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Everything posted by five-bites

  1. The way that knot works passing through the guides doesn’t affect it. Plus it will get no more abuse in a #4 than a #6
  2. I’m using it on two rods I built with #4 guides. One has 30/10lb and the other 50/20lb. The braid is Sunline Siglon which is smaller than usual diameter but still... I use the Jeff Kriet way of tying it. I recommend googling that and giving it a shot. There’s no need in using your teeth lol. I practiced one day until I got it and now I’m good to go. Then I made my kids do the same thing and they have it down also. This guy does it the same way.
  3. I love mine. I plan on adding some pg’s for cranking. As as far as TT reviews, I’ve always respected their opinion. Fact is they generally review quality equipment so why would they give poor ratings? They compare head to head and also aren’t afraid to criticize. I think they use to be more detailed and put more effort in overall but still, they provide a solid review and some objective numbers too.
  4. I’m completely unfamiliar with any of them. Would you say it’s easier to cover water with the cane walker than the showerblows?
  5. Maybe they did it so Scott could have a cool clickbait title? Kidding. But seriously.....
  6. Slow sale week apparently
  7. I throw the academy h20 knockoffs and have had good success. I particularly like the bigger one that is 1.5 styled.
  8. Dangit. Here you go http://www.mudhole.com/MHX-Elite-X-Rod-Blank-NMB873.5 It says one ounce but it’s a stout rod. The 874 might be more up your alley.
  9. MHX is the brand. Here is a link to that exact blank. They make a 4 power also. Mine finished at 3.7oz which isn’t to shabby for a rod with this much power and 7’3” long.
  10. Ouch are they going to take care of you on it? If you’d consider a custom build look into the mhx elite-x 873.5 blank. I just finished mine up and I believe it’s going to be excellent for this technique.
  11. 3/8 would probably be the low end I’d assume. That’s what I used on the curado and it skipped well but I could tell 1/2 would be better.
  12. That’s interesting. The curado does pretty good for skipping. What weight was you using? I wonder if even though the 4 setting has stronger braking it just doesn’t start in as soon as the curado is programmed for?
  13. That’s an interesting idea. I like it.
  14. I’d go option 2 for the rod. Loomis’ actions are always spot on and that’s what I’d use for those techniques. For a reel I’d go sv or Curado/scorpion 71. Any reel with a 1016 spool would work great too.
  15. XF rods are ideal for target casting, pitching, and skipping. So something like a 3/8oz or less jig with 15lb or less line. Maybe a paca craw with 1/4oz weight or so would also be a good choice. It should also be a great finesse jig rod for something like a 5/16oz jewel eakins jig and 10-12lb flouro
  16. I believe that. It’s definitely not my first pic for pitching. I’ve recently started switching to Shimano and the curado/scorpion 71 is going to be my day in day out pitching reels. Also the aldebaran but it might be put on a rod that’s best for 15lb or less.
  17. Well, I’ve been skipping since the old gold chronarch super free. This reel will skip very well. I used a 3/8 jig the other day but I believe a 1/2 would be right in its wheelhouse. It pitches better than I expected but don’t expect something like a finesse jig or senko to cooperate as well pitching.
  18. I almost exclusively use mode 3. Mode 4 works just as advertised for skipping. 3 works too but 4 offers a little more insurance and skipping isn’t for distance anyway. I’ve only tried a stiff 17lb (.015” diameter) fluorocarbon and suspect braid would be better.
  19. I assume you could boil them or use a hairdryer to heat them up. The put a heavy book over them on a flat surface while they cool. Theoretically it would work.
  20. I have had one bad experience but several positive ones. Several times I’ve heard from the dock owner of a big one he saw or caught. One time an owner pointed out a spawning fish in front of the dock. He was crappie fishing that day though and was getting ready to leave. He wished me luck and went back to the house. Anyway the fish was over 4lbs and I was glad to add it to my bag that day. Making small talk helps and having a kid with you also makes a difference lol.
  21. Like has been said, ignore the suggested spool tension setting and this thing works. It skips better than it should imo too.
  22. I’ve bought from Voodoo twice now and have been more than happy with the experience. I will keep on using them for sure.
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