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Everything posted by MAN

  1. I tried that one time in Galveston,Tx, just to say I caught a fish using that method.....and I got spooled.
  2. Academy works directly with the lure factory. There is no 3rd party with regards to hardbaits.
  3. The pattern and holo suggest L&S Mirrolure. I also have a Cisco Kid that kinda resembles that as well.
  4. Just a chrome blue or black back rattletrap. My fish can't decern these from any other lipless that goes swimming by.
  5. Goes inside the tension control knob over the metal disk
  6. Anyone know who purchased them?
  7. What brand rod is it? Sound like the guides are spaced out a bit too far. By the way I thought this was an OhioGuy post at first glance
  8. We do that with redfish down here in Texas. You get a brand spankin new truck and boat if you catch one.
  9. Let me know if you would like to sell them instead of letting them collect dust!
  10. Man I wish all Goodwills were all the same. My local one would have had that marked for $79 guaranteed. Never have found a deal on any fishing items at mine.
  11. Wow thats awesome. What did you do with the snakehead?
  12. The things that changed me was having an old guy tell fish don't give a d**n what the latest and greatest while I was trying to sell him the latest and greatest...lol. Guy just wanted an H&H spinner bait. Another life changer for me was when I tossed out any fishing reputation/care for what others thought of me and really got back into live bait. Especially when taking out the kids, family members and novice fisherman. Even though that may have also cost me significantly career wise I wouldn't change a thing. Its put so much more fish in the boat and at times completely saved the day. In the end Its all about just having a good time with good friends and family.
  13. I have been wanting to add a few of these to my collection. How can I tell the originals WEC baits versus the new ones being produced by Simmons??
  14. I am going to swing by my local Bass Pro and pick some up. The one with the plastic minnow on it.....how does the minnow act during retrieval?
  15. are they repainted versions of something already on the market?
  16. They are like every reel at that price point....hit or miss. I bought the $9 Walmart spinning combo 2 years ago to test it and got almost 2 years of white bass and perch off of it. Then I donated it to my church's kids' fishing pond, and it was in pieces after just a week.
  17. I don't use the latest and greatest. I use what I like, what I know works for me and what I enjoy using. And being in the fishing industry that is considered by some to be near borderline psychotic to not be throwing exactly what Van Dam or Wheeler was throwing last week.
  18. I loose all mine. Until some fishing product developer comes out with a tackle bag system that can keep all my stuff from jumping around and falling out I'm gonna stay with my cheap toe nail clippers. I did just aquire a large circa late 80's plano 4 tray tackle box. Gonna polish her up and see if she is any better than all the soft tackle storage out there.
  19. I heard that they are about to dump a lot of money into rebuilding Quantum.
  20. Haven't used them, but like the catchy name.
  21. Great post....whereabouts in Texas are ya?
  22. Just had this happen to me. Live bait proved it to be catfish, not bass as I had thought. Really good catfish by the way...made for a great dinner. But in the other instances where it was bass I was able to get them to bite something really really small. Like a 1/16oz roadrunner. Carp and gar can have fooled me also
  23. Of all the things that could have gone wrong with that guide you actually lucked out. Slide it back under the thread and add a bit of glue/epoxy.
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