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Everything posted by schplurg

  1. I figure fish would treat the moon like the sun....hide more when it's bright, come out more when it's dark. Guess I read it somewhere, maybe here? I have no opinion of my own on this.
  2. I live in a warm climate so I'm sure that's most of the issue. A lot of people have the same issues I do with external batteries. When it's warm out they have problems, like you in Mexico. The outside of the camera near the lens gets up to 130-140 according to my temp gun even in room temperature. Hurts to touch it. I bought a Panasonic Lumix for hiking and maybe fishing, at least on shore, partly for B-roll footage and also whenever I can get away with using it instead of the GoPro. I like the 60x optical zoom and the bokeh effects. It looks great compared to the GoPro, waaay better, but I can't wear it on my head Well....I won't anyways! As for the GoPro maybe I could throw a CPU heat sink on it. Hmm and the fan! Haha. That would look really slick
  3. People do tend to overtighten ratchet straps, but one can learn not to do it. I trust them more than cam ones. I hated them until I figured out how to use them without going crazy. I mean I cut one because I couldn't figure out how to loosen it haha.
  4. If he had more brains there's be no room for the gnats I guess. I've had a few issues with bass boats but none with kayaks (in my yak). What can a kayaker even do to a bass boat or another kayak for that matter? Very very slowly cut them off with their plastic boat? I've seen bass boats buzz by dangerously close to kayaks before, which is kinda impossible in reverse. I've also run into very cool bass boaters. Generally speaking: the bigger the toy the bigger the a-hole [runs for cover] I made that up, it may not be true!
  5. Do you run above 1080p without the cams overheating? Every time I do while using an external battery the cam shuts off after awhile due to heat, or sometimes the video is just corrupt. If I do 1080 it's no problem. I'm using a GP 6 and a 7 and they both do it. I've reformatted and done all the tricks. If I use an internal battery it's no problem. According to GoPro, the shutting down is a feature to protect it. I think it gets hot due to the waterproofing. Anyways I think I remember you having this problem a year or two ago so I'm wondering if you still do? PS I have almost every catch I've made in the past 4 years on video, including PBs. I love 'em.
  6. I'm probably not, I'm kind of an idiot LOL.
  7. I twitch to the side always. Makes no difference in presentation that I can see. The lower the rod the lower the bait should go. Maybe it could go a bit crooked from the side since the rod tip moves laterally a tiny bit? I haven't noticed. Edit: Oh I get it, on a bass boat you kinda have to go up and down cuz you're up higher? Nah that's not true, you could golf it to the side. Thinking out loud
  8. I thought this was all called power fishing? Aggressive fishing is when I shove another angler into the water and steal his spot.
  9. Almost! I have met a few anglers through my Youtube channel. I get a lot of local viewers so it's easier maybe to meet up. I usually fish alone though.
  10. What that had to do with what you quoted from me I do not know but cool yay.
  11. This ^^ Your cheapie stations and your Chevrons are getting their gas from the same source. The additives are the difference. Most people buy the expensive stuff because they think it is better for the engine and will last longer. MPG is not affected. This can all be googled. But how long do most people keep their cars? is it worth the extra money? All gas sold here must meet minimum requirements. Here, the expensive gas is around 50 cents more than the cheap stuff. 30,000 miles a year let's say 22 miles a gallon (example) Let's do $4 a gallon (price doesn't matter in this example). That is 1,363 gallons of gas in a year. Expensive gas = $5542 per year @ 4.00/gal Cheap gas = $4770 per year @ 3.50/gal Difference $771 per year Let's go 10 years = $7,710 Is that extra $7,710 dollars worth it? Depends.... How much would a new engine cost if say you used the cheap gas and it conked out in 10 years? Would you even care to replace it at that point? Will the car be worth more if you sell it used if you tell people you put all that money into the good gas? Probably not. Will it run better when it's time to sell? Perhaps. Will it run $7,700 better? Just thinking out loud. I personally buy the cheapest gas I can find.
  12. I loved my 2000 Tacoma (2x). It was tough for sure. I think anything Toyota is usually a good choice. I could have bought this Toyota with 120K miles, or a Ford Ranger with 60K miles for the same price. Glad I chose the Toyota. Now it's the minivan (Toyota) and I like it even more. It's more practical for me, way better mileage, cheaper, better ride, more secure, and it's my RV sometimes. I don't have the all wheel drive though. And cops ignore me. And I don't beat it up like I did the truck. Great truck though man! If I was gonna buy one I'd get a Tacoma
  13. Question: Has anyone ever noticed a decrease in distance accuracy while wearing polarized glasses? I buy cheap glasses for like $20 so that could be a factor. I find that with them on I'm way more likely to over or undershoot a cast. At least I think so? Maybe they cut out important light that helps me with depth....or maybe I'm overthinking this and I'm just losing my eye sight. I think I'm better without them on but I haven't actually kept track. Maybe it's easier to see the lure up high when they're off and not in the way? Hmmm. I dunno. My Dad says I think too much LOL.
  14. One of my golden rules: Never ever, EVER experiment with your diet while fishing If one doesn't eat hot links and fiery hot burritos normally, the boat is the worst place to give 'er a shot!
  15. Word!!!
  16. Not for money but one of my most fun fishing days ever was me and a friend surf fishing for perch. He caught two right away and bragged so we made it a contest, and of course I had my camera. We ran around that beach, little fun trash talk. He won, 13 - 12.
  17. Free hot tub!
  18. I see some people taking photos of every little fish they catch. If I have my GoPro on then of course every fish gets videoed, but I would only photo or take a screen capture of my favorites. My phone sucks so I never use it. I prefer video anyways My current profile pic to the left is from my GoPro. It's almost always on. I just set the camera on my Dad's boat for that shot and copied a frame from the video. I'd rather have video. I like the hookset, battle, landing, the excitement. Photo shmoto! I guess my criteria though would be anything reasonably close to my PB could get a photo, or any odd catches. I actually have very few photos though, it's all video, and almost every catch over the last 4 years is there.
