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Everything posted by Kev-mo

  1. I brought at least one home with me from camping last week because I found it on my foot the next morning. However it was dead. Either I have toxic blood or it was too weak to really latch on. There was a little mark so I'll be looking for the bullseye or other symptoms. I've rarely encountered them much in the past. Usually covered up in long pants/shirt in the summer when when wet wading. Also try not to do too much bushwhacking too much poison ivy/stinging nettles etc.
  2. Heard on the radio this morning that the Indiana governor declared a state of emergency ahead of the impending masses of people. With that said I'm heading down to southern IL with youngest adult child to view. We're making a weekend out of it, camping etc. Hoping Illinois has their poop together with logistics as they did this in 2017. We'll see how it goes...lol
  3. How much does IPT vary with regard to how much line is on the spool? Is it statistically significant to me as a fisherman? I mean has anyone done any experimentation? To further that how does the manufacture determine IPT? Is it just a formula answer R X I = IPT? Does someone actually measure the IPT at empty, half full and full spool and then take an average. I know, silly questions but still....
  4. So I get the knocker style concept... but like how does it work if you snag the back treble of a 110 on a log? I would also think that a 2 oz. weight crashing into say a 110 bill would eventually break the bill. Am I missing something? Would jiggling maybe eventually knock the back treble in my example? Also I guess the weight is falling through water not air...
  5. I saw one Feb 21 with a couple does
  6. This was funny in my head when I caught this fish cause everything we take ends up in the waste water/rivers. No offense to anyone struggling with weight or diabetes
  7. Other than being on a great national website where you can ask questions and get great feedback like that listed above....listen to the old timers. Best information I've gotten over the years has been from several river rats. The other big thing(s) for me were confidence and success. Success bred confidence and confidence led me to persevere which led to more success.
  8. Just google hazardous waste disposal for your county or state. It doesn't mention gas but here's a start. Altho the first sentence of the second paragraph is a bit concerning... https://mde.maryland.gov/programs/land/recyclingandoperationsprogram/pages/hhw.aspx
  9. To answer your question, I have a Shimano 1001XT and a Daiwa 19 Alphas CT SV70 SHL. The Alpha is noticeably smaller. With that said... as you know the 50 size reels are still a nice small platform! Couple questions for you. Did you pull the trigger on the Avail spool yet? Have been thinking about getting one for myself. Also in reading the specs on that spool... it will hold 55 yards of 20-25 pound test braid (based on mm sizing). So I could maybe get 80 or so yards of 10 pound test braid correct?
  10. Another vote for McCoy. I'll also throw in Sunline Defier Armillo. Smaller diameter per pound test. It's mono but fluoro adjacent so copoly like...?
  11. Most can be used for general fishing applications. You'd only want a bigger reel if you needed capacity for line or maybe technique specific. Also just like anything else we seem to aspire for smaller. I mean the first computer filled up a large room and now everyone carries a computer in their pocket.
  12. I rarely listen to podcasts, but I did listen to Rogan interview Jewel cause my youngest listens to him. Highly recommend checking out the Jewel interview!! I believe this one is 4-5 hours.
  13. I caught a couple river 'winter' smallies slowly dragging/dead sticking a super fluke a few years ago.
  14. No personal experience but have read from others on other forums that they are well liked. Balsa bait like Rapala. I thought they were discontinued...could be wrong
  15. Y'all should check out the cover by Shinedown if you haven't heard it.
  16. And these viper head tri color jigs are available where? Echoing others.. appreciate the history and story!
  17. Primarily wade for smallies and in the last several years added trout. Even tho you already made your purchase, my two cents... I've had 5 different brands of waders. If you bust brush or stress the seams they will leak. My overall favorite brand has been Simms entry level Gore-Tex. Dab of Aquaseal for pinholes and the booties are replaceable. They are more expensive, especially post covid/post inflation. You can either buy once and repair or buy, toss and re-buy, toss. I upsize for layering along with mobility. I haven't gotten more than three years out of a pair of wading boots regardless of brand. I'd have to give the nod to Patagonia for boots.
  18. So..... I snapped a few inches of tip off my St. Croix 6'9" ML Avid EF. Looks they don't make this model in their standard Avid spinning series anymore. However I do see the same rod spec wise in the Avid Panfish line (1/8 -1/2 oz. lure, ML EF). Wonder if it's the same rod?! Per the title I'm wondering if anyone has experience with both these rods. If so I'm wondering how they compare other than the obvious based on specs. The old rod was used as an all purpose rod for river smallies. The new rod would serve the same purpose. The 6'9" ML was a little too light at times. Based on specs the 6'8" M sounds like it would be a better rod for my application. Hoping this will be a warranty thing....does anyone have any other suggestions for an all purpose river rod for smallies from St. Croix? Thanks!
  19. Try it both ways and see what you like better.
  20. I've wondered about this myself over the years and read a thing or three on the topic. I got this fish a couple weeks, water was and is still cold (river smallie). Unfortunately the sun slipped behind a cloud as I was taking the pic so it doesn't capture the full effect. But believe me this fishes whole jaw was lit up like Rudolph's nose. It may be hormonally driven but red blood equals oxygen. Arteries end in capillaries which are closest to the skin. Could the cold water drive the creation of more capillaries around the mouth area? Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen. Maybe the it's got something to do with metabolism? Maybe I'm theorizing out my butt... lol
  21. A-Jay sums it up quite well. My 2 cents....I would consider a finesse reel as one that held less line so something with a shallow spool or a smaller frame reel like a 500-1000 size.
  22. So are the Philippines on always on standard time and on the eastern edge of their time zone?
  23. I mostly river fish (wade, kayak). I was using braid exclusively for about 6-8 years on both baitcaster and spinning. In the last few years I switched back to mono on my M and MH baitcasters. Contemplating switching back the 50 size reel also. Nothing against braid except for the wind knots and its ability to wrap around my rod tip at a moments notice lol. Braid treated me decently, just found I prefer mono for a lot of how I fish.
  24. IL, WI, MI, IN, AR, CO, WY and Ontario. Hoping to add AZ and NM next year.
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