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Everything posted by Sphynx

  1. That's a pretty inexpensive fine in the grand scheme of things...I shall resume misspelling words with impunity!
  2. So uh...what's the penalty for using Gen instead of gin? If it's prison where I get three hots and a cot and somebody else has to pay for it...where can I sign up?
  3. This is pretty much where I am at these days, occasionally the topwater rod gets swapped out for a cranking rod at certain times of the year, but a MH/F casting and a finesse spinning combo are the foundation from which everything else works.
  4. Depends on the day for me, there are times I want 6 rods with me to either discover a pattern I haven't figured out yet, or to explore new baits and I want a bunch of different rods and lines to see what I like fishing it on. On the other hand, there are times where I have a pattern already well established, and I can get away with just taking a couple of rods and a couple spare baits/packs of plastics in my pocket or whatever, occasionally I take a couple same/similar rods with different colors or small variations on a presentation simply to make my life more convenient, both ways have a place, I tend to find that the lighter the kit I am carrying is the more likely I am to wander and seek out new spots, big shocker I know. I would say that for an average bank trip, I Cary 3 rods, and a backpack with 5 3600 sized Plano EDGE Flex boxes, a few rolls of various mono/FC leader material, and associated soft plastics, I have found that this system provides a great deal more flexibility than would be immediately obvious, it doesn't give me the ideal situation for a lot of lures, but it's usually "good enough" and will catch fish.
  5. You'd watch a fishing trip end real quick if the cows weren't feeding when grandpa would take us out fishing, "If the cattle ain't feeding neither are the fish boy" I'm not sure if there was a whole lot in it, but he had a lot more years on the water than I do, and I don't remember many trips where we didn't come back with a stringer full of trout, so maybe he was on to something ?
  6. I am constantly going back and forth over whether or not autumn or spring is my favorite time of the year, but the case I make for fall is that more often than not the weather is more agreeable, the scenery is beautiful, at least until towards the end, the pipe tobacco is more flavorful for some reason, there are often less people on the water, (both fishing and other forms of recreation) and the general focus of fish on frenzied feeding for the winter means that you can catch some huge numbers and size of fish...now there are plenty of days where it isn't such great fishing, but because they mostly school up and corral bait it means that the days where you locate them you have some unforgettable experiences especially with regards to numbers, I remember days that I could throw 6 different presentations and it didn't matter at all, they bit every last one of them, jigs, topwaters, crankbaits, spinnerbaits, worms, jerkbaits, paddletails, whatever, they were simply mad with the need to feed, inevitably you end up with some impressive sized fish too, which is also fun. I can definitely say that while it may not be my favorite season with no chancefor debate, it's definitely up there in the top 2.
  7. I use a program called lit photo to compress my photos, it's an extra step perhaps but it gets the job done, if you enjoy seeing fish eating skipped senko's, this time of year is fantastic for frogs, poppers and walking baits, personally I would rather catch fish on a topwater offering all day than any other technique...gets you fish like this guy
  8. That's definitely true, add in a tube and it's almost cheating too
  9. Is it that there's no science, or is it that we simply aren't smart enough to identify the influences and causes that affect bass behavior at this time of year? I personally lean towards the latter option, but it is just possible that some day we might...I also hope that there are some mysteries with regards to fishing that we don't ever solve, the mystery contributes to the fun for me.
  10. Here's the thing about obesity, it's hard to obtain if your exceptionally active, most of the fat fish we catch are the least active fish in the water body, and in order to catch them they have to be willing to expend the energy to attack our lure, and do it before a more active fish decides to do it first, that's before any of the theory about what percentage of the fish are feeding or willing to feed in the first place.
  11. Before or after it gets it's invitation to a Cajun Spa?
  12. I have heard plenty of valid reasons for not fishing in the rain, but the best has to do with rust, it simply is not worth fishing in the rain to me if I do not have weather sealed/rust inhibited boxes to protect my investment. I don't understand the idea of "I don't want to get rained on" by most folks, it's just water in the end, but I certainly can sympathize with the idea that no fish is worth being forced to replace hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of hooks, that's just not smart, it's also why I decided to invest in boxes that provide those benefits to me, it's really not an issue anymore.
