Hello Everyone,
I grew up within walking distance of the biggest lake on Long Island. Totally hooked on bass fishing from the get go. Saved my paper route money and bought a Daiwa 1000C and 5'10" medium Ugly Stik. Hot stuff for a 12 year old in '77. Armed with a Super Vibrax inline spinner and an Arbogast Hawaiian Wiggler, I was on fire. Last day I fished was Sept. 3,1980. Caught a big pickeral tossing the wiggler into the pads. Electrifying! Glad a fishin pal was there to see it. Nobody would've believed me otherwise.
So what happened? Life. Mostly all of a sudden I had a girlfriend. A bit older. Much more interesting to a 15 year old than a fish I tell ya! Then another. Cars. Motorcycles. School. Work, to pay for it all. But i always guarded my rod/reel combo, knowing that the day would come. Then it did.
My daughter brought her new boyfriend/future husband to a family picnic. During our first converstation he mentioned "bass fishing". That was it! The day came, sort of. Another year went by. I had a crazy workload. Finally, I tore down the reel and greased it. Replaced a guide on the old stick, and it was on. Got my permit 9/20 last summer and hit a local spot by myself. Surrounded by trees and water, every feeling I had as a kid gone fishing was back in a state of absolute perfection. A true and wonderous time warp.
I brought my brother out with me back in April of this year. His pride and joy Victory Viking now collects dust in his garage while surrounded by fishing poles. He's all in. When his riding pals call on a nice day he's usually already waist high in the water.
New friends, new family, Chronarchs, Curados, Tatulas, flippin sticks, jig rods, rods rods rods, etc, etc, etc...I'm back and I love it.