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Everything posted by Heartland

  1. how many does he want?
  2. The older Poes were a great cedar bait IMHO
  3. You do know you can change he hooks if you don't care for them.
  4. Sorry Man, but I think you got this wrong. Mono is very good for fishing crankbaits and treble hooks.
  5. G. Loomis GLX 844C MBR Mag Bass Casting Rod
  6. I prefer a MH/F 7 foot or longer with a fast tip. This style lends itself to long casts and hook sets with a single big hook. I don't care for the slower tip action because the bait drag pre-loads the tip too much for my liking.
  7. It looks like it sat in a hot car and a rainbow melted on it.
  8. Spook S.B. Shorty Sammy W.P.
  9. I have always thought the 734 to be one of the most versatile rods in the Dobyns lineup.
  10. Spinning reels usually have to high of an IPT for me to consider for deep cranking.
  11. Solid rivets are fantastic for a lot of things like structural repair and assembly, but if you just have a leaking rivet or two there are much easier solutions than a rivet gun and bucking bar. Like you said it is your boat fix it how you want, weld it, shoot it full of solid rivets or stick a carrot in the hole for all I care.
  12. What do you consider an acceptable KSI?
  13. Cherry Max hand puller will cost you about 100 dollars. Rivets are comparably expensive, but offer consistency and ease of use. Been an A&P for more years than I care to disclose. But yet we assemble aircraft with them......
  14. Cherry Max rivets are a blind fastener and are widely used in aircraft. Solid rivets are great if you have the experience/ tools necessary to properly install them. If you do not have the experience with solid fasteners I would recommend cherry max rivets installed wet/sealer. You can make a real mess of things trying to install solid fasteners, they have a learning curve associated with them. Clean round holes of the proper size are critical. Check your grip length and order your fasteners accordingly.
  15. What rod you going to be using with this setup.
  16. Look into the products and practices that scuba divers use to keep their masks from fogging.
  17. No problem at all just wanted to make sure we were talking apples to apples.
  18. Glad you were able to resolve the issue. The brake drum is the metal ring inside the palm side plate, the brake tabs are the small plastic pieces that are on the end of the brake pins and provide the braking force.
  19. Interesting, because none of the parts you listed have any effect on casting, that part of the reel is disengaged during casting. If they were failing to disengage properly you would have experienced a significant loss of distance during casting.
  20. If you adjust your reel so your bait has a fast fall, you are going to experience some spool overrun if you don't put your thumb on the spool. They don't make parts that prevent this, it is normal operation. Now if you can no longer adjust your spool to the fall rate you desire, you may need to change the spacers mentioned above as they do wear over time.
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