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Everything posted by schplurg

  1. Only an idiot leaves a gun in an unattended car, period. How do people think all these illegal guns get on the street? They are stolen from irresponsible gun owners, mainly from their homes and cars. What a scared punch of pansies.
  2. Take "grain-free" diets with a grain of salt, pun intended. If you have ciliac disease then maybe avoiding grains and certain food is a good idea. Most people do not though and a grain-free diet will not really benefit them. Gluten Free is largely a sales gimmick for most of us. For most people the problem is with processed grain which can cause issues for people without celiac disease. If you think you are eating healthy bread because it says "wheat" on the package think again. If it is processed grain then the nutritious parts have been removed during manufacturing. Processed grains may prevent other nutrients from being digested properly. Experts always say not to eat processed foods and this is one of them. Look at "enriched" bread as an example, which is bread that the nutrients have been added back into after being stripped during processing. People think "enriched" means that it's better. It's really the opposite! I'd post links but just Google it if you really want to know. I'll bet the meat and dairy industry has nothing to do with pushing their products with this fad: - "Beef, it's what's for dinner" brought to you by the beef industry. - Ads telling you that milk and eggs are so healthy "brought to you by the dairy council" - "Oil is good, electricity is bad!" guess who. $$$$$$$. "Milk is for babies, men drink beer" - Ahnold Schwarzzzwhatshisname He's right about milk.
  3. I'd be interested in seeing how you set up the Dirigo to fish from if you have any photos. Curious. If you are okay with fishing out of that (you already like kayak fishing) then a sit on top sounds like a good move. My first yak was a used WS Ride 115 with a paddle. Was $500. Of course soon after that I learned that I don't like using a paddle much and bought a pedal drive yak. I'd buy used if I could.
  4. There's form and then there's style....and then there is this...
  5. 3-4 am. Pretty much whenever I feel like it.
  6. I like to have about $100 cash in my wallet. I don't like to have zero cash, though sometimes I do. Sometimes the credit machine at the store doesn't work. Some places charge extra for using a card if you don't buy enough stuff. Some gas stations give a cash discount (haha yes saving $0.10 on a $6 gallon of gas is real enticing!). Hookers, drug dealers, bribing judges, throwing money at strippers. Cash is still useful!
  7. But it's too late by then...the money's gone!
  8. Quakes don't phase me anymore. I think you are safer in the house than running outside, depending. Windows can break and things can get thrown around in the house (as well as cars outside) but houses in Cali don't usually collapse. It is actually rare that I feel a quake. Not sure if I'm used to it or just not very observant. I was supposed to be at the World Series that day but couldn't go. Would have been a trip for sure.
  9. That's mine and it works great. I found the thin piece of plastic laying around. Didn't care what it was. Cut and painted it, used hinges and small bolts with nuts. The crate can take it no problem. It has held together several years. Get creative. I made a latch for it with StarBoard, same with the mounts for the rod holders.
  10. PVC, a drill, a router, a few small nuts and bolts, and a heat source and wine bottle to make the flared end. $3 dollars each. but if you wanted to do this you wouldn't have bought a Hobie I guess.
  11. If they wanted to be here I'm sure they could join any time they wished. If they have not done so then they really do not wish to be here and I say no, but thanks. I was going to jokingly say pay Tom or Catt instead, but you don't have to. That's my point and that is what I prefer. The pros probably lurk here and use our info anyways I mean come on, does nobody here realize that Darth-Baiter is just B-Lat in disguise? Pros ain't all that. Example: speaking of B-Lat, I subscribed to his Youtube channel for a bit. I got tired of seeing his (adorable) 2 year old son running around freely on the boat deck with no PFD on a cold windy choppy day while Dad ignored him to make his video. It really bummed me out, so no I don't think the pros have anything more to offer than the people already here. My 2 cents.
