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Everything posted by Taylormade113

  1. Another vote for Livetarget! I swear by these. I have had many days where we were frogging and my friend starts with a different frog and keeps missing them. Changes to Livetarget and it was on. Same set up and hook sets. They are just so soft and collapse so easy. I will add one other tag to this. Consider dropping in power on your rod. I know, I know, POWER!!! We need rebar to get these fish! Watch Dean Rojas (the guy that helped design the Bronze eye frog) and even the guys from Tactical Bassin, when they talk about making better hook ups with softer rods. I fish slop and have dropped to a set up that is basically a M/H + with a fast tip and still rip them out carrying a bowl of salad. Just an idea.
  2. These are the hook I use and they have been a game changer. Especially when my boys fish the ned. I am not retying multiple times due to much less hang ups. There is a potential for a greater hook up with the exposed hook, but I have not noticed enough of a difference to switch. These also hold and keep the Ned in place very well! Honestly, this is a bait that just last once you tie it on.
  3. What is the next rod up with a 705? Thanks!
  4. Agreed. This will be a dedicated frog rod, and the main difference I am looking for is a lighter set up for the longer days of throwing it. Like I stated, my set up works and has worked well and I have just been impressed with the Dobyns line, but they dont make a 705 or it would be a no brainer.
  5. I appreciate the responses. I have never struggled with the TP1 that I have now, but I am looking for something a little lighter. My hook up ratio has honestly been very solid. Honestly, I would be switching for the sake of it, and just wanted your takes. I remember watching a Dean Rojas video where he speaks to only using a M/H power frog rod, and I have taken his lead. Keep the input coming!
  6. I know they have a 735 that is the famous frog rod, but I want to stay at 7'. I have this rod (704) as my dedicated work horse rod for texas rigs, jigs, and swim jigs, but wanted your take on how it may work as a frog rod? My frog rod now is a 7' Lews TP1 M/H that plays above its power, and I have never had an issue with it. It cast well and is easy to work. I have just been so impressed with the Fury line that I may switch all my rods over. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks Kris
  7. The good news is, I have never felt, with the applications I am using this line for (Elite) that stretch was a factor. It honestly may be a benefit. I am fishing it on a Dobyns Fury 703C and mainly use this for anything with a treble hook. The only single hook application would be a Spinnerbait, chatterbait, or Senko/Fluke. I have never felt like stretch was an issue with landing or setting the hook on any of these styles of presentations.
  8. This. Honestly, this rod has handled everything from flukes, to jerkbaits, to square bills, to senkos, topwater, poppers, chatterbaits, and lipless. I have been so impressed.
  9. I wanted to try these lines on my treble, topwater, moving bait rod and the review is complete. YoZuri 12#: Not a fan. Memory. Tough knot cinching. And felt brittle and old on the reel in a quick amount of time. Sufix Advanced: High Hopes, but not to be. Felt stiff. Less memory than the YoZuri by a good amount. Again, looked old and frayed quickly. I will be sticking with my Sufix Elite 14# for this set up and 10# leader material on my Spinning set up. This stuff is just amazing. Less memory. Cast amazing. Looks new longer on the reel. Great knots with no slippage. Not stiff or brittle at all. This stuff just works for the applications I'm throwing. Do not hesitate to buy this product. Kris
  10. I love knot talk. Honestly. It speaks to the individualistic side of fishing and its awesome. My take is that I learned the Alberto knot from "one rod/one reel", and have never looked back. I have never had micro guides or run braid to leader on anything other than my spinning set up. In all of my hang ups where I have broken off, I have not once broke my leader knot. I (My sons fishing a ned rig) have broken off a ton! lol. I can tie the knot quickly and cleanly with a combo of 6/8 wraps down and then 4/6 wraps back up. Just an easy knot and one I will teach my boys when they need it.
