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Everything posted by uglyasheck

  1. Its not how deep you fish but the depth you fish. Fish are in deep water and shallow water.
  2. Down here in South Mississippi the one thing you better be on the look out for at night is RED WASP NEST. They are as big as sunflowers and I don't mean the small ones either. You could die before you got to the dock. The fishing is fun but I'm too old to up past 9pm now days.
  3. I would use a Weightless Wacky Worm . When they bust the top throw ahead or on top of school and get ready. We use this method all the time but you have to be patient. I use finesse worms instead of stick bait but it would probably work too.
  4. Two weeks ago I fished a couple of times during the week with 97 degree water. They don't bite as good went its that hot. Its ok early morning , late in the afternoon, or at night but not as good. Saturday I fished and it was 93.5 and we was having showers moving in and out and I caught 22 but no big ones just 2lbs down to a 1lb. Two weeks ago I fished a couple of times during the week with 97 degree water. They don't bite as good went its that hot. Its ok early morning , late in the afternoon, or at night but not as good. Saturday I fished and it was 93.5 and we was having showers moving in and out and I caught 22 but no big ones just 2lbs down to a 1lb.
  5. I have a 7' Arid X spinning with a Regal. Good little combo.
  6. Tiny Torpedo
  7. I know you will get a lot of opinions but try the Woo Tungsten wacky hook. Its the best I have used. The weed guard is the perfect stiffness and does not get out off wack so to speak. LOL. Good hook up ratio too.
  8. I heard this morning in Australia they are introducing herpes virus to invasive fish and having success. This may be the carp answer we been looking for. I thing as they breed they will pass it around.
  9. To me a great all around rod is Daiwa Tatula 6'10" med its a great rod for the money which is in your budget.
  10. Wacky Wacky Wacky
  11. I have several of the arid x rods 7' m/l and I have nothing but good to say they may not be as sensitive as the higher priced rods but I have caught multiple bass from 5lbs, to 9lbs and as long as you have good line and he don't hang you up he's yours. The rod bends so that it keeps the fish pend to the hook. I have tatulas and rebellions and love those rods also but the old X is my favorite to catch a fish on.
  12. I'm close to you here in south Mississippi. What i have found and I fish 3 to 7 times a week, is steady cold is ok , cold to warming is good but warm to cold is bad.
  13. Winter is the next best time to fish here Spring being the best overall. I love fishing in the winter no deer hunters on the water. LOL Just me and a my buddy most times with exception of a few more hardcore guys here and there. They don't like the temps going down but once stable or moving back up its ON.
  14. Our weather has been warm recently for this time of year South Central Mississippi. My buddy and I fish alot and we can't figure these fish out. We have been cathing fish on the bank using wacky worms but when we go deeper than say 4 or 5 feet we can't hardly get a bite. You can see fish on the graph some suspended some on bottom but its like they have the lock jaw but yet on the bank they killing it. We are mostly finesse guys so we fish a lot of plastics wacky, slider, drop shot, Texas rig. The water temps have varied from 55 to 68 degrees by this weekend it should reach 70. We did noticed that the bank fish are getting bigger the warmer the water gets. I'm thinking with the temps like they are the fish are more spread out but don't understand the lack of bites.
  15. Daiwa Tatula either the 6'10" med which is a sweet little rod or the 7' . I prefer the 6'10" its a great all around rod to me.
  16. What they should do is have Super Bowl type tournament of Champions between BASS Classic and MLF Redcrest winner now that would be interesting.
  17. You Can't please everybody and sometimes nobody. LOL I like the all counting format they had but would have like to have seen them add the one that had the five biggest be added to the mix then you could of had like 2 tournys going on at the same time.
  18. I use the 7'1" Tatula M/L for drop shot rod . Like the other guy said put you a Tatula LT 3000 and away you go. I have the Rebellion 7' M/L also and love it. If you think you want a stiffer rod the 6'10" medium is a great rod that can do any finesse technic in my opinon.
  19. I have this rod and love it . Drop shot, light Texas rigs, wacky rig, slider, it works great sensitive.
  20. I don't know about after cause I can't remember but we fished during several hurricanes 3 years ago and we killed them as long as the wind is not too bad. These were not 4 or 5 class canes just the smaller ones.
  21. I have Tatulas with the cork handles and love them but the Rebellions are great also.
  22. I love chasing those little ghost around. They come up, go down, get behind you. It can be exciting but we haven't learned all the best baits yet. We have caught them on wacky worms when they surface and it seems to always get bit and some top water stuff but would like to know what to try when they submerge. Any ideas from you guys actually fish the schools?
  23. I just want the fish to bite no matter what month it is.
  24. I like the 6'10" medium I would consider it being between the 7'1" M/L and the 7' medium. It really depends on the size and weight that your throwing.
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