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Everything posted by PhishLI

  1. Quantum Energy Casting Reels | Tackle Warehouse
  2. If it's Plastisol, then Mend-it should restore it perfectly.
  3. Always, but every rod I have is rigged with some type of clip. SPRO Prime Snap Minis for light line and VMC Touch-Loks for heavier line. Retying at night is a pain and is irksome compared to swiftly unclipping a bait and clipping another one on. Also, I don't need to put on my readers then turn my headlamp on which might spook fish. I might have a clip tied onto braid for months at a time, but generally retie clips to plastic lines every few trips unless I know I've been hit by Pickeral. I have zero concern with the VMCs failing. I snagged some wood recently. 50lb J8 with a VMC #1 Touch-Lok. The hook failed while pulling it out, but the snap was fine.
  4. That's valid of course, and personal. I can't speak to the drag performance with lighter baits and line as this isn't the reel for that, IMO. I got it for a specific purpose which is frogs and bulky swimmers using 50lb braid for setting at least a 6/0 Beast Hook at the end of a bomb cast. I don't lock the drag, but it's tight with the expectation of setting heavy wire hooks and fighting fish horizontally through pads. In this scenario, the drag has been fine. The drag clicker is a neat option too. BTW, I got the 6 spd for the torque. Tonight, I fished the side of a lake where the trees overhang way out over the water which meant I couldn't use my 7'6". I bought a Tatula Elite 6'9" HF just for zones like this. I can only wade out so far, and not beyond the tree branches, so it's perfect for this. With the shorter rod, I'm able to overhead cast no problem. This area is pads from the shoreline out to quite a distance, but then it's open water. Even with the 6'9" rod, I was able to hit out into the open water with the Rattle Toad, which typically isn't easy at all. This reel is fantastic for the purposes you'd outlined which is why I chose it for myself. No boats are allowed in my local waters and I'm stuck wading, so distance is very important to me. One never knows beforehand, but it's met my expectations. I doubt it would be anything special with a jerk bait though as @FishTank said. Larger, deep, heavy, fully loaded, 200 size spools usually aren't. There's a reason why there are 70, 100, and 150 sized spools. All of that said, it's hard to say how it would do in some else's hands as your casting mechanics are probably not the same as mine. Who knows, yours might even be better. If you're going to be casting from a standing position like I do, and you're a practiced distance caster, I think you'll get what you're looking for, especially for 150 bux.
  5. Try these in size 0. Prime Snap Mini – SPRO Sports Professionals
  6. Nice! Keep working that spot and you'll remain dialed in. That's how it works. Who knows what you'll run into.
  7. They pushed the line guide farther away from the spool in this version, so line flows out rather smoothly for a Non-T-wing reel. It's a low-effort distance caster with heavier baits which is something I'm beginning to appreciate more as I get older. I can't help myself from sending baits often, but I wouldn't mind persevering the machinery a bit longer, meaning me.
  8. Here's my observation specifically about heavier frogs between 5/8oz-3/4oz excluding the Launch frog. That thing catches wind and doesn't cast as well as traditional, stiffer bodied frogs. Give the 3/4oz Fish Lab Rattle Toad a try. While I really like lighter spools between 10.5 grams to 13 grams for general purpose reels, for heavier frogs specifically, I want a spool between 17-20 grams unloaded, which when loaded with braid tops out at 29-31 grams. I've found that these heavier spools in conjunction with a rod that loads well to the weight of the aforementioned frogs somehow help in launching them crazy distances. If the spool happens to be about 36mm tall, even better. I have several reels that fall into this category, and each is a heavy frog bomber. If you want to test my hypothesis, give the latest BB1 Pro a shot. My markers for distance in the lakes I fish are reliably defined pad field edges. My 13 Omen Black 2 7'6" MH rated to 1 1/4oz is in actuality a heavy rod, and I can set a Beast Hook at the end of a max distance cast. With the BB1 Pro riding it, I can hit marks with heavy frogs only equaled by my JDM Catalina TW which has a 36mm spool and a stiff inductor spring. To answer your specific question, the BB1 Pro will dust the Zillion G in this particular situation. So will my Pfluger Supreme XT with its 20 gram unloaded spool and older DOYO/ABU 6 pin centrifugal brakes. That reel is a heavy frog bombing monster, but it's long out of production. The new BB1 Pro is smooth, has a nice 100 mm handle and 36mm spool, and the 6 pin ACB brakes are simply fantastic and are far less twitchy and touchy than the current SVS Infinity system, IMO. Flush the spool bearings of the factory's heavy grease, or simply add oil to them to break it down. Do this and you'll realize the potential of this reel for your specific application. P.S. I probably should've remembered your preference for tiny reels before writing anything. Oh well. The BB1 isn't tiny, but it isn't huge either.
