Afraid of what? (maybe you were joking) I am concerned that intended or unintended consequences of BPT could wreck what a lot of us like to do on the weekends. If you believe science were the only deal that really mattered, then you must not have looked too deeply into some issues.
(2 examples) Mille Lacs was so loaded with walleyes that the first year the Elite Pros went on stage and said they walleye fishery was amazing, the second year they were told to zip it and not talk about it even though some did. I fished walleye tournaments there for 20 years, been through good and bad times. We have not been allowed to keep any walleyes for the last 3 years even though the lake is LOADED and at one of the highest points in my experience. Not regulated scientifically because of other possibly political issues.
Another example of how things work and progress. I have run a tournament series for several years. 2 years ago we decided we wanted to do the best for the fish (because we love bass and bass fishing tournaments) so we bought bags that had liners and made a rule that fish could only be brought to the scales in our bags. We only passed out 6 bags that had to be shared so there was never a long wait. The new bags allowed for the fish to be out of the water for just moments while it was placed on the scale. This year the DNR adopted our way now and all tournaments are supposed to abide by their new rule. So if you take that real life example of the DNR ruling on weigh bags, and now say that CWR is better for the fish and lake, a person could argue that all tournaments should be CWR. Even though the following question would need to be answered about this renewable resource and who has the right to use it while paying for their license. So.... What takes more fish from a lake, a non tournament person catching a limit and killing them or a 25 team tournament releasing all the fish they weigh in?
I know what I watched....go watch that BTL show and then come back and say he was not slippery, dodging and deflecting questions. Apparently many people who comment on the youtube comments saw the same as I did.