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    Northern Indiana
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    The wet lakes.

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    God, Family, Fish, Hunt.

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  1. 1998 Bass Tracker...I am putting a garmin in the bow and as with many trackers they are "pre-wired" to the deck. Under the deck I found the + and -. I tested them and they are not hot. From looking at a chart my understanding is that the wires run to the fuse box. I have no way of knowing what will bring those wires to life. I will note the 1 empty space in my box but no wire attached as apposed to other designated fuses. I am stumped. Any help is appreciated.
  2. I have a 2 Cycle 40HP motor that runs like a top. Problem though...Last fall I took the lower unit off to change impeller. When I put it back on I believe I tweaked the vertical shift rod that goes to the lower unit when I reconnected it. Now I have a 2.2mph when I am in neutral. I am stumped.
  3. You guys are a big help thanks!
  4. I am a new owner and have a simple question...(I hope) If I am sitting at my console of my 98 Pro Team 175 there is a dial switch that says Auto on my right slightly behind the throttle. I have no idea what it is for...Someone please fill me in. I am guessing it has not been active for quite some time. Thanks
  5. I am new to better boats so I am still learning. I have two batteries in my boat. I have fish finder, gps, bilge, live well, lights, trolling motor, ect. Does my motor have a magneto that will charge my batteries on the run??? If I go fishing for a week and I am unable to plug my boat in I will surely kill my batteries...correct? 1998 Bass Tracker 175Pro Team with a 1998 Mercury Force 40HP 2 Stroke...?
  6. I am new here and trust this to be a great resource... 1. What is the rotary turn switch behind the throttle control? Says Empty and Auto... 2. I experienced long buzz/ beep alarm the other day. I understand it is related to the cooling system. My impeller looks great. ThermEstate checks out doing its job. I am confused....98 Force 40HP 2 stroke. Thanks for the help.
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