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  1. Hey y'all! Happy New Year to all of ya! I'm coming to Santee Cooper next month and I've only been on the lake once about 10 yrs ago (in the fall)...sooooo, I was wondering if any of you would be willing to help a brother out? I'm staying at Black's camp by the way...typically, what's the best pattern this time of year? Any suggestions on areas? Depth? Particular structure, etc? I greatly appreciate any and all help from y'all!! And if anyone prefers, send me a pm....thanks again amd tight lines!!
  2. Heading to the big pond next week! Anybody got any reports?
  3. Hi y'all! Just wanted to say, first that you folks are incredible! Catt, BassFanatic, and everyone else who have contributed to this post: Thank you so much for sharing your tips about Toledo Bend!! This is without a doubt, the very best forum I have EVER read!! I salute you all! Now for my question: when drop shotting deep structure, what is your setup? Weight size, length from weight to hook, size/type of hook, and the obvious what types of plastic are you using?? Thank you in advance! And again, I can't commend each of you enough for this amazing thread! Tight lines and God bless!
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