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Everything posted by Kev-mo

  1. Not so much but now I think it should be called "twilight world" due the lighting or rather lack of
  2. I too am missing Defier Armilo... I liked McCoy Mean Green prior to Defier and that's probably what I'll go back to when I run out of Armilo. Might also try Big Game based on feedback on it here.
  3. All things being equal... on a body of water that has big fish, you've done your research etc. I'd say the first big fish is luck and any subsequent large fish start leaning toward the skill side of things. As far as tilting the odds in my favor... timing is the first thing that comes to mind. Rinse and repeat. If I caught big fish on X under Y conditions at Z time of year I will for sure be trying that again. Fish when the fish are more maybe a little less wary pre spawn, post spawn fall feedbag, stained water. Fish when others don't, nighttime, less than ideal weather (while being safe), etc.
  4. Kev-mo


    To add to what @gim said, the virus that's doing the damage is a bit mutated from previous "bird flus". This strain isn't killing the wild birds as quickly as previous strains allowing the sick birds to move around more, even migrate a bit which is causing global problems. This was on the radio the other day. I believe they also mentioned something about 18K seals down in S. America that were dead due the bird flu. Also with this jumping to more species and more birds than "usual" the mutation possibilities goes up. I for sure was skeeved out while wading in December around dead and dying geese. Hopefully we get it sorted......😬
  5. Lots of bugs going around. Could just be a random stomach bug or maybe norovirus. See how you feel in a few days, stay extra hydrated.
  6. Carpe diem (fish humor) a lifetime supply of the old style that you have confidence in!
  7. Since you mention spring skiing I assume you are going when it's still "cold". I was in Zion this past September. The two main hikes are Angels Landing and The Narrows. Plenty of video/pics on the socials. However I question if either of those would be open in the cold months for safety reasons. The park itself isn't huge. If you can drive in, which I think you can in the off months, you can hit all the trail heads. You can also drive through the park. Pretty sure there is some hiking up there (the drive up/thru). The tunnel is really cool. You'd have to check the Zion site and see what's open in the spring/winter.
  8. Check out EGO. They have bags, heads and handles. Altho you'd have to macgyver the connection to your handle if you got a head from them. I'd like to imagine they designed yours so the bag could be replaced..
  9. As a river rat this all solid information! A good rain will also raise the water temp and I believe muddy water warms easier/quicker.
  10. This may been covered but if so I missed it... as the title states any suggestions for a replacement? I saw Northland Tackle and BPS make something similar. Is there anyone else I should be looking at? Thanks!
  11. I fished straight braid (20 lb.) for like 8 years. No perceived issues. The last several years I've played around with leaders, both pre-made (snap/swivel) and just using a section of mono. Two main reasons for switch were line twist (snap swivel) and better abrasion resistance. I've been using 22 pound test mono for a leader which technically exceeds my mainline breaking strength. It's working for me, for now...
  12. Yes 100/200 and yes caught fish. I've had some really good days with them, especially the 100. An old river rat I knew loved Bandits, especially the older ones before they got bought out in 2014. Have you replaced them with something else? Or just not a go to anymore? I'm finding I prefer different size, action etc. crankbaits based on water conditions, time of year. I mean I think we all do that but I'm finding certain lures get bit better at certain times of the year for me.
  13. Anyone have this rod? Thinking about using it for an all purpose river rod. Just wondering what you have to say.. good or bad. Also can you upgrade on a warranty claim if you pay a little extra?
  14. Water resistant... iPhone is fine. Mine (11 pro) has been dunked a few times this year and is fine. Granted it's only been in the water/submerged 5-10 seconds but still... Idk if the GoPro would be good for pics. Idk that much about them but it seems like they are defaulted to a wider angle lens and stuff starts to look fish bowly... What @casts_by_fly said about the Olympus TG series.
  15. A friend bought a new Crosstrek a month or two ago and she loves it. She was driving a Nissan Rogue. Do your research and yeah the disclaimer/a bunch of the stuff MMB said.
  16. Did someone buy Manns? Did I miss something? https://www.mannsbait.com/
  17. I use nitrile gloves down to the low 40's. I think they are 4 mil. Mid to high 30's I need a polypropylene liner underneath. Some solid suggestions above tho, will have to look take a closer look.
  18. Wade/bank/kayak. Crankbait, jerkbait, spinnerbait, swim jig, jig/plastic. Basically the same stuff year round. Just different weights/sizes etc. based on conditions.
  19. I think you need a jig built on a 1/0 hook to stupid rig a 2.75 tube. I've been looking for jighead for 2.5 inch tube and haven't found anything yet.
  20. Thanks. I didn't see much stock domestic or other. And for sure didn't see the color I wanted. Not sure how much that matters but I do have preferences when there are options. The heavy hitter is a different bait correct.
  21. Did the bait monkey send you?!
  22. Was going to suggest the LC 1.5 wake but it seems like they've vanished again... Perhaps look at the LUCKY CRAFT LC 1.5WV? Also the LC 1.5 SSR.
  23. Only fished for them a couple times. The first time (lake) they were blowing up on top. Full size spook took some. Second time (river), I didn't get any but fishing partner got one on a smaller boot tail and ball head jig.
  24. Discovered a French press like 15 or so years ago and never looked back. Probably about the same time I started drinking it black. Prefer a medium roast or light roast. Subjectively I think those have more nuanced notes. A light roast can be a bit acidy for me. I thought Starbucks best coffee was the Ethiopian. The Kenya was okay. There was one more at that time period that was discontinued that I liked. I think that was SB's heyday for coffee varieties. Altho some of their Reserve stuff is quite tasty, especially from their Clover Press. The fresher the roasted beans the better. Burr grinder is a must. A friend recently started roasting/selling coffee. I think he only has one or two roasts. It's good stuff!
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