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Everything posted by Sphynx

  1. Spinnerbait, jig or a T rig, that wood would be awfully hard to pass up, but dropping a t rigged craw/creature along the grass edge ought to produce too, plenty of good choices in water that good looking.
  2. Academy does...lol Also, as a public service announcement, don't be like my now looking for housing room mate and abuse the FEMA process for those affected, there are plenty of folks who legitimately need that help and using this as an excuse to replace appliances that went out before the storm hit is *** and screwing the folks who don't even have homes now, yes that room mate is now looking for new living arrangements.
  3. House survived with minor siding damage, but no glass/roof damage, almost every tree everywhere is toast though, boy howdy that went a lot better than I had any right to hope for. Shoot, LA has gotten mostly a free pass for the last several years, everybody else has been getting it, just our turn this go, somebody gets it every year, we can't let you Floridians have all the fun now can we?
  4. Well, looks like one of the liquor stores got hit real bad near my house, this is definitely not encouraging news
  5. All we can do is wait, though the text from my insurance company I just got is less than comforting...
  6. Yeah, I am 60ish miles north of you Catt, think we're about in for it this year, our relative good luck over the last several years is going to be paid for this time I think, not at all pleased with the development of this storm, or it's chosen path, hope you and others in line end up getting a pass this time
  7. Depends on the presentation, if it's a technique that it really is worth spending money on to buy the good stuff (jerkbaits come to mind here) I do, but there are a whole lot of affordable tackle that catches the crap out of fish (like the Yum dinger) and if I can save some cash I see no reason not too, but I don't think too hard about it, I fish a lot of expensive spinnerbaits, but I also buy my fair share of $1 Walmart ones, they both catch fish.
  8. The bass move with the oxygen in the water, during the heat of summer and the cold of winter the oxygen levels are most stable in deep water, spring and fall bring times that shallow water will hold oxygen better, so these are the times for bank anglers to be most successful, if you have some time you may find researching thermoclines to be instructive, basically explains how and why the o2 content in the water moves to various parts of the water column, the bass will pretty much prefer to spend time in these areas with limited amounts of time spent up shallow feeding during summer (usually in the morning) and even less frequent in my experience in the winter. Also, if you see no evidence of a food source around, there is a very, very good chance the bass aren't going to be there either, find proper water temperature, and baitfish/crawfish, and you'll almost certainly find bass
  9. There are times when making a noisy, obnoxious presentation is advantageous, a lot of topwater presentations are predicated on exactly this, wacky rigged/Texas rigged baits generally speaking are not where I'd try this. Also, the structure/cover/stuff you are fishing around have a lot to do with catching fish, a lot of newer anglers avoid tossing lures etc into the thick gnarly stuff because they don't want to snag, but a lot of times the places you snag a lot are where the fish are, and you just have to eventually resign yourself to occasionally losing lures and hooks if you want to catch bass.
  10. A big part of it is the time of year, there aren't many feeding windows for a bank beater to take advantage of in the heat of summer, this will change as the season transitions and things start to cool down. Also possible is that you've had bites and just missed the signs, they don't always hammer a presentation, often times the only indication you get is your line/lure doing something it just shouldn't do like stopping too early, moving to one side or the other slightly, and they spit it back out before you start your retrieve. Fishing summer and winter from the bank are a real challenge, because the fish aren't going to cooperate and hang out where we can get to them very often, but you'll get one, just stick with it. Those senko's are a good choice, one thing I find helpful over the summer since I haven't got any electronics is dragging a Carolina rig around and mentally napping the areas I think ought to be good fishing, figure out where the hard bottom bits are, where does the grass line start/stop, is there sunken cover or brush piles I can't see that might be worth remembering? If I catch a fish it's just an added bonus, and often times finding a grass line or something will catch a fish, but when the fall or spring rolls back around and the fish start pushing shallow again, you'll have a lot of dead water already eliminated and can focus on higher percentage areas.
  11. Depends if I know the water I'm fishing or not, if I'm fishing my home lake yes I put a bit of a plan together, I generally look at the condition report, water temp, weather etc, and I will focus on the structure and cover I know has held fish before in similar conditions and will often start with baits that have gotten me bit before under like conditions; i.e. if I got bit ferociously on a red lipless during spring last year on a certain grass line, there's a good chance that I'll see if I can replicate the pattern this year, if it isn't working I'll do what I do with lakes I don't know, which is to listen to what "should" work under a given set of conditions and err on the side of a search bait, and try to cover water as quickly as I can to find fish, then slow down and pick areas holding fish apart with finesse/jig/t-rig type stuff
  12. 2lb bass tails sound like a tasty treat for a pike or maybe a big alligator gar, could be turtle bites too I guess.
