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Everything posted by Justin38

  1. Yeah I get that what I'm meaning by $17k worth is if I bought a basic boat and had to rig it it would cost me about $17k, I'm thinking the electronics are newer, they're probably Gen 3 because it's got mega live Yeah but I'm wanting a 21' glass boat, I fish tournaments all over Texas and we've got some pretty rough lakes here for example Rayburn in January in my 19' champion is pretty hairy
  2. Thought about that too, been waiting a couple years but they're still selling new ones for $100k, it's just like trucks and homes people are still paying these ridiculous prices so I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon, Used boats are ridiculous price too but not quite as bad as new, about 8 years ago before everything went stupid a 6 year old fully rigged boat would've cost about $40k so in my mind they're only getting to me for $10k that's better than the price gouging on the new ones
  3. My thoughts exactly, lot of people say buy a new one, thats where I looked first and there is absolutely no chance I'm ever gonna spend $80k-$100k for a boat, and your right $50k might get me a Z7 or Z8 or aluminum but like you said I would just stay in the champ before I did that, the whole point is to get in to a full size 21' tournament rig Yeah I looked at a 2013 skeeter FX21 it was basic no power poles and only the basic little Lowrance in the dash and they have it at $40k, by the time I rig it I'll be into it another $15k so my thoughts are spend $50k and get one already rigged
  4. Trailer is good, mercury 250 pro xs The gear I mean is the 3 Solix 12s $3k each, the blades bout $2k each, and the ultrex bout $3,500 oh and mega live all come with the boat, My current ride is a 1992 champion 192, that I have personally rigged for tourneys, with 4- garmin 93s and entry level power poles, been a good boat and still is just ready for a newer one to fish all over Texas With way boat prices are now days, just trying to get an idea of that's a fair price
  5. So I'm in the market for a new tournament rig, I'm looking at a 2018 Triton 21 TRX, boat is super clean no damage fully tournament ready with 3 Solix 12, mega live, ultrex 112, power pole blades, priced at $50k Seems like a decent price but looking for opinions, the gear alone is worth about $17k
  6. As a BFL and Costa angler I wondered about this too
  7. I understand it's about 10 hours for me, I fish bass champs too but not any full division I just jackpot them
  8. I'm needing to link with a co-angler for the FLW series kicking off in January.
  9. Needing a co-angler link for the FLW series southwestern division.
  10. Have you thought about fishing the southwestern division of the FLW Costa series? I'm looking for a co-angler link
  11. How about limiting rods and lures kinda like pro golfers are limited on clubs and balls. boats, electronics, and practice doesn't really bother me that much pro golfers use equipment they are sponsored by and I believe they get practice rounds on the courses before tournament play. Just a thought
  12. I'm trying to figure out which trail fish in 2020. Bass opens or the Flw costas, what are pros and cons and everyone's opinions on the two
  13. So I am fishing my first BFL this weekend, I have only fished solo tournys before, my question is what is expected of me as a boater?
  14. lol! Ive been looking for a while this was a last resort didnt even think about posting on here till a few minutes ago
  15. Need a co angler to link with for the FLW Costa Series southwestern division, today is deadline, email me if interested- justinwomackfishing@gmail.com
  16. I take it you have, can you tell me what went wrong? a little insight might save someone else from making a mistake
  17. Whats wrong with NPS? Just curious
  18. See that makes sense to me, thats why I have never owned a jersey. I dont know how some of these guys get sponsors if they never win a tournament, Ive been fishing Bass Champs for 3 years and never seen some of them even make a top 20
  19. Ok so I got a question on fishing jerseys, So do all the guys at the club and team tournaments really have all those sponsors that are on their jerseys or are most of them just promoting brands they like in hopes of sponsorship one day? The reason I ask is Im about to move up from team tournaments to BASS opens and FLW coastas, And i read somewhere in the rules that you have to have the FLW logo in a certain place on your shirt, Now I don't have any sponsors yet except contingency stuff like Power Pole Captains cash but I would like to start trying to acquire sponsors, so is that what all of you guys do put your favorite lure co on your jersey to promote it even though you are not sponsored by them yet?
  20. Yes I know the holes on the right of the pic are for motor height adjustment, I'm talking about the three threaded holes on the left, and yes I know they weren't manufactured specific for a power pole, just curious to see if I could use them for that purpose
  21. Does anyone know what these holes are for? They are only on the port side of the motor and they are threaded, 93 Mercury XRI 150hp Just curious was wondering if maybe you could mount a power pole bracket there instead of pulling the motor Mercury.pdf
  22. Thanks guys for all your input, my boat does fish very well as I have it rigged for tournaments, but I talked to the B.a.s.s And Flw tournament directors, the way the rules are written and interpreted they restrict the use of anything except outboards. Sorry it took me a while to get back on after I found this out I started looking for a new boat well new to me, Happy to say i just bought a 93 19' champion bass boat with a 150 hp xri Merc in great condition
  23. I am a current team tournament angler and I am thinking about moving up to the coasta's or the opens in the next year or two, My question is does anyone fish these higher level tournaments out of anything other than a traditional bass boat? I currently fish team tournaments out of my 19' stingray fish&ski combo with a 225hp I/o, so its fully tournament ready. I just don't know if it would be acceptable and if so if I would be the only one not in a brand new nitro, ranger, skeeter, ect...
  24. I am a current team tournament angler and I am thinking about moving up to the coasta's or the opens in the next year or two, My question is does anyone fish these higher level tournaments out of anything other than a traditional bass boat? I currently fish team tournaments out of my 19' stingray fish&ski combo with a 225hp I/o, so its fully tournament ready. I just don't know if it would be acceptable and if so if I would be the only one not in a brand new nitro, ranger, skeeter, ect...
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