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Everything posted by Sphynx

  1. I usually don't bother with a trailer on a spinnerbait, and where I typically fish a vibrating jig doesn't work very well for me, I caught no fish on one last year, and only 2-3 the year before, but when I get down south they work great, and I always fish a trailer on every jig, no matter what style
  2. Top 3 most high-risk situations I've been in fishing were the shark that ate a stringer of fish while I was wading in the gulf, the gator who thought I'd make a good snack and rushed me, and the guy who thought that my fishing gear was available and decided to pull a gun to discuss it with me.
  3. Too many variables for me to have a default answer, it pretty much depends on my knowledge of the area, and of what pattern the fish are on, if the area I'm in only has one piece of cover, and I have been catching them right on top of it all day, nah, not going to bother, but if there is multiple pieces of cover, or if a moving bait has worked, I'll probably swim it back swim jig style
  4. I freely confess I had taken it for granted that it was a rubberband...the price and the manufacturer both led me to assume something, this is pretty crazy, a $2.50 spinnerbait that's actually tied...wow
  5. Pretty sure he's talking about the band used to hold the skirt on the spinnerbait
  6. Man...if I didn't know any better I would think I took your lunch money in 3rd grade or something and your wanting revenge...why you gotta be throwing my business out there...they SWORE I'd get to remain anonymous...
  7. That is pretty impressive, I will have to dedicate a few more hours to reaching your level of skill!
  8. I have not enjoyed either the process of trying to learn the FG knot, nor the results I have had from it, entirely possible that I'm just a big dumb Neanderthal and I am tying it wrong, but I have had great success with the GT knot, the usual disclaimers apply when dealing with FC, but it's never broken on me as long as I did my part and it's far less complicated to tie.
  9. Could be a cost thing, I'm not in manufacturing so I couldn't tell you what additional steps (if any) are involved in one method vs. The other outside of the fact that things we uninitiated folks often think seemingly stupid price/time factors are unimportant even though these often generate huge differences in a companies bottom line, but I could believe that the shape might affect how it planes through the water at a given speed...maybe one blows out and runs sideways at a lower speed or something.
  10. You don't have to be such a Debbie Downer man, can't you find a more delicate way to tell me that I am old and slow and luck plays more of a role than I will admit?
  11. Definitely have experienced this myself, last spring I went down to Mitchell Lake on the Coosa with a brother of mine, several of the days this maxim held truth, but a couple of days two things were different, one was the wind was in the west, secondly they were pulling water at the dam...now which one is responsible, or if both are to what degree each factor is responsible, I can't tell you, but we freaking smashed them those days, and we were grinding hard on the days with an east wind
  12. I don't know too many spinnerbaits that aren't a matter of catches away from needing a new skirt, just part of fishing them in my mind, great to hear!
  13. Hmm...probably a war eagle 3/8 or maybe 1/2 oz in the mouse color, if I had to stick to one color blades I'd have to go silver
  14. I definitely have different preferences for cranks and jerkbaits, I'd personally say if you have to pick one of the two setups to spend the bulk of your budget on I'd have to say a jerkbait combo is where I'd do it, you really don't have to have a ton of sensitivity in either technique compared to bottom contact setups, but finding the right crisp tip and forgiving enough backbone to get a nice quick jerk and then a dead stop isn't nearly as easy as finding a rod that will work for cranks, which no matter what I fish them on I never have to guess whether I've been bit or not. I fish a Medium Moderate glass rod for most lipless, and a medium heavy glass for deeper/larger cranks, but I have found I prefer a medium fast for squarebills, mostly because I just prefer the way it casts. Jerkbaits are on an extra fast medium rod, bit shorter so that it's more wieldy in more places and I don't smack it off rocks etc as much
  15. Being a guy who almost exclusively fishes from the bank, usually with poor access due to terrain concerns, it's a good thing that the bass don't read all the forums and books and magazines and watch all the videos that a lot of us do...I'd be in real trouble if they did lol. Nice video and great topic!
  16. I think it's very highly dependent upon the individual in question...fishing for bass is a non-productive use of time in terms of economic benefit for probably like 99.9% of everyone everywhere, so those with the fever and the means/luxury/privilege/insert preferred term here to spend more time pursuing it will probably get more out of it than someone just barely able to afford to live there, if your in a place where you can comfortably afford the expense, the value equation is correct, and you still feel like you have both the time and the energy to take advantage of it, then let the good times roll man.
  17. So, I was in Walmart the other day and I found this guy for something like $2.50, close as I can figure it might just be a strike king or whoever else's spinnerbait with a different brand and reduced price, anybody tried these yet?
  18. I almost always use braid to mono for smallmouth...gotta go with fake news on not being able to catch them on braid...only two techniques I use that aren't some combination of braid to mono are jerkbaits and a cranking setup that are FC
  19. Enjoy the learning process, you'll probably get frustrated a bunch and get caught up in wanting more progress faster, but one day you'll look back fondly at the process and wish you could do it again
  20. I have had several birds do this sort of thing on the Columbia, seagulls, a big pelican, couple of ospreys/hawks, for as many times as they have attacked a crankbait or whatever I am just very, very thankful that they have never succeeded in tangling themselves up in the trebles, I doubt that it would end very well for me, the bird, or the lure.
  21. To begin with, I skunk very seldom, not to say I'm landing monster fish every outing, but it's honestly an unusual event that I don't catch a few fish, next because skunks are uncommon, I tend to be very susceptible to the event, it doesn't make me a poor angler, but it does have a brutal way of telling me "you don't know what you think you do" so I tend to look at them as moments worth serious examination, it's not often kind or gentle, but I almost always learn more from getting skunked that from being successful
  22. I remember a bunch of years doing the Minnesota thing contracted to Menards, I do not remember the winters fondly, and they certainly are not for the frail or weak, I have to say though, there are times that I miss fishing and running around Minnesota and it's neighboring states regularly.
  23. Any jig can be a swim jig, the real reason I buy the officially designated ones is because they tend to be tied with baitfish colored skirts while those colors aren't terribly common among lots of others, it makes no difference at all if you tie your own or are into replacing skirts though.
  24. Depends very heavily upon location, there is a pond at my buddies place in Alabama that we actively manage for a number of species, and occasionally it requires the culling of certain fish at certain times in accordance with the information we have been provided by the company we employ to do our sampling/management program, I don't particularly enjoy it, but then again spending several thousand dollars a year and deliberately torpedoing the program is even less palatable to me. In a public water body or a private one not being actively managed I would not deliberately keep a pregnant female, because I have absolutely no idea what condition the fishery is in.
  25. Never had it so easy I found it discouraging, but I personally would create the world's greatest adventure Indiana Jones style for finding it, first clue in my will, make folks fly all over hell's creation and go delving into many of my favorite haunts to find the next clue etc to get information that valuable, probably culminating in wrestling a cave bear on Kodiak Island or something.
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