I remember going out to breakfast once and sitting on the patio eating. A guy from England sitting nearby commented more than once to his friend at how huge our portions are in the USA. I looked around and almost everyone was fat. How embarrassing.
It is actually difficult sometimes to pick out the healthy food from the junk in this country. So much sugar is added to bread now, and salt. Especially the cheaper food. It should be illegal in some ca$e$. But it's right there on the label!
It's all about the money. Some of our food is so bad it's outlawed in some countries.
I got a cheesesteak sandwich once and it was almost 4000 MG of sodium, double the daily recommendation! One sandwich! Most people don't bother to check. "It's just a sandwich!"
You need to be diligent when you buy food. There is garbage everywhere. Someone told me once, "This bread is enriched which means it's better!" No, it's the opposite! It was stripped of all nutrients during manufacturing and had to be added back in! That is not a good way to make bread.
The average American is not going to work off that 750 calorie cheeseburger, let alone the fries and the sugary drink. That's also part of it...laziness, both in physical workouts AND in food purchasing and preparation.
It's your body maybe make it more of a priority. We all know the starting lineup of our favorite teams, but do we know how many calories we eat each day? Do we realize how much poison we put into our bodies while we pay extra for the "good gas" in our trucks?
My Gramma used to tell me to finish my food so I could be in the Clean Plate Club. Great way to make people fat, Gramma!
It isn't just about being fat either. Hypertension/sodium is a big killer here.
You wanna lose wight quickly? Go vegan or plant based. I know zero overweight vegans. Underweight, maybe.