  13. I have a lot of spinnerbaits in my box, it is a big time confidence bait for me, everything from 1/4oz up to 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 and probably 50 total, each is easy to get to and the dividers have made it super easy to organize by color, from left to right by size, divided by whites, greys/shad, chartreuse, gold, and bluegill colors, freaking amazing how well it works
  14. I have dedicated mine to my lipless cranks, it works a treat, I think I have something on the order of 45ish in there lol
  15. They are undoubtedly expensive, to me it is worth it, I spend at least a third more time fishing than fiddling with tackle using this system, for that reason alone I consider them worth the cost, when you get only a few hours a week to fish, and most of those hours are during arguably the least productive times of the day, that extra time is worth its weight in gold when your catching them.
  16. So I decided this year to get serious about rust prevention and organization for my tackle, not to mention a hefty expansion of tackle in general, a big part of that involved researching the better storage options available today, there were three main competitors and a quick YouTube or Google search will turn them up in a hurry, but due to the combination of features, cost, and the specialized options for certain baits Plano won out, gotta say, this jig box is absolutely great, the terminal box is fantastic, and this spinner/buzz box holds an incredible number of spinnerbaits and it does it neatly so you can actually find your stuff, I wish these boxes had been around years ago, because this stuff is revolutionizing my tackle storage.
  17. Had a bunch of broken Corona bottles and caps, mission tortillas bags, tecate cans and other signs of a party themed after the obvious theme, including a bunch of cigarette butts and other less than hygienic items, plus piles of a heavy monofilament line and hooks, bumper got ripped off my rig yesterday afternoon so I had nothing more productive than to do a courtesy police call around my favorite fishing hole, but the next time I see a party like this going on I will be insisting they clean up after themselves, and I know exactly who is responsible as I saw the party in progress.
  18. Well you are, when they come thundering to the Ford to cross into glorious battle you are expected to be wearing a napoleonic uniform standing behind a cannon, not wearing a sun shirt landing fish with no appreciation for the terrifying sight before you as you calmly head to your next spot...lol
  19. If your having a tough time with the CPS on an elaztech, try heating up the pin with a lighter, not sure why, but it seems to give me less trouble that way
  20. Bit surprising to see smoking pop up so frequently on the list, I smoke a pipe and am rarely (never) without one on me and will frequently stop throughout the day to enjoy a puff and just soak up the scenery around me, I get the cigarette butt littering bit, but I find a person with a poorly maintained motor on a truck or a boat to be a far more obnoxious smell than the smell of tobacco, that is just me though.
  21. Mostly it's already been said, you'll pick up line a bit slower, if your fishing for a living that would bother me a lot, if I'm just out fishing with myself or with buddies (this constitutes 100% of my fishing by the way) it's not really that big of a deal, your supposed to be out there having fun and you can have lots of fun with a frog, or a chatterbait, or a jerkbait, jig of any variety, or any other lure paired with that 5.x:1, I did for years.
  22. The Columbia is an awesome river to fish, it's one of those rivers that as long as you have a way to get out on the water your problem will be trying to eliminate productive looking water, not finding it lol.
  23. I was suffering from a serious bout of buyers remorse for the first couple of weeks this winter after I bought it on sale, ($150ish if I remember correctly, still hardly cheap) and then got a nice clear morning and put it through its paces and it all went away, it's like having a fly vest, a Camelback, and a backpack with all the convenience and way less fussing with things, I'd buy this style of bag again in a minute whenever I wear it out, I also use the fishpond chest packs as a waist pack for trout, the Arroyo and the Waterdance are the two packs I have used and highly recommend for trips to known areas with limited need for gear, they carry plenty of stuff if you know ahead of time what your walking in to, but I wouldn't take those as a first choice if I were exploring new water or had no idea what the fish were likely biting.
  24. You might find some success with a bladed jig, same rules apply though, muddy water/bad visibility they usually get up tight to cover, so flipping a Texas rig into wood or rock piles might work too if you have any
  25. There's times they eat, and times they don't for sure, guess it's the same thing that makes getting up in the middle of the game to go grab a slice of pizza so natural, you wouldn't have wilted away to wait for the bottom of the inning break, but you got up anyway, same thing with fish sometimes, they are hungry and will eat if the opportunity is there, but then you got the times that you can dangle worms or Ripbaits or anything you want in their faces and they just sit there and don't care a bit about it, they probably don't know why anymore than we do, probably why it's so dang hard to figure them out at times
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