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Everything posted by schplurg

  1. According to what I just read it takes 1.1 gallons of water per almond (1900 per pound). And amazingly I see new almond orchards all the time, locally and in the central valley. A lot of them. It just boggle$ the mind. But then who can stop them? Is there a cap on almond orchards? Should there be? The agriculture industry uses most of the water. Lawns are a very small percentage. Look at Jackson, Mississippi. Out of water. They saw it coming for many years yet nothing was done. Too much money to be made.
  2. I have a feeling it will be illegal here one day to have a lawn (drought-ridden Cali). It's weird for me seeing this thread. We have a hotline here where you can call and report people for wasting water. not for having a lawn though, not yet. I actually like the new front yards people have made, low water usage stuff. It looks cool. Most people don't even use their lawns for anything. Dogs and cats however love them. Last time I put in a lawn that turned out to be its main use. Funny watching people through my cameras pretending not to notice their dog crapping. Hey dog owners who do this: it's obvious to the rest of us.
  3. Too many to mention. I watch old stuff a lot because the new stuff doesn't interest me, and I've seen everything else! Random "The Monolith Monsters" Ridiculous plot, science fiction. I love how serious these guys took their roles in the science fiction movies! "The rocks seem to grow hundreds of feet tall when wet, to the point that they fall over, breaking into pieces. Then those pieces grow. And they are falling and crashing their way towards town! There has GOT to be a SOLUTION!" "And there's a storm coming!" Cool movie, definitely an original plot.
  4. Lot of people fishing there yesterday. I saw a guy said he caught a 28 pound carp recently. Catches bass sometimes. I know people catch there but I have never seen anyone with a fish on their line, ever, and I walk around the lake pretty often just to get outside. Funny almost everyone was throwing chatterbaits last few times I went which is the only bait I got a blowup on - not even a bite. One time two years ago.
  5. Not sure what you guys are talking about but if you try and generate electricity from pedaling a kayak you will lose energy to charging the battery that would otherwise go to the pedals. On a bike you can coast downhill and generate energy for the battery, at the cost of a little speed. In a kayak, not really. If you can pedal and generate let's say 30 watts, that energy normally all goes to the drive unit. If you want to generate power to the battery though this will come at a cost. Some of your pedaling effort will go to charging the battery rather than propelling the kayak. Just like turning the A/C on in your car. You can gain no additional energy this way. Your 30 watts either goes to the pedals, the battery, or a combination of both. If you want to pedal harder to create the energy I suppose you could do that once your vessel attains hull speed. The excess pedaling power won't make you go faster but it could go to batteries. But you'd be a lot more tired ESPECIALLY at hull speed (all this energy comes from you). You'd probably be better off saving your strength. You can drag a solar panel array behind you, but then you will be using more energy to drag these panels. Energy can only be converted to one form to another, it can't be created from nothing. You probably know that but oh well I'm bored today. Me and my electrician friend went over all this one day. He thought I could generate extra power into a battery. Nope, not without losing it somewhere else. It's called conservation of energy.
  6. I'd say it gets no easier than a popper. Caught my first bass ever on one.
  7. GoPros are also fun for other things. Once you have one you may find many uses for it. And you may want video of your trips too. I don't go with cheaper brands because (I've used a few): - GoPro have the best stabilization I've ever seen. - They have true 4K (some cheap brands fake it but don't advertise that fact) - oh, 4K at 60 FPS btw. Most of the cheapies don't do that. - Provides a good picture and they have a good quality photo sensor. - They are durable. I bought my last 2 GoPros used, much cheaper that way. If you just want photos than I would MAYBE look into a better camera than a GoPro. This just depends on how fussy you are. They do fine for most people, but if I wanted to print and frame shots I personally would get something better, which I have done. Since you are using a 30 year old camera though I think GoPro would be a great step up and you may never need anything else! About my newer camera, I did buy something for "B-roll" footage. You know, zooming into birds or whatever and putting that in the video somewhere. I hate not having a zoom lens. Great for hiking too. It's a Panasonic Lumix DC FX80. Has a 60x optical zoom lens. Let's me get shots I could only dream of before. Both of these shots were from a good distance away. Video looks great too. Camera cost less than a used GoPro (I also bought this one used at BH Photo) I didn't even know these turtles had this much color until I zoomed in. This bird never moved the whole time. He's focused on something.
  8. Temperatures are going up everywhere! By the time you move to Michigan it may be a tropical paradise As much as I want to leave Cali sometimes, I can't really think of anyplace else I want to actually live, regardless of price.
  9. I don't think the bass will have a problem with a day or two of hundred degree heat. I would though!
  10. That's what I've been telling myself. Medical issues, hard times.....my rods are there waiting for me whenever I want them. I don't have to fish constantly to love fishing. I have other things I love doing as well, and that's good because I can't fish at all right now due to arm pain, but I can hike!
  11. What's in your fabric softener? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/greener-laundry/ Does sustained exposure = wearing your clothes? Yikes! They say throwing a tennis ball in the drier softens clothes just as well. I use unscented detergent and never softeners. I don't want to smell like Tide and I don't want those chemicals touching my skin all day. And sure, no biggie it's just clothes right? But add that to the salt and sugar they add to bread and food, all the crap they are allowed to use as fillers and flavor enhancers, then add in whatever else you are exposed to the rest of the day....no it isn't "just clothes".
