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Everything posted by schplurg

  1. I had a bat fly into my fishing line one night. It's on video - I'm blabbing and suddenly "Ope that bat just flew into my line!" Could feel it. They like to chase baits when they're in the air still. We used to toss rocks in the air at the park when I was a kid to see if the bats would crash into the ground following them (nope).
  2. High schoolers can afford $500 worth of tackle? To answer the last question in the OP, no you shouldn't have just given it to them (you asked!). My opinion. Especially if they came looking to buy in the first place with $500 on hand. I could buy a lot of tackle brand new for $500. I'd look for a different charity case. But that's cool that you are so generous. Seriously.
  3. There is a lesson to be learned here. The large couple didn't go after the chartreuse spinner, male nor female. Hmmm. How fast was the spinner bait woman walking? I literally did laugh out loud at the post above this one, that is flippin' brilliant!
  4. PC. I get claustrophobic or something when I have to do anything in a browser on my phone. Like I wanna kill something after a few minutes. I go to my doctor's office and the gal says "Scan this QR code and fill out the form on your phone please" (every time I go) "How about I tear your nails out one at a time instead?" Too much?
  5. When I heard the guy talking I thought, "That's Koz? He doesn't seem at all like that voice!" Very strange video and funny. There's a video for everything. It did make e laugh!
  6. Wishing you the best, hang in there!
  7. Crank up your subwoofers!
  8. Well said, it truly is. You made me think about that even more. It is a unique thing.
  9. I can cook 12 meals for about $2 each crockin' it. Put em in containers and freeze em. I've made pulled pork but got sick of it. My fav recipe is some form of "Chicken Fiesta". This recipe can be played with, I do it different every time: 2 - 3 pounds of boneless chicken breasts. Cover the bottom of the crock. 2 large cans of pinto beans 3 cans of Rotel diced tomatoes (whichever ones you want) 1 package of fajita spice mix 1 can of corn (optional) some salsa or Tapatio (whatever) maybe a can of diced green chiles. I think that's it. You can add whatever sounds good to you. Cook all day (8 hours) and don't let it boil. Modern crockpots get too hot in my opinion for "safety" reasons. It ruins it. I get 12 individual meals out of it. The juice left at the bottom makes a great spicy soup. The chicken falls apart nicely.
  10. My guess is that the split ring was never installed properly and was waiting to slide out.
  11. They seem to bite anything except what I have with me that day.
  12. Can't think of a bait I wouldn't throw in summer really.
  13. School me, I'm just curious. I often wondered why I couldn't just tilt my downscan upward a bit and shoot it out ahead of me. Okay sure that wouldn't work, not sure why technically though because I don't know anything about this stuff. Why did it take so long to make FFS for fishing? Any thoughts? How is it so much different than downward, to build I mean?
  14. Some of them couldn't dance if you paid 'em too! Squirm around n stuff, sure The girls would often lovingly refer to each other and themselves with a term for a female dog (so did the staff). "Mike call in more ******s there are only 5 of us here today! We're tired!" That job was either very fun or a nightmare depending on the day, nothing in between. I'd never do it again. What were we talking about again?
  15. I never fish on weekends, whether it be local ponds or anywhere else. I don't have to though either. I don't care what the weather, barometer or tarot cards say. Count me out.
  16. Yes you are crazy and I think that's a good thing.
  17. Yes. I have lacked motivation to fish for a few months now. I think it's mainly due to my tendinitis and pain. Not sure but I have not thought or daydreamed of fishing for some months. There are a few other smaller reasons maybe. I hike and backpack and take photos while I do that. I am going to backpack and fish next week I think, but fishing depends on my pain and is not the main reason I am going. I've been photographing wildlife almost every day. I haven't been into bass fishing for months really but I wonder if it's just from pain (and fishing really sucks here). I had an MRI today on my wrist Usually I think about fishing so I don't get claustrophobic. Today I thought about backpacking instead. I always tease that Thoreau was just a crappy fisherman when he said (paraphrased) "people fish their whole lives without realizing it isn't the fish they are after" Now I think he is correct, at least in my case. I like being outdoors the most, I like seeing wildlife. I love animals. The fishing obsession certainly isn't there right now. It's just one reason for me to go outside. And hiking/fishing will probably center around trout. I decided to just go with whatever I want to do and not worry about it.
  18. True to some extent. But I can hike a mile along a rocky creek here to fish and find garbage in a spot I thought I'd just "discovered". I've hiked 2 miles around a lake and see fishing trash all over. It's terrible here. One lake has no nearby parking but it has garbage. However, hikers carry 10 - 40 pounds in a backpack, but they carry the garbage out, including things you wouldn't really want to carry - used toilet paper, or worse. Banana peels. You prepare for that. In fact it would be easier to get away with littering miles out but nobody seems to. It's part of the "sport" maybe. Knowledge of the environment, leaving no trace. It's a big part of it. I have other theories I will keep to myself.
  19. Rain? What is that? I'm in Cali man, we need YOUR rain! Well some of it.
  20. I'll be honest and say I stopped picking up other peoples' trash for the most part. I used to carry an extra bag for it. There's just too much. I gave up with it here in the Bay Area. In fact I rarely fish here at all now anyways. Diapers, beer bottles, corn cans, bass bait packaging too. Diapers are a biohazard, not touching that. However, if I'm hiking/backpacking somewhere and I see something I grab it. Why? Because I rarely see any even on popular day-hike trails. Two pieces of "trash" in 6 months, one a trail map, the other was a tiny piece of blue tape from nearby trail maintenance. It doesn't feel like a lost cause. I think the environment and nature is more central to the hiking community (tree huggers oh no!) because I rarely see trash on trails, even ones that are right next to lakes I fish (Calero Res for example). Shore is littered, trails 100 yards away are pristine. Why? I think more dirtbags fish than hike, short answer. I think people here on the forum, since we are into fishing enough to actually BE on a forum, perhaps we are less prone to littering and more prone to following the laws and giving a dang? We discuss this stuff here at least. A litterer may join the forum, read all the complaints about it and quietly stop doing it. Maybe, I dunno Not many dirtbags here. California is filthy anyways so it ain't fishing that's the problem (not even close don't get me wrong). Just saying I don't see it on the trails even miles out.
  21. Okay I do hate drones for the most part haha and if I saw one while fishing I'd be tempted to ... oh I dunno :-) Do something I shouldn't !? Now let me finish typing my post in the garbage thread!
  22. Well we are talking about using electronics and other gadgetry while fishing so I don't see a problem there.
  23. Are the competitors using them? If so that must be a nightmare. I'd be against it.
  24. As a former gentleman's club manager of five years I will tell you that a smart stripper will gladly accept a roll of quarters if it is not tossed at them. That's 10 bucks and a good stage tip. You wanna look like an arse (and maybe get tossed out), throw single quarters. I don't see it as gambling if you play for money any more than competing in a tournament where you are required to pay to enter. You are one of the participants, not just pulling a lever on a machine spitting out random numbers.
  25. Can you use a drone to find your prey in a hunting tournament, or while hunting at all? In many places that would be illegal. Can I use one in a fishing tournament in lakes where they are otherwise legal? If not, why? There is a point where technology takes away from the sport, according to rules makers. My knee-jerk reaction is to ban FFS, but there is an argument that all sonar should then be banned (or none). I don't have firm stances as I don't tournament fish. Lines must be drawn at some point. My stance on pleasure fishing is that the hunt is half the challenge. That's the "fishing" part, the rest is catching Polarized lenses....hey someone could make an argument I suppose if they wanted to. Has anyone?
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