  12. Most of those are not facts. I can swallow as many times as I want. I just did 6. Who came up with that one? Geez. And I have a dry mouth right now, just did it again 6 more times. My friend used to swallow mouthfuls of air so he could belch. Myth busted. I just touched my right shoulder with my right palm and can also do it even easier with my left side. Busted. Many things people consider as factual are not. Remember back when a bee couldn't mathematically fly? Sorry, they can. It is the responsibility of the person making the claim to provide evidence for that claim. A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and should be. Maybe it seems like I take this too seriously but when people are conditioned to believe things without thinking them through, without even the tiniest effort at skepticism, we end up where we are today in this country. It is a gigantic problem. Fact: It is very difficult to reason a person out of a belief they didn't reason themselves into. Very frustrating times.
  13. To bust a myth, here is a list of the most dangerous jobs in the USA. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states
  14. I have no words, so sorry to hear this, A-Jay.
  15. Can't think of anything specific. My goal has always been to enjoy life as much as possible while working as less as possible to do it.
  16. Ya and the horseless carriage will never catch on either. Oil will always be in large supply, right? It's only going to get more expensive. https://getoptiwatt.com/blog/how-long-will-your-tesla-battery-really-last The claim is that Tesla batteries can go between 300,000 and 500,000 miles. The motors last even longer and the cars hold their value much better than other cars. Sure a few cars have caught fire here and there. Good thing that never happens with gas engines! I mean how could it? My Dad is the same way though. "Electric cars never happen bla bla bla". Everything he claims about them is wrong. Wave of the future folks.
  17. I'd recommend something breathable like the rest of your seat probably is. Or a taller seat if possible. They make risers for mine.
  18. Where I live renting a boat costs hundreds per day. Lake Del Valle Regular 14′3 boat all day $130 Deluxe Boat all day $285
  19. Gee how efficient, a trailer with a motor that needs fuel! And a battery, and the ability to steer, and.....that's @#$&% stupid. It's practically required to be another vehicle. And somewhat autonomou$$$$$$. I was hiking a local trail that passes a golf course a few weeks ago (one of my regular routes). Saw a guy with one of those golf bag carts that follow you. He heard me laughing at him from up on the hill. I'm gonna bring an air horn one day. Ya ya I know. Those carts have been around for a long time actually but I couldn't resist. Random trivia: Most common sound I hear when I hike by the golf course is "tink" then "$%^#$^&!!!!"
  20. Bass Resource is that fast track! Years ago you'd need books, a magazine subscription or three, friends that lie about how good they fish (which wastes even more of your time), and maybe an uncle who could show you some things. Now we have Uncle Glenn! Seriously, this site has all the info you need, videos, write-ups, Tom, Catt....me. No just kidding about me. You have arrived.
  21. We need the water to fight the fires!
  22. I just shook my head when I was on a hiking trail recently and saw two fat kids ride by on electric bikes. I'd buy my overweight kid (if I had one) an electric bike but I'd disconnect all the batteries and make him pedal that super heavy thing around. "It IS working just keep going!" So glad I grew up when I did. A bike was freedom, parents wanted you to play outside, front lawns were actually used, scooters required human power to operate. You didn't need a playdate, omg. You'd walk down the street and knock on the door, "Can John play?" The fat kid in school was "the" fat kid, because there were not many of them. Now? Git off my lawn, ya ya. But seriously, what a difference. Rant over.
  23. I don't know anyone else who has heard of it. I saw it on Amazon Prime. I think I looked up old sci-fi movies and it was suggested. I can't remember the names of most. I think it's cool seeing how they, for instance, imagined how a spaceship could land on the moon without it happening in real life yet, exiting the ship, re-launching to get home. How the suits might work. Some of it is hilarious nowadays while some of it was pretty spot-on. The original Invasion Of The Body Snatchers was really good, probably already mentioned. OP: Check out the original radio broadcast of War of The World's if you've never heard it.
  24. These turtles are all over California but are not native here. It's called a Red-Eared Slider. Owning a turtle won't make it grow a red stripe if that's what you meant. Not sure what you read. https://animals.mom.com/types-turtles-red-stripes-head-7281.html https://wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/Invasives/Species/Redeared-Slider These are commonly kept as pets so maybe that's the confusion. Western Pond Turtles, the only real "native" of Cali, isn't as colorful.
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