  13. I wholly agree with a corporate strategy of CYA in most respects, but it sure would be nice to find a place I could get predictive wind speeds in the Gorge out here, it can get pretty wild
  14. Surely you don't mean he walked away from the majors...you must mean little league or high school or something right? Interestingly enough not only is baseball so hard that the very best players succeed only about 25-30% of the time, it is also the only sport I know of where the defense controls the ball, it's certainly an interesting sport. I see a lot of people seem to focus mainly on the radar aspect of the weather, to me the precipitation and temperatures are far less interesting than wind and such, which is not something that shows up very well on a radar.
  15. A generous interpretation of the seeming contradiction of words and action has a lot to do with the fact that those who study tornadoes are going to have an academic interest and excitement over an opportunity to study one, this is at odds when you earn your bread and cheese by reporting news, where compassion to the suffering of the affected is one of the primary motivations.
  16. Been doing that for years, life is stressful enough without letting the 6 o'clock man say his piece, the weather was the only useful segment anyway
  17. That clubs a mess man, I feel almost as bad for the Baltimore fans as I do for my Mariners and our fans. I don't really mind a bit of rain, cloudy or clear means nothing of consequence to me, but heavy winds and lightning have a pretty big (and negative) impact on my fishing, that's the part that I keep hoping they will get right, the rain is immaterial, I'm not made of sugar.
  18. Well, I checked the weather 90 minutes before I got off work to head to the river, they forecast 9mph wind which isn't exactly great, but it's manageable, by the time I got to the river it had changed to gusts north of 20mph, sustaining high teens, I am nearly certain 90 minutes is within your 24 hour limit, and I'm also pretty sure that a 100+% increase is outside of your general wiggle room theory, the weather man flat out missed today, no two ways about it. Also, as far as petitioning for the weatherman to be removed, I don't happen to have a better solution to replace them with, so as frustrating as it is, 50/50 or whatever it works out to is still better than "no d**n clue at all"
  19. Not really, in the aggregate meteorologists are a fantastic addition to this little experiment we call society and generally contribute far more than they consume, but boy when they get it wrong they sure can smash some hopes and dreams worse than anything but a date with a good looking gal that goes horribly wrong can, ended up dodging two treble hook laden Rat-L-Trap's tonight and packed it in on account of unexpectedly high winds, anybody else familiar with the heartbreak that unexpected weather can cause?
  20. Nothing I know of keeps them pinned quite like an Owner hook for me, but that's only part of the equation, gotta match your rod, and your line to your presentation too, and even when you get all of that right you'll still have a few that get loose on you, I would say that after some rather unscientific testing, I have found that a hook really needs some touching up after somewhere in the 5-10 fish range depending on where in the mouth you hook them, and how much they beat up the still exposed points, but I get a noticeable difference in hookup to land ratio with a hook after about 5-10 fish until I run the points over a diamond stone again.
  21. Jerkbaits tend to be expensive baits both in terms of time and money, more so when you insist on swapping out o-rings and trebles and get everything balanced just so and I hate losing them, I tend to refresh my collection of foul words when a good one goes, made worse this weekend by the same fish taunting me by breaching repeatedly so I had to hear the rattles
  22. This... I think if I was to concentrate on keeping my thumb out of the spool for a few weeks I could break myself of the habit, but I occasionally catch myself doing it, lost 2 jerkbaits this past Sunday because of it too.
  23. An 8lb fish if caught in Oregon is very likely a lake record, they don't often get that big out here, would be great to see a picture!
  24. I'd say a new title is in order for @Bluebasser86 for the remainder of the year, well done!
  25. Definitely not an Angel's fan, but good lord look at Shohei go, not sure I'm ready to agree with some of the "greatest season in the history of baseball" talk I've heard, but he's absolutely having the best individual campaign out of any active player this year, what a year.
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