I took one of the generics I had and I felt better within an hour. So I'm back on them, where I should be. Sucks, but I've been doing this for decades and I guess I just have to take this stuff.
I can't stand the way I feel without it. Everybody who knows me would say the same thing....Mike is way better to be around this way.
It's actually ADD for me mainly. I have mild depression as they say, but the ADD is part of why I think.
Whatever though. I've done therapy, I've done it all since 2nd grade. This is nothing new. It isn't "Oh something bad happened yesterday get over it"
I'm a talker (as you can see) so I have no problem talking to a few good friends and my family about my issues. If I get bad I'll see someone.
Still working on healing my arms. I took the week off work. Not fishing. Even taking the photos hurts. Sleeping hurts. Showering. Everything.
Sorry for the previous post it was a bad week. Well, not sorry maybe, but I wish y'all didn't have to see that.
I'm 55 and have been through plenty of crap. Kinda hard not to accept that's part of life. It's okay though, many people don't understand depression.
As for the so-called WWII toughest generation ever example though: Just pull up those bootstraps, let your depression run deep and affect everyone around you, hiding the realities of mental issues for another generation. There was shell shock or PTSD back then too. It affected them deeply and I know first hand (Great Uncle for one).
Maybe I just need a good blood letting.
Yes, more mental health awareness is good
I don't think people are less tough today. Maybe, but they had something important to fight for then. We haven't fought a war we should have been involved in since then, my opinion.
A soldier returning from Vietnam had a different experience upon returning home than our WW2 boys did, for example. Far different. They were called Baby Killers and had little support from home.