An impromptu trip to South Carolina had me packed lightly and with no fishing gear, but that was barely the point of going down there. My mom had to have open heart surgery, so fishing wasn't on my mind. That said, the ICU kicked us out each night, and with so many HOA ponds scattered within the Dell Webb development it was hard to say no, and many of which were much larger than I'd imagined. My father further encouraged me by pointing out this spot and that spot, so I decided to do a few 1 hour trips out at dusk to see what's what.
He has a few spinning rods in the garage, but they were all sketchy. My brother-in-law and his sons are all ham-fisted, so every rod was busted one way or another from their previous expeditions. I settled on a Black Max spinning rig with about 7" of its tip guillotined off, and a 2000 sized reel spooled with 20lb mono. Guitar string on a spinning reel. Uhg. Ran to Wally's for a bag of black/gold flake 5" Big Bite worms and some screw lock hooks.
These ponds all have one particular feature; Steep banks lined with tall grass. Pops has been unable to fish them for several years because it's too tough on his knees, so I went to different spots than he recommended that looked good to me with the caveat of staying out of the tall grass due to rattle snakes. I did just that. Sheesh.
I started off throwing a wacky rig for a bit, but no play. Went to a standard weedless rigging and did the slow drag thing and started getting bit. Then I started converting, but it was weird with a rig that lacked much feel at all. Good thing having that 20lb mono on after all though as I needed to shore flip every fish 5' up then 5 feet over the grass. Had about 6 shake off into the grass, but luckily, they flopped back in. Good for them that they did, because no way I was going in to save them. I imagine me getting killed by a poisonous snake during her recovery might've pushed mama over the edge.
Got some bites, and they all fought like crazy. It was a nice way to end at least a few days of stress and monotony sitting in a hospital room from dawn til dark. Mom's home today and doing well, and I'm finally on the board again.