  12. When I visited my ex-wife's family in Brazil her Mom hung up her clothes. Electricity is too expensive, which is true in other countries as well. You can hang them inside too, many places have space for this in a laundry room (common in Europe). I thought it was cool. One day we hung them in her garden. I also washed my socks on a washboard (first time ever) but I think the washer was full. We are spoiled here, things like gas and electricity are relatively cheap compared to most other countries.
  13. Funny though that after Tiger hit the scene all the other golfers started to workout. They all started driving farther, like Tiger. He brought fitness to the sport. Tiger Woods is arguably (certainly one of) the best golfers that has ever played, and was the most fit golfer I can remember ever seeing at that time. Maybe if Daly wasn't such a fatso and drunk he'd have done better too.
  14. I remember going out to breakfast once and sitting on the patio eating. A guy from England sitting nearby commented more than once to his friend at how huge our portions are in the USA. I looked around and almost everyone was fat. How embarrassing. It is actually difficult sometimes to pick out the healthy food from the junk in this country. So much sugar is added to bread now, and salt. Especially the cheaper food. It should be illegal in some ca$e$. But it's right there on the label! It's all about the money. Some of our food is so bad it's outlawed in some countries. I got a cheesesteak sandwich once and it was almost 4000 MG of sodium, double the daily recommendation! One sandwich! Most people don't bother to check. "It's just a sandwich!" You need to be diligent when you buy food. There is garbage everywhere. Someone told me once, "This bread is enriched which means it's better!" No, it's the opposite! It was stripped of all nutrients during manufacturing and had to be added back in! That is not a good way to make bread. The average American is not going to work off that 750 calorie cheeseburger, let alone the fries and the sugary drink. That's also part of it...laziness, both in physical workouts AND in food purchasing and preparation. It's your body maybe make it more of a priority. We all know the starting lineup of our favorite teams, but do we know how many calories we eat each day? Do we realize how much poison we put into our bodies while we pay extra for the "good gas" in our trucks? My Gramma used to tell me to finish my food so I could be in the Clean Plate Club. Great way to make people fat, Gramma! It isn't just about being fat either. Hypertension/sodium is a big killer here. You wanna lose wight quickly? Go vegan or plant based. I know zero overweight vegans. Underweight, maybe.
  15. Screenshot from a video Wilder Ranch State Park, near Santa Cruz Cali: These guys were way over 150 yards away from me. I just have a Lumix DC FZ80. Cheap cam with a decent zoom lens. Full video of the hike if anyone cares (one of my better videos):
  16. In portrait mode!? Arrg!!!!
  17. I got the Fuego CT and a Fenwick HMG rod for $200. Best combo I have. I would not pay more for the Tatula I think the T-wing is a gimmick. "Solves an age old problem" that never existed.
  18. Spinning reels are the ones where the spool doesn't actually spin, correct? And baitcasters cast bait, which is something a spinning reel can also do, and actually do spin? Are there casting reels that aren't for casting bait? I'm so confused.
  19. No. If I could "go back" and change things fishing would be far down on that list. I have enough regrets without adding fishing to the mix. Fishing is fun.
  20. Dry needling sounds like 100% bull excrement to me. I guarantee you without even looking that it has not been peer reviewed and that there is nothing at all in the way of science to explain why or how it works. Same as acupuncture. Okay I looked it up and I was right. It is actually WORSE than a placebo (doing nothing)! https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/dry-needling/#:~:text=It was actually worse than,range of motion%2C or strength.
  21. Understatement of the century. One day me and my sister watched Youtube videos of many of these young country twangers talking without their phony accents. You can't get a recording deal in that business without one. They all sound like the generic fake country accent I can do at a moment's notice. "Well by golly ain't that a hoot! Y'all 'er so funny!" See! Easy. However! I will say that country music is at least not vulgar like some other junk I've heard. They pretty much keep it clean which I can respect.
  22. Sort of... Translation: "If I was as inconsistent a golfer as you and as sadly out of shape I might as well drink myself silly too." I remember when Daly won his first major. His gigantic backswing was the biggest story. Really he is nothing special in my opinion, but I do like him.
  23. I manage it by not making my work or career my top priority. Took me many years to realize, but I see no gain at slaving away all my best years so that I can die in comfort. I'm not a big consumer, I am happy with a cheaper phone for instance. I love to hike and fish and be outdoors - I am just now figuring out how I really want to live. The rat race has no part in the rest of my short existence here. But that's just me.
  24. The propeller is tiny, I think less than 6 inches. I think the battery is small and the price is insane at around $1800. Interesting idea but I wonder about the thrust. It's 16v. Spec sheet (not much there) photo of the motor looks tiny: https://texaspowerpaddle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Texas-Power-Paddle-Spec-Sheet-2021.pdf
  25. No oil changes, no blown head gaskets, no buying oil from disgusting dictatorships, no smell, can haul and launch a boat, no smog inspections, higher resale value, fast....no wonder my Dad complains about electric vehicles! His main complaint is the range, but they will be able to go much farther on a charge in a few years. I think Tesla (maybe another company) claims 700 miles soon. "I can only go 300 miles on a charge!" "Dad, you'd need a nap anyways after 220 or so "
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