  19. Anyone who stumbles upon this thread please don't hide your depression. We have a very high suicide rate in this country and the long held stigma of mental illness is a big reason why. This stigma = less funding for mental health issues and less awareness, which in turn leads to more suffering and suicides. The more we accept mental illness the better it is for everyone. You aren't a tough guy for hiding it, you may be making it harder on yourself and everyone who cares about you.
  20. I took one of the generics I had and I felt better within an hour. So I'm back on them, where I should be. Sucks, but I've been doing this for decades and I guess I just have to take this stuff. I can't stand the way I feel without it. Everybody who knows me would say the same thing....Mike is way better to be around this way. It's actually ADD for me mainly. I have mild depression as they say, but the ADD is part of why I think. Whatever though. I've done therapy, I've done it all since 2nd grade. This is nothing new. It isn't "Oh something bad happened yesterday get over it" I'm a talker (as you can see) so I have no problem talking to a few good friends and my family about my issues. If I get bad I'll see someone. Still working on healing my arms. I took the week off work. Not fishing. Even taking the photos hurts. Sleeping hurts. Showering. Everything. Sorry for the previous post it was a bad week. Well, not sorry maybe, but I wish y'all didn't have to see that. I'm 55 and have been through plenty of crap. Kinda hard not to accept that's part of life. It's okay though, many people don't understand depression. As for the so-called WWII toughest generation ever example though: Just pull up those bootstraps, let your depression run deep and affect everyone around you, hiding the realities of mental issues for another generation. There was shell shock or PTSD back then too. It affected them deeply and I know first hand (Great Uncle for one). Maybe I just need a good blood letting. Yes, more mental health awareness is good I don't think people are less tough today. Maybe, but they had something important to fight for then. We haven't fought a war we should have been involved in since then, my opinion. A soldier returning from Vietnam had a different experience upon returning home than our WW2 boys did, for example. Far different. They were called Baby Killers and had little support from home.
  21. I can't think of a good reason to only use a single hook instead of two.
  22. The paddle hook collects grass and gunk. My experience. Especially in the Delta Not all the time but I've never used it to retrieve a bait. Could though one day. I'd rather not have it. I have a Bending Branched fiberglass paddle. Was $90 I think. Couldn't afford carbon just for that extra ounce or whatever. But it doesn't matter now because I have pedals. I use the paddle at the launch ramp, maybe. I really haven't used it in two years. Also, the dummies put the notch on the bottom side of the paddle where it is more likely to snag grass. Brilliant. I have a DIY tiny one-handed paddle for micro adjustments but I don't think I've ever used it. I gotta get the yak back out there.
  23. My Old Town PDL drive floats. Hard to believe and I've never tried it but it's on the website, so score another point for OT. It has 3 lockdowns though so it'd be very hard to lose. I'm sure someone could manage.
  24. I spent almost 20 years on a discussion forum arguing politics, I recently quit. It's a site for critical thinking but I got sucked into politics (which is funny because there is little critical thought in politics ). From my years there it is obvious that many people in this country are politically illiterate, especially compared with people from other countries. They know more about our own system than many of us do. Yes, the state of our country is one of my big concerns now. It's reality, so it's hard to just turn away from it. But I stopped participating in discussions for the most part. No point. @GTN-NY I feel guilty with my kayak not being used. It bugs me. But there are reasons outside my control keeping me from using it as I want. Well that's part of it. The rest is just not really wanting to I guess. Pain changes attitudes. My inability to work, and maybe fish too, is depressing. There's still hope for getting better (my arms). But the health care system takes forever, and quite frankly my doctors suck. My Dad is doing stupid things right now (all I can say here). I can't talk sense into him. I almost did once so I haven't given up. May as well be honest...I stopped taking my meds because I'm sick of the problems with getting them sometimes and I ran out (long story). The generics are sometimes ineffective, it's well documented and known, and FDA doesn't care. I've had bad reactions from them. But I see stopping was a mistake, especially right now. Gonna cough up the cash for the brand name from now on. $1500 in the US vs $100 in Canadian pharmacies. Guess where I'm shopping from now on? And thanks USA for making mental health management so ******* expensive and difficult. Need hardon pills or something to grow hair though? No problem. Cheap and available. Sorry I'm not in a great mood BUT all is not lost! Having fun with the new camera and I'm taking it on a backpacking trip soon. These are photos I took all in San Jose last week. It's juts a $400 camera but it has 60x optical zoom and does 4K video very nicely. Lumix DC-FZ80
  25. I don't know if I can fish anymore. My tendinitis is getting worse, my doctors have misdiagnosed me for a year and a half. I had to tell my boss I can't work right now (computer) and I'm already on temporary workers comp and barely working as it is. So I'm almost 55, can't work or do anything much without pain in my arms. Nothing depressing there LOL. I'm just saying this because I don't know if I'll be hanging around here at BR much. I haven't been anyways. I'm not fishing so not much to say. I want to do more hiking anyways and trout fishing. I haven't enjoyed bass fishing this year much. Kayak just gathers dust. So does my favorite creek now. I have a new camera for hiking so I've been using that every day. At least hiking is mostly legs! I don't look forward to bass fishing these days...the pain is part of it, the crappy fishing here is part of it, but I just don't daydream about it much these days. I daydream about being outside in general, maybe fishing a nice stream, being away from people. I did fish yesterday, but I spent half the time with the new camera. Saw no fish. I am depressed because of all this (and more), so we'll see how I feel later, but for now I dunno.
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