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Everything posted by PhishLI

  1. This is my braid knot. After the knot is first cinched, I use a fingernail to slide and lock it down against the hook's eye. Then, with a finger in the bend of the hook, I lock the line down by pulling on the mainline with my other hand. Never fails. However. I wear cut-proof gloves when I fish, so grabbing and pulling braid isn't an issue whatsoever. Don't try it without this type of glove. It's simple and strong, and all that's needed is a short tag end to complete the knot, so it's not wasting much line compared to other knots which is a bonus, IMO.
  2. The best of yesterday. Hated having to leave as the bite finally started to really turn on right after dark. Ended the sesh missing something large that violently smashed my Beast Coast Miyagi while fishing along a ledge. Folded my heavy rod and shocked my elbow. "Get the net!", immediately followed by "Noooooo". This place holds oversized monster Pickeral too, so it might've been one of those. Who knows? Next time. Saturday was brutally hot, and the fishing was tough at a different lake, but we beat the skunk.
  3. New Tatula with SV Boost. Daiwa Tatula SV100 Casting Reel | Tackle Warehouse 24 TATULA SV 100 – Daiwa US New Tatula 150 SV. Daiwa Tatula SV TW 150 Casting Reel | Tackle Warehouse 24 TATULA SV TW 150 – Daiwa US New Coastal 150. Daiwa Coastal SV150 Casting Reel | Tackle Warehouse 24 COASTAL SV TW 150 – Daiwa US
  4. I needed some more Big Bite Baits Jerk Minnows in a color not carried by TW, so I went directly to their site and put some in my cart. I was happy to see free shipping even on a small order. My laptop has a Microsoft feature that searches for coupons, and it found some. bbb10 and thanks. Pretty good deal. GSM also owns GY, Bill Lewis, and a few others if you need just a few things and don't want to reach a minimum threshold to get free shipping.
  5. You can roll cast with spinning gear if you like but it certainly isn't necessary. When I fished out of a sit-in kayak a roll cast was impossible due to how low to the water I was sitting. Just a flick of the rod is all it takes. No different than skipping a stone. Get the angle to the water correct and it skips. I don't need to do a roll-throw with my arm to skip rocks, but more likely than not someone here will pop up to say that they do. Regardless, try it. It works fine.
  6. Some do. Some don't. I don't because I want a free-casting feel. I rely on my brakes proper and my feel for a particular reel where I adjust my casting stroke to it, the rod, line, and the lure. Once adjusted for zero side-to-side play and zero tension, I put a hash mark with a sharpie marker on my tension knob located at the 12 o'clock position just in case it somehow gets moved. A side benefit is that I'll never wear out a lash pad. BTW, this zero-tension setting is generally understood to be ideal for Daiwa's mag brakes but works just as well with other brands as well as reels with centrifugal brakes. Still, there might be cases where a whiff of spool tension is helpful. However, adding too much generally means you're not quite calibrated to your setup, IMO.
  7. The following assumes you've never taken the reel apart and the tension knob worked properly before this issue popped up. Housed within the tension knob and under the bearing in the non-handle side plate you'll find lash pads. They might be carbon fiber, or a type of phenolic sheet cut to fit. Regardless, if it's your habit to apply spool tension for a slow drop instead of only eliminating side-to-side play, you'll eventually wear out the lash pads to where you won't be able to apply spool tension. The fix is to install new lash pads.
  8. The mechanics between skipping with casting gear and spinning aren't the same. Much more latitude with spinning. I've skipped plenty with spinning gear from sit-in kayaks and canoes. No problem at all. Just point the nose of the vessel in the direction of where you intend to skip and let it rip.
  9. Not with a spinning rod, which is what she'll be using. Flukes skip nicely.
  10. It's a piece of cake with spinning, even backhand skips. Let the lure first hit close to the target. The skipping bait often calls their attention like a baitfish trying to escape by skittering across the surface.
  11. Missed first light, which was the plan, but I got some anyway.
  12. I won't say never because bass will hit most anything dropped on their noses. Reaction strike. Besides that, GP, dark watermelons like Yamamoto, and black/blues get much more attention around here when they have time to see it/chase it. Otherwise, Watermelon red flake is a Pickeral magnet around here.
  13. I've been running the same Interstate DCM0035 35AH sealed lead acid battery since early 2018 being charged between uses with a Battery Tender Plus. Our Jon boat is 12 ft, and between my brother, me, and all of our gear we're talking close to 500 lbs. We get 6 hours running time and have occasionally run the battery down churning through topped out weeds and it's still going strong today. My son in law has gone through 2 Mini Max 35AH batteries with the same dimensions as the Interstate over the same time frame driving a 8' Sundolphin using the same Minn Kota Endura C2 30. I'm not trying to discourage you from spending more for something better, but in your situation it's probably not really necessary. This quick-connect-disconnect harness makes life easy. Amazon.com: Rig Rite Manufacturing 400 Marine Trolling Motor Quick Disconnect : Sports & Outdoors
  14. Not exactly. Both the Salamandura and BF 70 use Daiwa's typical Tatula long shaft spool scheme whereas the Alphas 800s uses Daiwa's short-shaft free floating spool and true dual bearing pinion support scheme. All also feature spool weights at 12-13 grams which is quite conventional compared to today's modern BFS offerings.
  15. Trust me. H2OX 3500 Ethos Soft Camo Sling Pack | Free Shipping at Academy
  16. Left the house at 3:15 am with my son-in-law for the 2 hour trek out to the east end of the island on the north fork to a lake we call Bass Paradise. Dropped the boat in at 5:20 and hooked my first bass on my second cast, thank god, at 5:32 on a 6th Sense 6" Trace Floater. Good sign. Next up was a crazy fighting Pickeral on a Storm 360 GT swimmer. Got rained on for a bit, then we both picked off some smalls and a few nice bass, then disaster. The trolling motor quit and we found the wires from the battery were melting. Who needs oars with extra batteries? If not for the 12 foot lure retriever pole we brought we'd still be out there. Used it as a push-pole to painfully crawl back to shore. Pulled the prop at home and found a wad of 25lb mono jambed between the prop and motor housing, and the forward-reverse switch was cooked on the Minn Kota. Regardless, it was a good time for as long as it lasted.
  17. Yes. Plastics. click here: https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/247460-adding-eyes-to-keitechs-hack/
  18. No scale. Probably 4 1/2-5. Spawned out.
  19. We'll see about that, missy. 😉
  20. Spatterdock, which are more or less a nightmare.
  21. Met up with one of the dudes for a quick early morning sesh under bluebird skies and a brisk 62* which was nice because it's been crazy hot lately. I got some and he got a nice chunk right after I bugged out.
  22. @gimruis Don't taze me, bro!
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