  9. I have Columbia PFG Blood and Guts and Silver Ridge standard and convertibles. I prefer the Silver Ridge because of the ample cargo pockets. One's zippered and the other is Velcro closure. Cool grey is great for high sun days, but it's hard to find. Anyway, both dry out super fast in a light breeze.
  10. Did you catch his interview afterward where he slipped up and mentioned that he lost 4 guide inserts in the process? I fish hella choked out junk and have never lost an insert on any rod.
  11. Welcome to the club. Only took me 58 years. Truly sucked.
  12. Quick lunch break bass on the Heavy Poop. Water chickens.
  13. More like pathetic. DBags.
  14. When you get loose coils but not a backlash, back off your drag some, then without thumbing the spool, pull the line out until you get down to tight wraps. This will keep the line from jumping into loose coils like you're getting when you thumb the line and pull it out. Once you get down to tight wraps, tighten your drag again, then pinch the line and wind back in the excess. If you're not down for line conditioner, which works great on mono, make sure your first cast is with a compact, heavy bait. Bomb it out and let the line sink. This will wet the line deep into the spool once it's wound in, and it'll help keep it calm for the rest of your outing assuming you've dialed in the reel and your casting stroke. I started off with braid too and had my fair share of WTFudge moments with mono and fluoro once I tried them, but I figured it out. Didn't take long, and now I use both often with very little grief,
  15. Are you a masochist? If not, then stick with braid to leader. 10lb Seaguar Blue label works well.
  16. If the idea makes you feel creepy, then don't do it. If it doesn't, then have at it.
  17. Took a trip way out east with my brother to a pretty good lake for a john boat sesh. With a few days past the full moon, overcast skies in the forecast and a late moonrise, we had high hopes. But once we got there, the fog was so dense it was like fishing inside a storm cloud. Normally that would be just fine, but just like my local spots, this place has had an early explosion of lily pads, but worse than that, trolling motor battery-killing pondweed was everywhere, so we had to row. Could barely see past the front of the boat with the blinding pea-soup fog which meant every wake bait casted out ended up stuck in pads or pondweed that would not easily give up a lure. Headlamps reflecting back on us just made seeing out farther worse, so we ending up blowing up spots and killing time retrieving pricy swimbaits. We finally committed to running only soft plastics through the jungle and on the bottom. Eastern north shore lakes on this island are often a few weeks behind mine, so I was unsurprised to get the tell-tale bumps and short strikes of nest guarders. We finally rowed into a small, clear patch in very shallow water way up the lake, so my brother winged out a Tiny Tum crank down wake. Got a nice fish right away, and on the very next cast to the very same spot he got a smaller fish which we assumed was the male of a mating pair. We were both whipped by then, so we rowed back, tossed down some geritol, and called it a night. When only one of us lands something, we're content with saying that the boat didn't get skunked. There isn't much that beats time spent with my brother, so it's all good.
  18. A 5" SK Caffeine Shad or a Big Bite Baits Jerk Minnow both weigh in between 11 and 11.5 grams, which is over 3/8oz, when rigged on an unweighted 6/0 Owner Twistlock Light. I fished both baits last time out, and I'm basically fishing in a huge pad field. Both can be cast 120' no problem with a standard 7'3"-7'6" MHF assuming you have a decent reel with a reasonably light spool. Which reels do you own? Which rods do you own? Personally, I'd never go below 30lb braid fishing pads. I've seen 20lb pop too often in them, but not 30lb.
  19. Who knows? 2 minutes is too long not breathing, especially for a bigger fish. Unhook it, then soak it for a minute or two, then take your pics and soak it again before release.
  20. I've got no choice, and I love it. I zone out and time just zips by when working the pads. So many possibilities. Taken last week, and it'll only get thicker from here on out.
  21. I'm most often fishing with a stout MHF or a HF and straight braid, so even if I don't see a lost fish, I can feel whether or not it was heavy. Once they're past 5 1/2lbs, there's a unique strain I feel from the back of my wrist to my elbow that tells the tale. The stiffer rods and no-stretch line don't absorb much, so the load gets transferred quickly to muscles. Conversely, with a M spinning rod, light line, and light drag, it's much harder to tell what I have until I see it as the entire system absorbs so much. Seems to hold true for the pros too who almost always proclaim a biggun before they see it with spinning gear even if it's a 2lber. That aside, and as haunting as it is, I'm good with seeing a lost fish as it reassures me that they're still in there to be caught another day.
  22. You're right. It hasn't.
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