I've been following the same routine since Sunday: Work, come home, eat dinner, listen to a few of my wife's stories, walk the dog, then go wading. Rinse, repeat. Last night was chilly. The water was colder than usual. I got skunked for the first time in days. Defeated, I left the lake well in to darkness truly exhausted to my core. I told myself that I really needed a break, but I woke up quite early this morning refreshed somehow. I can't explain it. While walking my pooch and noticing the dark clouds and near dusk conditions it occurred to me that this really looks like great bassin' weather. Plus, we're on the edge of a full moon. "I can slip in a quick one before work" I told myself, so I did just that. Second cast throwing the Rat 30 in morning dawn I hooked a nice 2 pounder. Last night's defeat was instantly turned into victory! "Go out on a good note" I told myself, but just one more cast... I picked up the rig with a Dark Sleeper tied on and started working angles. Sixth cast and I'm hooked up. The bass takes a run at a stump in the water and starts to wrap around it. Instead of panicking and losing the fish, as I've done once before in this very spot, I gave it slack and it ran out of the trouble zone and I landed her. A nice 19"er. "OK, I'm really done now" I told myself, but just one more cast... I start chucking the sleeper again. Fast wind, then let it die, repeat. I lift the rod, then Bang! This one is heavy. I'm winding but the spool is slipping wildly. With so many spots to get snagged on I crank down the drag and pull her in. 22 inches and fat. "Go out on a good note" I told myself, and so I did. But I went back right after work and instantly got another cutie on the Rat 30. It was good day of phishin.