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About Smalljaw

  • Birthday 09/24/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Toledo Bend
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend, Table Rock

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  • About Me
    Enjoy bass fishing, travel, and LSU sports

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  1. I had to laugh reading Doug's post, because the same thing happened to me 3 times recently, while graphing points and drops on the South end. Each time, I thought I'd found the glory hole, the downscan shots looked so good. Yet each time, I spooned up whites, goo (drum), and some largemouth and spots. I had no luck with a Hopkins type jigging spoon, but they murdered an old 3/4 oz. flutter spoon. As Doug said, it may not be what you're looking for, but it's sure fun while it lasts. It would have been even more fun had I been set up with a spinning rod and a 1/4 oz. Kastmaster spoon with a buck tail. Maybe next time!
  2. Went out yesterday afternoon, to beautiful weather, protected from the East wind! Stumbled across a large school 25' deep. It was the second time in a couple of weeks that I found a school in that spot, and both times, the schools were full of Goo. Fished a 3/4 oz. BPS flutter spoon, and the Goo ate it up, plus White Bass, Largemouth and Kentuckies. Nothing like a mixed bag. I stayed on the school yesterday for about 2 hours, and late, the Largemouth and Kentuckies moved up the slope and hammered a TX rigged Speed Craw. The school was still all over the slope and on bottom when I left. The Whites sure make a mess, spitting up shad, but they stretch your string and are fun to catch!
  3. I don't post often, but enjoy the normal exchange of stories, patterns, etc., in this forum. It seems to me that we should encourage participation by as many as possible, especially from guides, if they're willing to discuss patterns, methods, etc., that allow them to be successful. A little ribbing is normal among fishermen, and differences of opinion about limits, keeping fish, and other topics of interest to bass fishermen, are to be expected. A forum that I follow because of interest in Table Rock Lake is OzarkAnglers.com. Guides and other accomplished fishermen post regularly, and there are differences of opinion expressed often. There are also discussions about methods, baits and tackle, boats and accessories, and a host of other topics. It's good information for a rank amateur like me, and if anyone thinks that discussions about keeping/eating bass is nitpicking, just take a look at similar discussions on that forum. Catt has done a great job of moderating this forum, and we can hope that others will join in, without any of the contributors taking personal shots, on the one hand, or taking offense on the other.
  4. There are a lot of "bald" humps and drops throughout the lake, since the disappearance of deep grass. Discuss the importance of cover on deep structure, when looking for schools of bass. Do the bass still relate to deep structure, even though you can't see cover with your electronics?
  5. To Bass Fanatic, could you tell us more about your electronics? Are you using traditional 2D with downscan and sidescan, or some of the newer technologies? Can you offer any tips for finding deep water schools? Thanks to you and others for continuing to post during this challenging time!
  6. It is tiring, and the fish haven't disappeared. They're just harder to locate and pattern. There's a constant drumbeat, though, from many who insist that the grass has disappeared because of spraying. Others, and I include myself, suggest that cyclical changes, high and off-color water are the culprits. In any event, it's a fine fishery, and we're fortunate to call it our home lake!
  7. i don't question your observation, and it may be true that dead salvinia chokes out other grasses when it sinks to the bottom. The larger question is whether that has any effect at all on the lake as a whole. There are main lake areas that I fish often, such as Tennessee Bay, the Arnold Flats, the Indian Mounds, the Hausen Flats, that once had abundant hydrilla. Some still attribute the loss of hydrilla on main lake flats to spraying, and I'm not aware of any evidence to support that theory.
  8. What grass eradication program? La. DWF sprays for giant salvinia, but my understanding is that it's a contact spray, that kills what it touches, but is harmless once it enters the water column. If anyone is aware of spraying for hydrilla or milfoil, speak up. As many bass anglers as are on Toledo Bend, and with the contacts that many have, it would be impossible to keep it a secret. High water, flood conditions, cyclical changes, see the article in BASSMASTER and you'll know it's not just a local issue.
  9. Good report, Doug. Winter fishing is always hit and miss, but you obviously worked it hard and produced results. Makes me eager to hit the lake!
  10. Did it have the small black stripes across its belly?
  11. Found excellent hydrilla in Six Mile yesterday afternoon. Wish I had gone there earlier. Just caught 3, 2 nice keeps on a Chatterbait over grass. Thinking about going to San Miguel next. I know that there's hydrilla at Blue Lake. Is there any in San Miguel, or on the 1215 flats?
  12. Been travelling since early December, and an looking forward to getting back on the lake after the first of the year. Has anyone been fishing the Tennessee Bay, Lowe's, Indian Mounds area? Happy New Year to everyone. Let's hope we see the return of grass all over the lake this year. Thanks for the quick reply. Wish I could be there, but I'll have to wait a week or two.
  13. Been travelling since early December, and an looking forward to getting back on the lake after the first of the year. Has anyone been fishing the Tennessee Bay, Lowe's, Indian Mounds area? Happy New Year to everyone. Let's hope we see the return of grass all over the lake this year.
  14. Went out on a high pressure day, knowing it would be tough. Fished about 4 hours. Checked several deep drops, including deep flats along the river. Saw a lot of shad balls, but the bass seemed to be suspended away from structure at about 10 ft. deep. A Table Rock guide would wax 'em, but not me. Before I quit, I moved to the back of a small creek, and found them along a sunny bank, just a few feet off the creek, 5-8 feet deep. They wouldn't chase anything I tried, so I went to the last resort--a spinning rod with 10 lb. mono, and an 1/8 oz. shakey head with Zoom finesse. Saved the day! Nothing big, but caught 9 in a short time, and missed a couple. Left them biting for another day.
  15. Anyone spoonin' 'em up yet? Depth?
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