Some people I talk to about bass fishing cannot fathom the idea that we release them. Had a neighbor over for dinner awhile back for fish dinner, crappie I think, and was explaining catch & release to her. She argued that it was better to keep and kill the fish then to “hurt” it and let it go. You can’t make this stuff up!
My brother is another one, can’t understand why you would go and catch a fish just to let it go. But then again he plays golf so there’s that ?
I’m also in a fishing club here in central Florida that encompasses both salt and freshwater species. A recent survey was conducted that asked what was the hardest 8 lb. fish to catch.
Choices were: bass, redfish, dolphin(mahi-mahi), tripletail or red snapper.
Tripletail won. Now our area is renowned for the amount and size of tripletail we catch, most world records came from here, and it’s nothing to get one 8 lbs. All of the other saltwater fish on the list are also very easy to catch as well. But I’ll bet less than 10 members of the 250 in the club have ever caught a bass over 5 lbs.