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ben watson

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Everything posted by ben watson

  1. just a suggestion, jointed jitterbug black, spinnerbait chart/white booyah, frogs, lizards, i use manns hardnosed green pumpkin, 5/0 or 4/0 gammy ewg hook, 1/8 bullet weight [some people dont like manns frogs, whatever you feel comfy with] maybe a rapala xrap jerkbait, senkos, some 7+'' worms,1/4 oz bullet weights
  2. what type of hook are you using? i use 5/0 gama ewg, also just a suggestion manns hardnosed toads really can take a beating, one time i caught 4 big pickeral and 3 lm bass and i still have the frog
  3. i got the 7;1 sweet reel never had a backlash yet, for light lures i only have 3 brakes on, very easy to use but it did take a little bit for me to be accurate with it, now i usually come within 6- 12'' of a target, practice,practice
  4. its ok to talk to yourself, just as long as you dont carry on a conversation.
  5. about 3 weeks ago i caught an old 6' rod, reel and a old mepps2 lure, a few years back i caught a seagull, last year i caught a 20 lb rock deepsea fishing in about 300' of water. my buddy caught a owl on a homemade popper.
  6. hello everyone, i love fishing with frogs, when i first fished them i was using mono but as some people suggested to much stretch, then i switched to braid much better, also make sure hook is SHARP, even if its right out of the pack they might not be very sharp, i really never gave it a second thought before but it really does make a difference.
  7. hello everyone, went fishing yesterday in milton, northeast pond. only caught 2 pickeral, still no bass, caught both picks on 5/8 jitterbug, alot of traffic on lake, tournament today, also really windy yesterday, i threw out my anchor to slow me down a little, it didnt really work , when i pulled the anchor up i noticed there was some fishing line wrapped around the rope along with a very old rod and reel with a mepps2 lure still attached, the rod was a 6' shakespere with a shakespere longcast reel,.. wish i caught a nice bass instead.
  8. lbh, very informative, better explanation than that charlie moore guy or alot of other tv shows out there, thank you
  10. i have a few different colors all jointed 5/8oz, when you cast it and it hits the water i like to let it sit still for 5-10 seconds then i start to reel it slow and pick up some speed, sometimes i will stop and let it sit again and start reeling again,you will know if you are doing it right by the sound blub,blub,blub SMASH
  11. i third that burley,bps has been horrible, stinks though i really like them too its just not worth the aggrevation, ebay is even faster lol
  12. i also have glide strips, and it really does make it really easy to launch and load up. just have to remember to leave it strapped until its halfway in the water so it wont slide off the trailer, and loading is super easy. imho
  13. hello, gonna try to go fishing sunday, i never used a jig before, i have three 1/4 oz strike king jigs and i also have uncle josh #11 pork frog 2 1/2'', can i use this trailer or will it be to gawdy looking? what other kind of trailers does everybody use? btw the jig colos are pumpkinseed and green and the trailers are red, green, and brown. i will be fishing between 10' and 40' of water. thanks everyone
  14. 1. jitterbug - jointed and weedless 5/8 oz 2.booyah 1/2 oz buzzbait chartruese/white 3.hula poppers 4.yo-zuri banana something 5. manns hardnosed horney swim toad 5'' bullfrog color, not really a topwater but you can make it be one, almost indestructible for a soft bait.
  15. has anybody ordered anything from bps lately? their shipping is horrible, so slow 3 months ago i bought the new johnny morris baitcast reel 7:1. 5 weeks later it shows up, then march 23, i got a 6'6" pro qualifier m/h because it was on sale 79.00 good price GREAT rod. but i got it friday april 13 really slow very unhappy >
  16. kb jitterbugs are awesome, 1 of my favorites for topwater besides buzzbaits w/trailer hook, try the weedless jitterbug those are cool too, glty
  17. hello, i hate this ##$##%%^&& weather, 4-12'' tomorrow a nor'easter monday, still about 2-3'' of ice in milton some clear spots, 1palnl all my buddies and i always practice catch and release, we didnt have a camera the day he caught that fish, i agree clarks is very informative for lakes and ponds, i used to live in hudson, thier are a lot of little ponds around there i always wanted to fish at bensons but never got around to it, i heard that there is alot of nice fish there, never fished the merrimack either
  18. i have a couple of old rattle traps that were wierd colors, so i broke out the red and black sharpies and some clear spray paint, and made them look brandy new, now they look like the same color they were using on bassmasters, i did have to do two coats, when you spray the clear coat just spray it very lightly so the colors dont run,then the second coat can be applied as much as you want
  19. hello, was wondering if you might have to much line in the reel, :-/,it should be about 1/4 in. below the line on the spool, hope this helps
  20. very nice bass, congrats walking bass, ipalnl i have been to northern bass but where is granite state rod and reel? has anybody ever fished horseshoe pond in merrimack my buddy caught a 7lber there a few years back nice place right off dw highway.
  21. hello, i live in milton nh, just wanted to say, hi everyone. btw has anyone ever been to ZYLAS in merrimack nh? they have a pretty nice selection of fishing supplies fresh and salt water.
  22. hello, i read in the latest edition of ''BASSIN'' some people use armorall to protect the cork ? was wondering if anyone has done this? i remember when i was 16 i had a 1971 chevy nova and put it on the steering wheel and seats, i'll never do that again, would the rod slip out of your hand, and also wouldnt the fish smell or taste it when you put the bait on??? tia 8-)
  23. i found a way to make the keeper that you can put on your favorite hooks. all that you would need are ornament hooks from the christmas tree, needle nosed pliars and a decking screw, straighten the hook grab the deckscrew and the straight wire they both should be in the same hand with the point of the deckingscrew facing down,then place the straight in any groove and tightlyturn thestraight wire countrclockwise 5or6x
  24. thank you for all the replies and warm welcomes, i have been reading and learning alot on this site, i got the idea for the huddlebug from fish chris with his monster smallies [incredible]. i live in NH and it doesnt look like i will be fishing anytime soon, i will be fishing alot of new baits that i learned about on this site. my biggest bass was a little over 4lbs, caught on a wooly hawgtail camo, i hope i can catch some really nice bass from all the info i have learned on this site, thank you for inviting me to the forum
  25. hello everyone, i am new to the best forum on the web. i just bought some huddlebugs on ebay, was wondering if anybody have used them before, and also where do you put the hook? : and what kind of hook? :-[ the huddlebugs i got are already weighted, tia
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