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About bassmedic46

  • Birthday 01/24/1963

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Athol, Mass
  • My PB
    Between 1-2 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake tully

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  • About Me
    I enjoy bass fishing and shooting and archery.

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  1. Where I bank fish I have to be observant to my surroundings.
  2. You can’t ask them if they can be stupider. They take it as a challenge. 😂😂
  3. Once in a while I can see a Bass from Shore.
  4. To get out and fish. It’s been challenging with health issues between me and my wife. I haven’t been on this site as much as I would have liked.
  5. I’ll have to check that out. Thank you
  6. Thank you, I should have clarified Athol, Mass.
  7. Thank you, I never thought of going in those gates at the Quabbin. I thought it was just for boats.
  8. Tried to do a search. I live in Athol and looking for decent ponds near me that are good places to Bank fish. Few places I’ve been haven’t had to much luck.
  9. Those comments are too funny. You just need to get out there and fish. Your right you don’t need a fancy boat or electronics to catch Bass.
  10. Great find on that Catalog. I go on eBay as well as flea markets looking for old fishing magazines and lures.
  11. That was quite the transformation. Very nice job.
  12. I thought about Tournament fishing years ago but life got in the way. Now it’s to expensive and I prefer to just relax and fish now.
  13. There are great and very helpful people on this site. I know I have learned a lot. Thank you
  14. Hoping to get out this year after a long illness and my wife seems to be better. Tired of watching other people on you tube catching fish. May try and get a used canoe so I can get out on the water.
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