I think it’s a combination of the wide variety of retailers looking for your dollars and the SM content creators looking for your subscriber smash (also dollar-driven) that attempt to make bass fishing more mysterious and specific bait dependent, than it ever was or will ever need to be. Dealing with a lot of young anglers starting off you should hear/see them walking in to a retailer like BP where you can choose from literally thousands of bait/color combos or presentations. They just don’t know where to start. Honestly it is a huge put-off to new anglers as it can be overwhelming and perpetuate this very problem. This thread is exactly why I tell them to start here.
Huge believer that place, time, rate of retrieve/fall/vibration/sound, etc. all come well before matching the hatch.
This week I saw the craziest thing I’ve ever seen fishing; a LM literally crash site and beach itself on to eat a d**n sparrow (it was successful). Basically as said above if a fish is actively feeding and it perceives that food source as able to fit in its mouth I’m convinced there’s not a lot of cognitive processes taking place.
Figuring out the where, when, why and how on any given day you get a chance to be on the water (when they might not be actively feeding) are the real mystery/skill IMO.