So I’ve searched a lot on this topic in this forum and on others and I’m hoping for some more specific responses than what I’ve found.
I bought a new jig setup, a 7’4” mh/f with an 8.0:1 reel. I do not want to use fluorocarbon because I hate tying knots with it. And I’ve used braid with leader and I feel like I don’t get good sensitivity with semi-slack line, so I would end up watching my line to detect strikes. I’m starting to go to mono on a lot of my setups and I like maxima ultra green and berkley trilene. I’m looking to use 15# or .015 diameter line. I know a lot of you on here recommend big game but Walmart was out of that so I have a spool of maxima ultra green 15# and a spool of trilene xl in the clear fluorescent blue in 17#, both are .015. I’ve had good experience with the maxima for sensitivity and the color matches my local lakes water very well, but I’ve also had good experiences with the blue trilene xl in 8# fishing the ned rig and liked it for line watching and had no issues in clear water lakes.
My question is will I be handicapping myself using the trilene xl vs the maxima as far as abrasion resistance and strength goes or maybe less sensitivity? Will they be similar being the same diameter? I know maxima is plenty strong, but does the xl’s manageability make it not as strong?
My thoughts are that I can’t go wrong with the maxima but I’d like the ease of line watching with the XL and I could try the XL first since it’s cheaper and go to maxima if I don’t like it but thought I’d ask here first before spooling it up.
Sorry, long-winded, but thanks in advance.