The thought haunts me. I'm holding her back away from me because I had not yet mastered the selfie with plus-sized bass, but my forearm from wrist to elbow in that picture is 11"; she was a loooong girl, but no belly as I caught her in the middle of June. She was longer than both of my DDs, and her shoulders were so broad I couldn't get my hand around her. Both fists fit in her mouth without touching the sides, and those big bug eyes...... FWC's weight estimator put her peak at 12.5lbs at that length, and I believe it.
I dream of catching her again in peak prespawn, if she hasn't declined she should be a low teener easily by now, that pond is full of shad for her to bulk up on.
Not to derail OP's, thread, I only posted her to show that, yes, that rod will work for the other uses you listed.