If you’re happy with the FG, stick with that, but if you think there’s something wrong with the Alberto knot itself, that’s obviously untrue.
There are subtle things you might be making that can make all the difference.
If you got your instructions from an illustration, you might be making an assumption that’s not true. For example, the illustration on net knots * shows that you pull on the braid tag and the leader to tighten the line, when in reality, you pull the braid tag and both the leader and the leader tag simultaneously. If you only pull the leader, you create a lot of stress on it just below the knot. This could be your problem.
Illustrations are good to use to remember how to tie a knot, but not so good to learn from. It’s better to watch several people tie the same knot in videos (or IRL) once you have learned the basics. It’s easier to pick up those little variations.
I’ve found that making the second wrap of 7 much looser than the first 7 wraps makes cinching the knot much easier.
I also add 3 half-hitch knots at the end. The purpose of that is to allow you to cut the tag more closely. Otherwise, there’s a very slight possibility that the knot can come untied when you don’t cinch it 100% and cut the tag too close.