  11. Okay more updates. 704c is just awesome. I have now handled more substantial fish with it and heavier hook sets, and it has shined. For me and for the price, this nailed this slot in my line up. 703c continues to impress. Spent some time throwing the 6th Sense Fluke (not sure of their name) and was just blown away with the ability to cast, twitch and hook set solid fish on this set up. I am just honestly so happy with this rod. I am now so intrigued, I am looking at their spinning setups. I love my setup that I have now (Shimano Sedona) but I would love to expand my line up. One application I enjoy throwing on spinning set up is a jerk bait. Any recommendations on this portion of their options would be great. Kris
  12. So I have been out again, literally just throwing and retying to try my arsenal on these rods. The 703c is the sleeper in this equation. I was excited about the 704c for jigs and trigs, and it has felt and performed with these setups exactly as I have wanted it. The 703c is just shinning. Poppers..,check, lipless...check, jerkbaits...check, hooking the tail of a 15# carp..check. This is going to be a stud in my system! It never feels under powered on the cast, and the tip is just perfect for what I am looking for. I am so happy I chose the 703 over the 705cb. The next rod to add will be a 705c for frogging and honestly, I may just buy another 704c for that as I like a M/H+ over a true H for this application. The other thing that I am noticing is the balance. I have Lews Speed Spools LFS on both and they just balance perfect. To the point I notice it. Meaning, before "tip heavy" was not something I knew in my hands, it was just what I had always had, and with these there is a noticeable difference. I will continue to update my experience and love hearing everyone else's as we go. Any input on the 705c for frogging would be great! I am aware of the 735c and its legend status for this application, but I prefer a 7' for fishing out of my kayak and bank fishing. Thanks Kris
  13. Got a great deal at my local shop and got both rods for 95$ a piece. After all of the input from this site and the search function, I settled on this brand and these 2 series. 704 for bottom contact baits and trigs, and the 703 for moving baits, trebles, jerks, and topwater walking baits. Took them out tonight to just get a feel, as this is what you say when you don't catch one, I was not fishing, I was getting used to the feel, lol! I through a 3/8 jig on the 704 and a Popper on the 703. First impression, balanced. I knew what that meant, but I now know what that feels like. Just felt perfect in my hand. Also, the word premium comes to mind. I know, I know it is all relative. But this series feels like a premium setup. Second, overall casting would be rated on that they both did everything I wanted them too. The jig never felt sloppy on the cast, and the pooper never felt light. These were my first 2 big hurdles with these setups and they crushed them. I feel all other applications that I have planned will now fall in line with ease. Third, they both were very responsive for their respected power. Twitch with ease and both reacted and gave the feedback I was looking for. I am ecstatic and appreciative for the feedback in my other post concerning this decision. I will be throwing other setups tomorrow and will report back in nuances I come across. Like, what a bite feels like or how they handle a hookset! Kris
  14. So I have now had the opp to cast the SLX and it is definitely (MH/F 7') a stiffer set up. Not bad at all but Im not sure I would enjoy using it as a multi function rod, it would be much more of a jig, trig set up. Im not sure I liked the tip on the SLX as it seemed to struggle to load on pitching 3/8 jigs? I actually see this set up being a frog rod as I like to frog with M/H on the strong side. I think I may be narrowing it down now to the 704 or BassX. I have read that the BassX loads a bit and may be better for moving baits rather than jigs. I may end up with the 704c for jigs and trigs and the BassX as a "Grab 1 rod and go" set up. Keep the thoughts coming as they are very appreciated for an over thinker like me!
  15. So you think the Dobyns is more sensitive?
  16. First, Lews customer service = awesome. They are sending me a gift card for their site for an insert on my TP1 (original) popping out. I am intrigued by the new set up. Any one that can speak to this rod, please speak up now! Thanks, Kris
  17. I have narrowed down to the Fury 704c, SLX MH, or BassX MH. I am looking for a MH Jig and TRig set up. I would classify this as any bottom contact bait. Sell me on one! Thanks, Kris
  18. What about jerkbaits? will the 705cb work for that? I love throwing them.
  19. Long story short, 2 poles down this weekend! I am looking to get to workhorse poles to cover some ground. I was looking at the 704 and 703 series in both the colt and fury line up. The 704 would be for jigs, pitching t-rigs, bottom contact applications 17# fluorocarbon. The 703 would be for chatterbaits, lipless, squarebills, top water treble hooks, and jerkbaits with 12/14# Mono. I am well aware that these are not dialed to these applications, but I want your input on if this sounds like a good plan. I have also looked at the SLX combo with SLX XT for the jig/bottom contact category. Any input would be awesome! Thanks! Replacing rods is fun but also a pain, for over thinkers!
  20. Okay, so i spooled up some 50lb 832 and tied on a leader and we are off. And by off, I mean this is not for me. I have braid on my Frog set up and have no issues, but for some reason, this 832 sounds terrible going through the guides? It was just not what I was looking for. My knot was great, I got the sensitivity and application I was looking for, but just absolutely hated the feel. And for that the experiment is over, lol! Cheap, experiment.
  21. I have Braid to Leader on my spinning set up and love it, and am thinking about going this route on one of my bait caster setups. The idea is to have a rod that can be a jack of all trades, if I just grab a single rod. My normal plan would be be 17# InvisX as my do all, but we are getting to Whopper Plopper season, and cant throw it on Fluoro, so that nixed that idea. But if I go Braid to Leader, I can throw pretty much everything from Chatter, Lipless, Jerk, Jigs, and TRigs and now Top water on one rod with this plan. I know that it will excel at something's better, than others but it will be a truly a multi purpose set up. Any thoughts or opinions from going this direction are appreciated. Thanks Kris
  22. That's right, 7'M/H in a world of 7'8"+ and XXH for frogging. I know "Im under powered" but I have really enjoyed the set up I currently have (Lews TP1 MH) and am now in need of another set up. I am leaning toward the SLX in 7'MH as the option for this as it seems to have reviews stating that it is a bit stouter than other MH and yet still has a tip easy enough for casting and working a frog. I do not want to go over 7', as I mainly fish the bank and out of a kayak. If you have experience with this type of set up, or can speak to the SLX for this application, please speak up. Also, if you have other recommendations. please pass them along, as long as they fit this criteria. Thanks, Kris
  23. I took it out again, and really only see it being strong for whopper, cranks and possibly spinner baits. It is a solid reel (revo x) but just not one i see myself using a ton. It may end up being a learning reel for my friends and younger sons. Thanks for all the input!
  24. Thanks - i appreciate the input.
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