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  1. I am not rich, lures and live bait are not cheap, losing a 10.00 lure, not in my wheelhouse, live bait is sold to bait stores by the pound and 1.00 each to me. I use frozen cubes of instant mash potatoes to lure in small bluegill and try to catch the smaller ones to use as live bait. I have tried using sabiki rigs to catch small bluegill no real luck when you have kids its not easy to get them to stand around for hours and throw lures. I have all the respect in the world for say a Bill Dance and Roland Martin both who I have met since they are in Orlando most of the time now. I get you guys have expensive gear and can afford the box full of lures and 500.00 reels and rods not everyone can but hey we catch and release. My Mom just passed away and left me a small home in a gated community, Florida law states I can fish and chum without a license on private property. I live in a small redneck town so you better to know the law, they are on everyone all the time. Here is a couple from yesterday ...
  2. I have been Bass fishing in Florida ponds for 40 years or more and I am sure this statement will meet with some resistance , Chumming with dead shiners works very well. In small ponds near my home I have landed 12 Bass in 3 days 1.5 - 4.5 LBS easy, the other day it was 101 with the heat index of 126 and yet the Bass were in shallow waters after dead shinners and small amounts of dog food were put in the water. You will see small bluegill come near the shore and why because the small minnows are there as the bluegills come in to grab them, lures are great I am sure. The only issue people fish these ponds for hours and never seem to get a hit yet me and my kids catch one after the other. Chumming works, my little girl caught a 4 pounder in 12 inches of water 2 feet from shore, we catch gar, catfish, snakeheads, 2-pound bluegill and more. It works and after all its about catching the fish right ? not on what you catch them one. Fish On ...
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