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Community Answers

  1. SC53's post in Question For The Mods was marked as the answer   
    Not a mod but, if it’s all in one post, you’ll have a lot of babysitting to do.
    Seperate post keeps things a little cleaner.  You could put separate posts for rods, reels, different types of baits ( by type) and so forth to consolidate some.
  2. SC53's post in Wind knots was marked as the answer   
    Most of the time it’s caused by a loop when closing the bail. 
    Closing the bail manually, instead of with the reel handle can help a lot.
    Also, if you get one, most of the time you can get it out by applying some chapstick to the knot and pulling on it. The chapstick lubricates it enough for it to come undone.
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