is this new for 2012, and if so are they improved from the previous DSI units?
  3. That is a good article Glenn and I think I have read something else about this written by him also. Unbelievable the number of plastic baits they took out of that fish. Let's face it, the real solution is education. If the people doing it know that it is killing bass in their favorite waters maybe they will stop. The bottom of high pressured lakes must look like a landfill.
  4. There has been a lot written lately about the adverse effects of soft plastic baits which have been thrown into the lakes and streams. Seems that bass are eating these and it is blocking their digestive system and killing them. Some of the pros are campaigning to stop this so I guess it is not some crackpot theory. What are your opinions on this?
  5. I agree that Buck Perry's books are a must read and I also like KVD's Bass Strategies.
  6. After trying a few things I solved my problem by using the Motor Guide OEM isolator bolts. They are made much better than the Rite Hite brand that I tried and I don't recommend Rite HIte for this job.
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I am going to try the Motor Guide bolts and then if I am not satisfied with those I will go with toggle bolts or something similar. I want that motor tight.
  8. I tried mounting my Motor Guide using the rubber isolator bolts from Rite Hite. I tried two sets with bad results both times. The motor is either so loose that it almost falls off or the bolts are so tight they break or the threads come out of the rubber. I guess I should have read the reviews about these first because it seems that no one has had any success with them. I mounted a motor one time using that type of bolt and they lasted for several years until I removed that motor, I think they might have been the original Motor Guide product and they even had a suggested torque with them. Anyhow I need to get this motor mounted and I cannot reach anything under the deck so I will have to use some kind of anchor bolt. Any suggestions sure would be appreciated.
  9. I never have a phone turned on when I am fishing, I don't care what the rest of the world is doing when I am on the water.
  10. For me it is Berkley Power Worms and Sweet Beavers.
  11. That was a great catalog and a one stop source for everything, there has never been another like it.
  12. If it promotes or benefits fishing in any way I may be interested.
  13. They are a White Bass, Striper cross. They get a lot bigger than 12 pounds and fight as good as any Striper.
  14. On certain days it can be a very expensive hobby. I think that is really why the bait makers put treble hooks on their lures.
  15. I am sure they did not have a clue that what they did was not the proper thing to do and I bet they could fish there all day and not catch a fish.
  16. One that I thought was going to be a gimmick was the Rage Tail Shad. When I took it out of the package and held it in my hand I thought it looked like a glob of plastic with a ridiculous tail, could not figure out how it would catch a cold. It is not a hot bait in this area but has done very well around the country, some places it is a must have. Big O hit a homer with that one. Sometimes the look test can be wrong.
  17. How are the edges on these weights where the line passes through? Do you have problems with them cutting your line?
  18. I like to fish them T rigged weightless with a light hook and the tail horizontal and let them glide and slide through the water. Don't need to give them much action. Not a good technique on a windy day though.
  19. I wait for the first sign of clouds which signals the end of the bluebird skies. It seems like when the clouds start to form things are returning to normal conditions.
  20. Can we add luck to this? I mean there are so many factors to consider, just look at Rolo's post, 1) LOCATION................(bottom contour + ambient cover) 2) DEPTH......................(water depth + fish depth) 3) PRESENTATION...... (lure depth, lure speed, lure action, lure shape, lure size, lure color) Now how many of those do we have to get right to be on the bite? And what are our chances of getting even three of these correct day after day? Of course we all get it right part of the time and some (Vandam) get it right more often. Having said that, experience, knowledge, and preparation are key elements of luck. I can factor in the season, weather, water conditions and whatever else I think I need to consider and still it all comes down to the HASK (half arsed scientific guess) method.
  21. Try a Paca Craw, probably one of the very best craws you can buy.
  22. That all sounds pretty extreme to me, those guys are pretty good fisherman and they fish waters that are loaded with bass, big bass. That may be their "secret". There is always going to be someone taking shots at successful people. Satchel Paige may have been the greatest baseball player ever and at one time he said. "when theyse wackin at you arse, you knows you ahead" I love it.
  23. Make a habit of doing the things you don't like to do, get them out of your way and when they are done you can really enjoy the things you like without worrying about what has to be done. This applies to saving and studying.
  24. It is a good dark water color, but purple is like black. It will catch bass anywhere.
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